In the current era of supernatural powers, with the influx of spiritual energy, the battlefield of all races has officially opened, and the number of human superhuman awakened people has increased from 15% to 65%.

Therefore, various abilities appeared, such as mechanical body, extreme speed, deformation and heavy punches, etc. After that, all countries in the world unified the types and levels of abilities, and the recognized strongest attribute abilities were elemental talents/metal, wood, water and fire. earth.

There are even more terrifying special talent abilities, such as time acceleration, retrospective time, and psychic induction are extremely powerful talents, but there may be one person with this kind of million abilities, so it has not been recorded.

Among them, the beast tamer ability is very common, mainly using mental power to tame simple mutated animals, such as mutated sheep, mutated cattle, etc., but mutated beasts outside the wilderness cannot be controlled at all, because this kind of mutated beast has terrifying mental power, so taming Beast Master abilities belong to the lower abilities,


In his previous life, Nan Ziying was a person without abilities. He studied these five talents for ten years, because he was the greatest tactical planner in the battlefield of all races.

So in his previous life, he frantically arranged these five talent trees in his body. He originally waited for the five major systems to explode into an A-level powerhouse, but ended up fighting to the death on the bone island.

It's only been 10 years for Ten Thousand Clans, Nan Ziying doesn't want to become an A-level powerhouse, he'll just be a dead bone after all, he wants to reach MAX with the five mutant talent trees, and truly change the battle of Ten Thousand Clans!

Time is fate, maybe this will be my only chance.

Now, before Nan Ziying's eyes, the talent tree was not lit up, but the basic parameters were clearly displayed.

[Variation Beast Taming Talent Tree]: Consume the power of source stones to tame mutant beasts. There is no limit to the number. Savage beliefs can be tamed, and contracts can be enforced.

[Beast Taming Origin Stone: 0]: Note, one Beast Taming Origin Stone can contract one mutant beast.

[Beast Tamer Level: Pseudo-Ten Level] The improvement of the animal trainer level is related to the number of animal tamers. The more animal tamer contracts, the higher the level.

Origin stones are mutated beasts, alien races, and even supernatural beings have origin stones in their bodies. Origin stones represent the life activity of a species, and even the weakest mutated poultry have origin stones in their bodies.

Next, a lot of source stones are needed to upgrade the beast tamer. In short, the more source stones there are, the more mutant beasts can be domesticated.


So how to get the origin stone?

battlefield of all races,

bare bones wilderness,

black market,

There is another way, that is to stay behind, choose the butcher profession, mainly slaughter mutated poultry, each poultry carries source stones, but the energy is extremely low, no one cares, but for Nan Ziying, it is an excellent source stone for strengthening .

Moreover, the number of slaughtered mutated poultry reached tens of thousands per day in a single Ye City, which also represented tens of thousands of origin stone points, and also represented tens of thousands of mutated beasts that could be contracted every day!

Only by domesticating hundreds of millions of mutated beasts and becoming one's first hole card can one be qualified to participate in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Getting up now, Nan Ziying bought two buns at random in the morning, and then walked towards the Yecheng City Hall. He was wearing a black peaked cap, and the white school uniform had been thrown away. Like night.

The tens of thousands of races are fighting on the battlefield, and the rear is also under great pressure. Because a large number of young and middle-aged people are transferred to the battlefield, the major factories in the rear must supply supplies normally, so many women, children and girls have begun to support the industrial and agricultural system in the rear.

Now in the municipal building, there is a banner - [Yecheng Agriculture, Industrial Emergency Allocation, There are quite a few academics, managers can register]

Simple registration, the guard at the door is a female soldier, she gave Nan Ziying a weird look, as if curious, a healthy man would stay behind.

Nan Ziying didn't care, just walked into the hall silently. In the hall, the mayor Zhang Hai was speaking.

"Whoever wants to be the director of the drinking water factory in Yecheng will be responsible for 5,000 barrels of drinking water every day to support the front line." Zhang Hai said,

"I am willing. I am Chen Mei from the Department of Business Administration of Yecheng Agricultural University!" A 30-year-old woman stood up. She was very thin, but she stood upright. The front was fighting, and the woman behind was unwilling to lag behind.

Then she started to register,

"Yecheng Portable Energy Supplement Potion needs to be tested on human beings, and needs a job as the director of a pharmaceutical factory. Is there anyone willing?" Zhang Hai asked again.

"I, Yecheng Medical University, graduated from Wanzu in 2005, Zhang Lianyi." A 20-year-old girl said, wearing highly myopic glasses.

Next, occupational divisions appeared one by one, all about the basic people's livelihood, learning, factories, material supply and other occupations.

Until Zhang Hai spoke again.

"The director of Yecheng Slaughterhouse is in charge of cutting and processing tens of thousands of mutated poultry every day, and transporting food for the front line. Because the mutated poultry is fierce, it needs to be cut manually with an alloy long knife, which requires a strong mentality. Is anyone willing to recommend himself?" Mayor Zhang, Zhang Hai spoke again, this time he didn't have much hope, because of the special nature of this profession, many women dare not touch it.

"I do!"

"Yecheng University of Technology, Nan Ziying."

Seeing this post, Nan Ziying stood up decisively.

At this moment, many women looked at him with strange expressions. As people from Yecheng, almost all of them have watched the news video of him refusing to join the army.

Some girls began to whisper quietly.

"Is he trying to make up for it? What's the use of making up for not going to the battlefield!" Chen Mei couldn't help but look disappointed.

"Hiding in the back, staying behind, even if you become a slaughterhouse factory manager, so what. A real man went to the front line to be a combat soldier. If I were a man, I would go by myself!" Zhang Lianyi, a doctor of medicine, also spoke, but she did not suppress it. voice, but calmly.

Mayor Zhang Hai was also taken aback for a moment, but he still looked at Nan Ziying with complicated eyes, and then nodded.

Nan Ziying registered, then got the certificate, and then left. He didn't speak or explain from the beginning to the end. When he was leaving, everyone only saw that he was dressed in black, but his back was straight, as if he never wanted to bend.

In the venue, there were quite a few girls who were talking disdainfully.

"My boyfriend has already gone to the war, but he is still hiding in the rear as a logistics unit. Doesn't he know what it means after the loss of the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield?"

"He should want to make it up, but he's not qualified to make it up." Zhang Lianyi sighed, then shook his head.

But no one saw it, Nan Ziying was dressed in black, as if blending with the darkness...

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