Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

6. Facing Millions Of People, 30 Million Undead, Gathered In The World, Everyone Is A Devil!

In the light of the moon, Baiji Mountain is huge, about a thousand miles high, and the shape of the mountain is like a gourd.

On the mountain range, there are hundreds of evil cultivators, resentful spirit talents, talents that are not recognized by supernatural organizations, and some of them will brutally degenerate into evil cultivators, relying on the blood energy of others for their practice.

Mighty, like the sound of the wind.

Level 2 evil spirit talent Xiexiu, Chen Wen, who looks like a gentle gentleman, actually has the evil spirit behind him, full of innocent souls roaring, stretching his hands, enjoying the rich spirit of Lingshan.

And at the entrance to the mountain, the bones of dozens of ancient families lay here.



There was a burst of footsteps without any cover, hundreds of evil cultivators, Chen Wen took the lead, and then he watched indifferently, staring at the coming person with blood-red eyes.

A person, wearing a dark Wukong mask, tall and straight, Nan Ziying turned on the screen receiver,

At this moment, Yecheng TV broadcasted it, and then Qiucheng, Gancheng, Wancheng, Wancheng, and Tianzuocheng TV broadcasted it simultaneously.

Chen Guo, director of Yecheng Radio Station, stared blankly: "What the hell are you going to do here?"

Nearly 8 million people in ten cities can see it, some in front of computers and tablets, as if they feel something.

"What are you going to do? Shura, the Tianjiao of the Northwest, has appeared again!"

"As long as Shura appears, it will shock people."

The people are talking.

And at that time,

The evil cultivator Chen Wen recognized him instantly, he was terrified, before he had time to escape, a blast of evil spirit directly swept across the sky, and the evil energy of hundreds of evil cultivators fused together, but when they encountered the evil energy of Shura, they instantly collapsed and were killed instantly.

Then Nan Ziying paced back and forth, the screen receiver reached the top of the mountain, and on the top of the mountain, he let out a long dragon chant!



Demonic energy surged, and then holding a knife, Shura carved huge characters on the mountain pass again.

【Tang Mo Knife Mountain】

Then the signal receiver was turned off, the picture disappeared, and millions of people were stunned, still in a daze.

Boom boom boom!

Tens of thousands of Bone Mo sword soldiers formed a military system. Batch after batch began to station and entered Tangmo Dao Mountain. Then the surging bones dug into the ground and penetrated into the ground. Spiritual energy, at this moment, only one-third of the northwest is covered by a wave of undead air!

The first step of resonance talent, Qi!

Then Nan Ziying went to the Qin Mausoleum, standing here again, he only has the war song to call!

Do you say no clothes? Same robe with the son.

Wang Yuxing master, repaired 973 my spear. Enmity with the son!

The undead talent tree is calling, revived, and there is a terrifying cracking sound,

In the Qin Mausoleum, a soldier holding a bronze long sword walked out of the ground, extremely ferocious, hot flames erupted from the white bones, extremely ferocious,

Thousands of undead soldiers holding bronze long swords, spears, and giant crossbows roared to the sky, roaring towards the sky, making hoarse, crumbling sounds, terrifying, frightening, powerful, and unrivaled.

In the Qin Mausoleum, the underground palace was split open, and batches of bones of Qin Han soldiers walked out.

Another monster who is close to 1.9 meters, huge, holding a rotten long knife, the armor of his body has already cracked, his body is too terrifying, huge and tall, with endless flames in his eyes

[Magic General/Meng Tian: Respecting the king in half a step, good at deploying formations, and killing on a large scale]

There are also demon generals Meng Yi, Wang Jian, etc. who were torn from the ground and gathered in the underground palace to form the ferocious army.

The ancient undead generals of the Qin Dynasty gathered again.

bang bang!

The underground palace was completely cracked, and inside a huge coffin of extreme white jade, a huge skeleton fused, purple flames radiated from the head, and the thousand-year-old robe was also shattered.

[Emperor of Bones/Ancestral Dragon: Respected king level, good at leading the formation and destroying]

Tens of millions again, Zulong sings generously, his killing spirit rushes into the sky, and then Nan Ziying leads the team, it is already midnight, the sound of tens of millions of terrifying bones moving, illuminates the depths of the restricted area place.

Qiuyue Mountain, a spiritual mountain on the border of Baigutang in the northwest.

Now it is occupied by the ancient Huang family, and now on the top of the mountain, there are Tianjiao of the Huang family, Huang Ziyao, a half-step respected king and a strong man of the gold family. Behind him, there is an old housekeeper whispering,

"Young Master Yao, the patriarch has ordered you to evacuate."

