Ten Thousand Races Invasion: All The People Join The War, I Stay Behind

40. Have You Ever Heard The Sound Of 100 Million Formations Erupting?

We live and die together,

we don't know each other,

Even if it is the underground war dead, the broken and decayed bones will still crawl out,

With the last of my strength, fighting,

We are from ten cities in the northwest, we are the youngest student soldiers,

no abilities, no talents,

It can also be defended!

It can also kill aliens!

This is a letter from all the student soldiers on the Eighth Defense Line, and now Nan Ziying read it out again!

Then he looked here for a long time, covering nearly 5,000 kilometers, 50 million hell sword qi formations fell into the ground, almost one formation per kilometer, buried deep in the ground [waiting for the most extreme eruption in his life!

This place will soon be reduced to wasteland, because once the layout explodes, tens of thousands of kilometers, I don't know what it will be like.

"I have to go!"

"Because I have something to do."

"This world is too chaotic, someone must blow everything up!"

Indifferently, Nan Ziying only left the last sentence, and then he sent the Dugu Sword Demon to the surface of the sea, summoned the mutant tiger shark to protect him back, then changed into a blue shirt, turned on the electromagnetic device, and finally disappeared .

On the ground, there was only a black Shura's blood-stained battle suit left, and there were countless bones all over the ground.

I have never been lonely, I have never been bleak.

[Wanzu 10 is coming to an end, the eighth line of defense in the enemy-occupied area—the 50,000,000 hell sword array covers 5,000 kilometers, waiting to be detonated]

In the early morning of July 6th, the number one most searched in the world - Shura!

This is the last picture of the satellite, the bloody battle suit, the endless bones,

All the people know that Shura died in battle,

Battle to the death!

Dongfang Shura showed super ferocity, and also showed the greatest courage!

Western people can't help but continue to marvel!

Dick: "In the east, a Demon Killer appeared, but it's a pity that he died early in battle, otherwise Xiu Luo would grow up and become the biggest demon in the world!"

Lu Witt: "The most fierce and strongest existence in the world has just disappeared, but this represents the courage of mankind, and we will never retreat!"

Steve: "Western Shura is also preparing for a bloody battle, and the Kawasaki Kingdom is also preparing for the final slaughter in the rear. Human beings are telling the aliens that we are fearless!"

At that time!

The cold wind is extremely cold!

In Ye City, the depressive atmosphere almost exploded. The first city to bear the brunt, on the city wall, was the female guard, the beautiful Leng Qingling, who was almost sad, dull, and looked at with desolate eyes.

She only felt that her hands were trembling slightly, and she was so sad that she couldn't speak.

That's when she was watching a piece of news - the Eastern Shura Tianjiao died in battle, and the black battle suit was bleeding!


It was the first time that this formerly strong, female captain of the Yecheng Guard team shed tears. She admired the strong 680, especially Shura. In the previous battle of alien assassins, she saw Shura's unparalleled charging posture , alone, retrograde, rushing towards the alien assassin, this became the most beautiful memory in her life!

That fearless battlefield scene,

That can be called a crazy fighting stance!

Every word, every point, makes Leng Qingling worship.

"The battle of the great world has not yet come! Did you die in the battle just like that!"


In the end, only the weakest crying was left.

Not only the number one in the international hot search, but also the number one in the hot search on Weibo!

NO1——【Number One Combatant in the East, Shura Tianjiao Died on the Eighth Line of Defense in the Occupied Area】

Compared with the admiration of the West, the people of the East feel more sadness, because the last scene of the satellite is also filming the eighth line of defense, and the tragedy of the eighth line of defense [Na Di Qi's life was also filmed.

There are many bones, covering one piece, the steel is still burning, the ruins are piled up, and the blood-red banner is burned to black.

And Shura's battle clothes, lonely and helpless.

At that time.

In the coastal north area of ​​the seventh line of defense, Nan Ziying changed into a long robe, the gentleman is unparalleled in beauty.

However, covered by long hair, walking in the battle of cold wind, there is only a magnificent figure.

In the enemy-occupied area, there is no mobile phone signal, but he probably guessed that his suspended animation should be successful,

This is the best way to hide the alien gods,

This is also the best way to arrange the chessboard next time!

