"It's just, what is this Mingyue drawing?" At

this time, Han Shaofeng felt more and more curious in his heart.

So now, Han Shaofeng looked at it very carefully and seriously.

But after watching it for a while, at this moment, Han Shaofeng's heart finally has a new understanding of the current situation.

"I didn't expect it to be like this. When

Han Shaofeng saw this, it was obvious that for such a thing.

Next, what exactly are you going to do?

In itself, it has become even more obvious.

And as Han Shaofeng saw this, at this moment, in front of Han Shaofeng, the people around him looked at each other and looked at each other.

For these, in fact, Han Shaofeng's face brought a hint of a playful smile.

"It's funny, it's really interesting.

"It's just that what is hidden in this bright moon drawing will actually be like this!" Han

Shaofeng didn't know these things before.

But now, that's a different story.

Regarding the current these, in fact, Han Shaofeng already has a general understanding in his heart.

"Wait a minute, I think I'd better ask Jin Ren about these things first.

Han Shaofeng discovered that the huge secret of the Five Elements Sect hidden in the Mingyue drawings was actually related to a major family.

Therefore, Han Shaofeng felt that Jin Ren must know.

"Jin Ren.

Han Shaofeng came here and shouted here.

Hearing Han Shaofeng's words, several other people looked over one after another.

I don't know why, these people from the Five Elements Sect suddenly felt that Han Shaofeng was smiling with some bad intentions.

So then, in fact, they can't say what the hell is going on here.

And as they looked at the eyes, at this moment, the more these people looked at them, the more excited they felt.

After all, from now on, what exactly should be done with this matter has become obvious in itself.

"Sect Master, the matter has been settled?"

The others all looked at Han Shaofeng curiously.

Originally, Han Shaofeng was going to solve this matter, why did he suddenly stop.

And Han Shaofeng looked at everyone and asked directly.

"You guys, do you know the blueprints of Mingyue?"

Han Shaofeng was like this, and even more made everyone in front of him look at it one after another.

Obviously, this point, in fact, they did not expect it at all.

But the more this is the case now, these people are watching in unison.

And at this time, Jin Ren still sighed: "Alas, I didn't expect it, but I still knew it by the sect master."

As Jin Ren spoke, Han Shaofeng looked over slightly sideways at this time.

"What's the matter, so, there are still some things here that I don't know?"

This kind of thing, in fact, looking at it now, the more Han Shaofeng thought about it, the more surprised he felt.

Just looking at these, at this moment, Jin Ren sighed.

"Actually, at the beginning, we were in such a hurry because all of what they took away from these families belonged to my Five Elements Sect.

When Jin Ren said to this side, this made Han Shaofeng completely unexpected.

Slowly, when Han Shaofeng looked at these.

Han Shaofeng sighed helplessly.

Unexpectedly, after a long time, this matter is really like this.

However, since the matter has come to this point, what Han Shaofeng needs to do next is to completely solve this matter.

"I didn't expect it to be true, no wonder other people know that we are very excited. "

Yes, the other families are eager to tear us to pieces.

"How can that, no matter what, we must not let him get his wish, we should do something now."

At this time, these people from the Five Elements Sect looked at Han Shaofeng one after another.

If now, someone can solve this matter.

Then other things, you don't need to think about it so much at all, it must be Han Shaofeng, only he can solve all this completely.

Still, put it here.

Han Shaofeng himself acted very indifferently.

Even to be exact, Han Shaofeng didn't take all this too seriously at all.

"Although now, this is indeed the case.

"But if you think about it, maybe it's not that bad.

When Han Shaofeng looked in front of him, he said very clearly.

Han Shaofeng's side, the eyes of others lit up.

Mu Yi asked anxiously, "Sect Master, then what can you do?"

The other people from the Five Elements Sect were actually the same.

As for Han Shaofeng, when he saw this, there was a smile on his face.

"It's simple, take them all out. "

Just take back everything that belongs to us!" When

Han Shaofeng said this, the people around him took a deep breath.

In fact, now they didn't expect that Han Shaofeng would say such a thing.

But if you think about it carefully, in fact, Han Shaofeng is not worried.

And Han Shaofeng's words made the people of the Five Elements Sect even more enthusiastic.

"Rest assured, I already know where they are. "

The words of the Five Elements Sect, everyone keep it, don't have an accident. For

these, in fact, Han Shaofeng won't worry about anything at all now.

Anyway, now, Han Shaofeng has already thought of the whole plan.

As for the rest, does Han Shaofeng still need to worry about it?

If you think about it carefully, you will know that they don't exist at all.

As for the current these, Han Shaofeng smiled lightly, and then did not forget to say it here.

"However, since they are going to deal with it now, then if nothing else, they should also be on their way here.

Han Shaofeng looked around, and suddenly found that there was a faint danger in the direction of the east.

Dealing with the current these, Han Shaofeng himself at this time does not think that what will happen.

After watching it for a while, Han Shaofeng didn't care at all.

"Since you sincerely want to attack our Five Elements Sect, I, Han Shaofeng, how can I tolerate you?"

Besides, the wealth held by these people itself belongs to Han Shaofeng and the Five Elements Sect.

After thinking about it like this, Han Shaofeng felt even more that there was no need to accommodate them.

Thinking about these situations, Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a playful smile.

And at this moment, not far away, more than twenty people were standing there.

They also discovered Han Shaofeng.

At this point, in fact, he has now made up his mind and intends to completely let go.

The more people around me looked, the more serious they became.

In fact, all of them have fully taken this into account.

Unexpectedly, Han Shaofeng had already come. "

Yes, then we don't need to talk nonsense with him, just shoot and kill him first

!" "Of course, everyone goes together, if you don't solve him, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in your heart!"

At this moment, with the people around him, they did not forget to say.

For these things at present, they are looking forward to it.

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