"The group of evil cultivators in Baiji Mountain were killed by Shura, or Shura was cleaning up the Lingshan Mountain in the northwest, and the five Tianjiao in the northwest are too terrifying and should not be provoked."

The old housekeeper spoke.

"So what about the five heavenly prides!"

"Lingshan is a thing without an owner, so it is accurate.

"I am a half-step respected king, so what about the Northwest Tianjiao!"

The Huang family, one of the oldest fourteen clans with the surname Ying, one of the ancient inheritance families, the main family is mostly meritorious, the defense technique of the metal system, and the new talent of the wood system, it is amazing, (Cbeg)

Now, Huang Ziyao, with his hands behind his back and wearing an ancient yellow robe, is on the top of the mountain, exuding a magnificent and unparalleled aura.

but now!

The face of the housekeeper next to him began to change, and he pointed at the foot of the mountain with trembling hands. Millions of will-o'-the-wisps, with the power of countless lifetimes, were shining hotly, covering the hillside fiercely.

There are too many, almost reaching hundreds of miles, covering the depths of the Baigutang Plain.

"what is this!"

The old housekeeper was horrified. As a level 1 gold talent, he watched almost in despair.

The number is too great,

"Aura of the Undead!"

Huang Ziyao's complexion changed. He raised the sword with one hand, and his body began to transform. The skin of his whole body turned golden, with the ultimate defense and the ultimate explosion.

But as the terrifying will-o'-the-wisp moved closer, he could clearly see the picture in front of him.

A masked man in a red robe exuded a monstrous aura of undead. His speed was so fast that the army behind him formed like a mountain and sea. .

"Asura appeared in Baiji Mountain, and the undead Tianjiao appeared in Qiuyue Mountain, damn the mysterious Tianjiao in the Northwest!"

Huang Ziyao growled, now he only felt depression and fear.

Too much,

As the undead came, a bone demon general charged towards the top of the mountain with a rotten long knife, and a female bone undead with bones like jade rushed forward, holding a spear.

Then came thousands of spears in hand.

At that time, Nan Ziying turned on the picture receiver again.


The screen receiver was turned on again. At this moment, in the ten cities in the northwest, although it was midnight, there were still many people waiting for the name of Tianjiao in the Northwest.


In Yecheng, in the office of the director of the pharmaceutical factory, Chen Lianyi looked tremblingly, wanting to find that nightmare man,

As the picture appeared, she only saw a figure bent slightly, but exuding the aura of the ultimate undead, the man in the red robe, extremely mysterious,

In front of him, thousands of bones charge with rotten spears,

As for the millions of bones under the mountains, hidden in the night, no one sees them, but even so, a necromancer summoning thousands of bones is enough to shock the spectacle.

And on the top of the mountain, there are huge evil generals with devil bones, extremely ferocious, all the guards of the Huang family were killed, only Huang Ziyao was left struggling to support, surrounded by the power of the golden element.

Then, a white jade undead empress made a move, and Huang Ziyao fell to the ground.

Then the undead, at the bottom of the mountain, corroded with the dark breath of the undead, and wrote a word.

【Qinzu Longshan】

Then the screen disappeared, leaving only a group of dull people,

But some people seem to realize something,

In the Northwest Ten Cities Forum, posts appeared one after another, and many people were discussing it hotly.

"What the hell is this going to do? Shura directly occupied a spiritual mountain, and the undead Tianjiao occupied the spiritual mountain, and it is still live broadcasting. What is the layout, fierce and eloquent."

"I don't know, but it seems, but then there will be great changes in the Northwest, earth-shaking changes!"

industry city.

City Lord's Mansion, above the roof, above the tallest building.

Yu Lie, the lord of Ye City, Su Bao of Qiu City, and a group of high-level officials were all looking at the wilderness with dull expressions.

"What the hell are you going to do..." Su Bao asked.

"Gather the aura of the northwest to make the northwest the strongest place for undead practice!" City Lord Yu Lie said. He looked at Tang Mo Dao Mountain and Qinzu Longshan, and the raging undead aura formed two streams, fused with aura.

Covers almost two-thirds of the Northwest.

"This... directly changes the Northwest!" Su Bao was stunned, he was only left with horror.

"This person... I'm afraid he will reach the sky. 27

Although Yu Lie, the city lord, looks like a fierce general, he is extremely intelligent, and his wise eyes have already seen it.

It's three o'clock in the morning, Qinzu Longshan, the underground was torn apart, tens of thousands of Qin warriors were buried in the ground, waiting at any time.

Then Nan Ziying rode the wind and came to the tomb of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.

He whispered faintly, and fell with a vertical voice.

"The last clear move, Le!"

In an instant, a soaring undead spirit filled the air.