Now, he looked at this, the coastal area of ​​the seventh line of defense, there are no aliens here, because the sea beasts attacked extremely frantically,

Looking in front of him, Nan Ziying indifferently covered his cheeks with long hair, and then turned on the electromagnetic signal device. Before he came out from Yecheng, he brought several of them.

this moment,

Dongfang Satellite received the picture, and then began to broadcast Weibo and Toutiao, and then connected to international satellites.

Top 10 most searched: [Beast Taming Talents Suspected to Appear in Eastern Occupied Area]

In the satellite images, people all over the world can only see one point, and that is a man in a blue robe standing mysteriously like the sea, strange and unparalleled.

Then, behind the man, there appeared nearly a million sea beasts, the mutated black steel tiger shark, which appeared ferociously at the seaside defense line.

At this moment, Nan Ziying indifferently called a million mutant tiger sharks, and then exuded the soaring aura of a beast tamer!

this moment!

The ancient Tianjiao of the alien race began to charge madly, the flame giant, the golden warrior, the blood-sucking demon tree, and the magic pterosaur Tianjiao, forming mountains and seas one after another, rushing madly and brutally!

That smell is terrible!

Suppress the crack!

It's like roaring!


Nan Ziying also roared, and the million mutant tiger sharks behind him directly collided with the alien army,

The tiger shark is so vicious that it directly bites the alien and falls into the ocean.

The alien Tianjiao is also extremely terrifying. This is a crazy battle, until waves of alien legions come, and millions of tiger sharks are all killed in battle, and there is still a blue robe stained with blood floating on the water.

At this moment, the whole world saw it, the past!

old days!

The invincible beast tamer in the east also died in battle!

With a million tiger sharks, this is the existence that can grow into the strongest in the future, but he also died in battle, leaving only the broken robe,

International Hot Search No. 1——【After the Eastern Shura, the Invincible Beast Tamer Tianjiao died in battle】

This is a real satellite broadcast, and many people watch it almost sadly.

The Western people were also stunned.

Marit: "Is the Oriental Tianjiao so terrifying? A Shura, a Tianjiao who can summon millions of sea beasts and tiger sharks, it's a pity that they all died in battle. "This future will become an invincible God of War!"

Lorant: "The most ferocious battle, the saddest battle, Dongfang Tianjiao is crazy to the limit!"

At that time, it was midnight.

In the coastal area of ​​the Seventh Line of Defense, one of the old battlefields, Nan Ziying came out of the water wearing a red robe.

I owe him a fake death, everything is for the upcoming super game!

Because in the eastern inland, there used to be a wave of three million beasts, and the sea beasts were used to attack and kill the arrogance of alien races. The scene was too shocking, and it was easy to attract the attention of alien gods.

It won't be anymore, because the million tiger sharks fought frantically, and the azure animal trainer died in a suspended animation.

Dark night.

Although the cold wind howled, the bloody smell in the wind was crazily suppressed, especially the millions of sea beasts, and hundreds of thousands of alien legions piled up into mountains and were continuously washed into the sea.

Nan Ziying looked at this place with some desolation in his eyes.

"Someone will remember you!"

He whispered faintly, in his consciousness, the 200 million origin stones are all watering the formation talent tree!

At this moment, the formation talent tree is showing an extremely strange evolution!

The towering tree, but on each branch, it began to bloom and bear fruit, and endless ripples of formations appeared.

[Convert 100 million source stones into 50 million formations]

【Cloth—Fire Formation of Purgatory on Earth】

[Superposition - 50 million times]

At this moment, as Nan Ziying opened his mouth quietly, a ray of light shone brightly between his fingers!

The source stones of the formation began to fall, and the source stones contained the two appearances and four images, the gossip, the invisible hell, and the strongest fire power in the center of the earth.


this moment!

The terrifying, raging flame-like breath began to boil and explode!

Fifty million human purgatory fire formations, the origin stones of the formation began to flow into the ground, rose from the seventh line of defense, and then spread to the backup place of the fifth line of defense, it is terrifying!

In the center of the earth, the fire elements began to condense and fuse, and the crackling breath began to boil, violently killing!

