"No, how can this be?" Guo

Xiao subconsciously looked in front of him.

If it's just one or two betrayals, forget it.

But now, most of the people here have made up their minds to betray themselves.

This situation, in Guo Xiao's view, was suddenly full of astonishment and incomprehension.

Especially in this state now, it's simply incomprehensible.

And at this moment, Han Shaofeng, seeing Guo Xiao like this, coughed lightly twice, and did not forget to speak.

"Okay, for your sake, then I'll let you die a little more clearly.

When Han Shaofeng said this, Guo Xiao's heart was full of anger.

"All your people have taken refuge in me.

"Otherwise, how could I come here alone?"

When Han Shaofeng looked at Guo Xiao like this, Han Shaofeng's face brought a playful smile.

It's just that Han Shaofeng's words made Guo Xiao in front of him even more angry.

Even for the current situation, Han Shaofeng behaved very casually.

"Let them tell you why!" As

Han Shaofeng said, Guo Xiao looked at the people around him.

And beside Guo Xiao, those people were angry, and the more they looked at it, the more serious and direct they became.

"Hmph, Guo Xiao, you are too self-serving, and you are selfish. "

That's right, what you do, you think completely about yourself, and you never think about everyone.

"All in all, let's not talk nonsense with him, since it's been decided, then let's go straight to it."

With the eyes in front of

them, these people said one after another.

For them, such a thing is completely unbearable.

"I see, I know it's wrong.

"I'm sorry, forgive me. "

You know, Guo Xiao was too exploited before.

So now, his top priority is to beg for mercy first, and then solve Han Shaofeng.

However, Guo Xiao's current appearance is for these people in front of him.

In fact, I don't even think that there is anything at all.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng looked at the front of him and smiled faintly: "Do you think that even if you do so much now, what's the use

?" "Moreover, is it enough just like this?"

But here, Han Shaofeng looked at these, and if he said that, he didn't care about all this at all.

And in front of Han Shaofeng, the others originally wanted to say something to this side.

However, it was not enough to wait for these people to finish.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng was watching, and his face was filled with a playful smile.

After all, such a thing, in fact, Han Shaofeng has already completely settled on all of this now.

As for Han Shaofeng's face, the others looked at each other and looked at each other, and these people felt more and more that these things were really unexpected.

Looking at these, Guo Xiao struggled, but in the end, he fell directly to his life.


At the same time, within the Five Elements Sect.

The three Dharma Protectors are all sitting there.

In fact, they already knew about what was happening.

But now, I know that there is one situation, but next, what I plan to do is another situation.

And these are actually the most complicated of them.

"Well, what do you think we should do next?

Jin Ren looked at the front of him and couldn't help but say.

Mu Yi is the same: "What do you think the sect master will do?"

Shui Li could see it: "I can't say this, but I always feel that the sect master is not the kind of person who acts rashly without the slightest certainty." Shui

Li's words reminded everyone in front of him.

But this kind of thing, in fact, is very clear in the hearts of all of them.

Of course, such a thing, in fact, in the strict sense of the word, is nothing at all.

"Alas, it's just that you've said so much now, in fact, if you think about it, it doesn't seem to be of much use.

Jin Ren sighed and didn't forget to say it here.

As Jin Ren finished speaking, the others looked in front of him.

"I don't know about this, otherwise let's attack the Shadow Hunter Force.

"That's right, it's a big deal to fight with them directly, and it's much better than being so passive as we are now."

"Although I said that, I don't know why, I always feel that there seems to be something strange. The

others looked at each other and looked this way.

After all, what should be done with it next.

In fact, all of them know this very well in their hearts.

Mu Yi stood up and prepared to go out.

"Mu Yi, what are you doing?"

Seeing Mu Yi like this, Jin Ren's face was filled with a hint of curiosity and incomprehension, and he couldn't help asking.

As Mu Yi said this, Jin Ren's face showed an indescribable seriousness and directness.

"I'll use my intelligence force to see if the sect master is okay.

Seeing this, Shui Li got up and planned to go with Mu Yi.

However, before Shui Li got up and set off, Jin Ren waved his hand.

"You all wait a minute.

When these words were spoken, the others became curious and turned to look at Shui Li.

What's the matter, could it be said that their current decision is wrong

? Or if they don't hurry up now, then what are they going to do?

So when they think of these places, their hearts are a little eager to try.

But Jin Ren was very calm: "It's just that you have thought about it, since the sect master said so, then he will definitely have nothing to do." "

If we go so rashly now, it is very likely that we will disrupt the sect master's plan. Originally

, the people who were still going to be eager to try, at this moment, after suddenly hearing these words, all of them pondered carefully in their hearts.

But now they have discovered that what Jin Ren said seems to be very reasonable.

At this moment, when everyone looked at Jin Ren, they became more and more excited.

However, Jin Ren was very indifferent: "It's okay, if it is according to what I said, I think the sect master should be back soon." "

Now, let's wait and talk!" As

Jin Ren's words came out, the others thought about it carefully, as if it was indeed the case.

And just when they can't discuss anything here.

Not far away, a man ran over quickly.

The man said excitedly as he ran forward.

"Good news, great news, the sect master is back. "

This news is indeed shocking.

They also didn't want Han Shaofeng to be able to complete this.

As long as Han Shaofeng can be fine, then it is actually much better than anything else.

"That's really good. "

I don't know if the sect master has brought any good news?"

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