Wearing iron armor and carrying a long knife. It's a long way to fight with your son.

Together with the enemy, we will live and die together. Fighting with the son, the heart is not slack.

Stepping on Yan Ranxi, chasing different children. Fighting with the son, the song is fearless.

In the dark moonlight, only Nan Ziying was left whispering and singing.

Under the ground, the sound of cracking became more and more cracking. This time it was the terrifying alien legion, which almost formed a terrifying military system and began to attack slowly.



Armed with a spear and riding a white bone warhorse, the big Han Hell Cavalry stepped out,

Demon General Di Qing, Demon General Huo Qubing, with huge bone bodies, armed with spears, with unparalleled murderous aura,

There are also tens of thousands of hell cavalry, forming the ghostly army figure, bursting into flames, destroying Wushuang, the most terrifying hell army in history.

Nan Ziying is heading towards the last mountain, the most aura mountain in the northwest, Beihuang Mountain,

There are tens of thousands of hell iron horses, and the heads of bone war horses are all blazing with endless flames, burning fiercely, and they are extremely ferocious.

In Beihuang Mountain, Xuanyuan was divided into clans. After receiving the order of the patriarch, Xuanyuan Rulong, he gave up Beihuang Lingshan and handed it over to the five great talents in the northwest.

Now that the Xuanyuan clan is evacuating, some people were puzzled, but then they received the news of the killing of the other two Lingshan Mountains, and they began to know.

when ugly,

When Nan Ziying arrived, only Xuanyuan's family left stone carvings—given to the king.

"Interesting, the Xuanyuan family produced a transparent person."

"Into the ground!"

"Exude the spirit of the undead!"

The red gown, Nan Ziying ordered, at this moment, tens of thousands of hell cavalry began to enter the ground, and at the same time exuded the spirit of the undead.

Then he turned on the picture display and played it again.

This time, the people of the ten cities in the northwest only saw the last scene, the red-clothed undead Tianjiao was performing stone carvings.

———Han. The Mountain of Hell!

Then he masked, looking at the camera mysteriously and weirdly.




At this moment, in the ten cities in the northwest, there are still millions of people standing in front of the TV. Many people no longer feel puzzled, but feel oppressed, as if some kind of hot breath is raging

At this moment, on the roof of the Yecheng Pharmaceutical Factory, Chen Lianyi retreated tremblingly,

Tangmo Daoshan,

Qinzu Longshan,

Han Hell Mountain,

On the top of the mountain, three soaring evil spirits merged and diffused, like three dragons of darkness!

Rushing into the sky, it seemed to be shattering through the ages, the aura was too terrifying and powerful, never before!

The world changes color, and the universe becomes easier!

In the entire northwest, the black clouds split open, leaving only patches of extremely gray mist, which began to densely cover the entire northwest!

...covering ten cities in the northwest, what kind of drastic changes are going to happen!"

Chen Lianyi opened her mouth in shock, her eyes froze,

On the roof of Yecheng City Lord's Mansion, the city lord Yu Lie clenched his only arm and fist completely. Unlike others, she only felt a burst of extreme despair, forming a depression like mountains and seas.

Horror like never before, power like never before.

The three mountains, now three soaring undead auras rushed into the sky, and then merged into the aura, covering the northwest, like ancient and eternal powerhouses, and also like countless undead radiating, igniting the death of the world,

"The five great arrogances, the undead arrogance is estimated to be above the king!"

And four o'clock in the morning.

On the top of the mountain in the Rift Valley, Nan Ziying had his hands behind his back, his blood-red clothes fluttering in the cold wind.

He stood in the middle of the three undead pillars, on the top of the mountain range, watching calmly.

Next, the eighth line of defense will be broken, and the battlefield will be beyond the fifth line of defense. In the ten cities in the northwest, there will be a person with amazing talent.

And he left behind the undead talent, three assassination chess!

【Ancient Dynasty. Undead】

[Summoned undead: 10 million/level 8 Great Qin Undead Tiger Camp, 10 million/level 8 Elemental Hell Cavalry of the Han Dynasty, 10 million Tang Mo Sword Bones]

Corresponding to the three mountains of assassination chess.

The red robe fluttered, standing alone on the top of the cold wind.

Under the three pillars of undead, there are 30 million undead spirits bursting into the sky,


At this moment, with Nan Ziying roaring!

Great changes in the world, great changes in the three mountains!

The talent of the undead, the resonance is turned on, and one person can become a millionaire!

[10 Years of Ten Thousand Races]: There are undead gods in the northwest, unite with Shura, set up the three eyes of the undead, gather spiritual energy storms, and travel to ten cities in the northwest | Nanshi people become arrogance!.

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