The purgatory fire formation on earth covers 5,000 kilometers. Once it erupts,

Every kilometer will be reduced to hell ghost fire, the flames are fierce and terrifying, like billions of evil spirits, madly igniting and devouring every living thing,

And Nan Ziying, who is dressed in red and radiates the source energy of the formation, is like a demon, extremely weird and mysterious.

He seemed to be under a patch of hellfire, waiting, ignited! On!

Dressed in white clothes, he looks like a demon with a flamboyant charm.

This is Nan Ziying, and then he headed towards the sixth line of defense, the last area. Under the moonlight, he could feel the horror of being on the edge of the battlefield, and the extreme evil spirit formed a misty storm.

An ancient god of a different race, the breath of SS ancient behemoths rushed into the sky, invincible and powerful like never before!

This kind of aura, this kind of killing intent, is so powerful to a certain limit!

From the battlefield of all races, the tenth line of defense spreads the breath of gods, the ninth line of defense the breath of ancient behemoths, the eighth line of defense the breath of the alien S Tianjiao, the seventh line of defense the alien super legion, countless life forms exude a majestic and invincible killing intent!

Straight into the sky, piercing the sky, the world is very fierce!

The battle of terror, which has never been seen before, begins to expand in this era!

This is the big (cbba) battlefield!

And this is just the Eastern battlefield!

The Western Alliance, which is said to have reached 5,000 kilometers, has almost brought together the combined power of the West.

There are also countries around the world, which are extremely shocking!

But now, today!

There is only one news in the East, very sad news!

Weibo, the second most searched headline: [Dongfang Shura died in battle]

Hot Search No. 1: [Oriental Prodigy, God of Beast Taming died in battle]

The accompanying picture is the last scene of the satellite image. In the chaotic battlefield, the aliens charged wildly, leaving only a blue robe and clothes floating on the sea, lonely and sad.

Now, the emotions of the people in the East have almost been pulled to the extreme!

Anger to the limit!

The two prides died in a bloody battle!

Under the comments, it was full of anger.

[Dragon Soul]: "Foreign races attack and kill me in the rear, and I, the Oriental Tianjiao, will sacrifice my life to kill you and others. This is the Eastern Fearless!"

[Fierce battle]: "Another Tianjiao died in battle, and another one!!!! The fifth line of defense has not really started yet, and the bloody Tianjiao's fall has begun!"

Fifth line of defense, emergency medical center!

Dugu Sword Demon was found by Lan Changkong in the East China Sea and rescued back.

His body was full of scars.

Right now, Dugu Sword Demon is just watching the news with a dazed expression.

Shura died in battle!


Beast Tianjiao died in battle!

At this moment, there is only endless killing intent left in his heart!!!!

"You saved me!"

"What I owe you, I will pay back with my life!"

"Fight and die together!"

Dugu Sword Demon faced the moonlight, the sword edge cut his finger, and a drop of blood fell, representing the agreement, blood feud!

industry city!

Dark midnight.

It was frighteningly cold. On the roof of the medical city, Chen Lianyi looked at her feet in a daze, and wanted to jump off, but the work at hand was not finished, so she finally retreated.


Then a person lay on the ground stretched out, weeping silently, only the last scene remained in his mind.

A blue robe, a mysterious man!

The man who really domesticated wolves!

She is also the real god in her heart!

Under the satellite live broadcast, one person led a million sea beasts to charge, and finally died in a bloody battle!

This kind of extreme inner sadness made her tremble even when she breathed.

"you are dead....."

"you are dead!"

Chen Lianyi's eyes were red. The person she admired the most in her life was the beast tamer Tianjiao in the desolate Gobi Desert of Yecheng in the past. With the power of one person, he tamed tens of thousands of mutant beasts. His aura was unparalleled.

There is also the scene of the satellite, where a single person, leading a million mutant tiger sharks, charged forward bravely.

In the end, he died in battle and sank into the sea.

"There will be no more beast tamers."

"There will never be another like you"

"When I finish my work, I will apply to go to the fifth line of defense. See you in Jiuyou Huangquan!"

The cold wind is very cold, so cold that it makes people shiver, but what is even colder and sadder is Chen Lianyi's voice, like a mermaid crying.

[Wanzu 10 is coming to an end, the seventh enemy-occupied area's coastal defense line --- 50 million human purgatory fire formations covering 5,000 kilometers, waiting to be detonated]

On the frontier of the Sixth Line of Defense, it's July 9th, and the dawn is about to break,

Along the way, Nan Ziying has been the defense line along the coast, but even so, he has encountered several attacks and killings, all of whom are terrifying gods.

It was surrounded.

The rear of the alien race is extremely terrifying, because countless alien arrogances are all over every area,

The sixth line of defense, the closest to the fifth line of defense, is also the closest to the main battlefield. On the beach, Nan Ziying was dressed in a red robe, looking at him with sighs in his eyes.

The sixth line of defense is piles of decaying mechanical soldiers, and the corpses of human geniuses,

Too much.

In the ruins of the former defense line in the east, those alloy city walls were smashed, and the fifty-meter-high iron pillars of the city wall were swallowed by some kind of alien giant beast, leaving only the horror of the wreckage.

Looking at this now, Nan Zichen breathed out slowly,

The last 100 million source stones transformed into the power of 50 million formations, and then floated in the palm of Nan Ziying.

The dawn has not yet appeared, the rising sun has not yet risen in the east, and the dust storm of the foreign race is like a sharp knife, slashing towards the eastern defense line!

The feeling of scorching heat and cracking, the arrogance soaring to the sky!

As for the human camp, some are quiet and solemn, and there are streaks of arrogance, and the breath of the God of War of the Nation is patrolling.

Nuoda's battlefield is undergoing the final wait,

And Nan Ziying, just like a chess player.

[Array——Abyssal Devil Thorn Array]

[Superposition——50 million times]

At this moment, as he opened his mouth quietly, the suppressed breath erupted instantly,

The abyss magic thorn, the formation directly lands on the ground, and then melts, forming a sharp magic element with the ferocious underground devil energy. Once the thorn is broken, the soil will form the sharpest magic thorn, ferocious

Fiercely piercing from the ground, it can be called the most ferocious killing weapon formation!



The formation talent tree is introverted, and rows of areas begin to fall down one after another, and the empty and horrifying atmosphere is almost tearing apart the hearts of the earth.

Covering 5,000 kilometers, it spread directly from the sixth line of defense to the fifth line of defense,

Dawn breaks, the sun breaks,

The alien Tianjiao began to approach, and the formation was completed!

Afterwards, Nan Ziying was almost in the most exhausted state!

But he laughed wildly,

Eighth line of defense, 50 million hell sword qi formations!

The seventh line of defense, 50 million fire formations in purgatory on earth!

The sixth line of defense, fifty million abyssal thorns!

Three formations, ferocious torrential mixed, plus!

It can be called the greatest fierce formation in history!

"wait for me!"


On the surface of the sixth line of defense, the mutated tiger shark was carrying Nan Ziying forward. Nan Ziying looked at the enemy-occupied area with sad eyes.

He is saying to many undead,

Many familiar people say,

wait for me!

July 10th.

Nan Ziying didn't remember how he came back, he only knew that he was extremely tired, so he resisted fainting and returned to the apartment.

The tiredness that I saw for a moment struck, I spit out a few mouthfuls, and then fell asleep.

It was not until two days and two nights, on July 10, that he woke up in a trance,

His whole body, spirit, breath, physical strength, and killing intent began to slowly return, and he returned in a peak state.

Then he turned on the news first.

International Hot Search No. 1: [Western Shura died in battle]

In the last satellite image, it was the Western Shura, almost as demonic as the sky, tearing apart hundreds of steel slayers by himself, the terrifying aura was too strong, but then the SSS was abnormal

The gods of the clan, the light-burning cracker made a move, Shura fought bloody, and there were no bones left, only the blood of the demonic energy was left, unyielding until death.

Most searched: [Kawasaki Country's Tenth Line of Defense, Old God-level First Samurai Warrior]

In the last scene, hundreds of S-level alien geniuses fought in a chaotic battle. The first samurai smashed seventeen alien geniuses, and finally was killed by a SS alien giant beast, leaving no bones left!

this moment!

Alien races attack and kill the rear of the human race, and the battle of human beings to attack and kill the rear of the alien race is finally over.

And the fifth line of defense, the real battle of countries around the world and the whole country has also begun!!!!!

Fifth battle!


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