looked at the person in front of him, such an arrogant appearance.

At this time, Han Shaofeng said very seriously.

"I will let you know what it means to have people outside of people, and there are heavens outside of heaven.

Han Shaofeng's words were even more funny for the white fighter.

"Hmph, what are you kidding me, since that's the case, then, you can't blame me.

When the white fighter finished speaking, his speed suddenly increased and he came directly towards Han Shaofeng.

Han Shaofeng didn't do much, and the people around him discussed it one after another.

"This white fighter, I've heard of the boxing champion, is a big hit here.

"Yes, this young man dares to say that, it seems that this time he is going to suffer.

"How long can he hold on?"

"If you want me to say, I guess I can't even hold it for a round." "

At this time, there is everything around to say everything.

Especially now, the more these people talk about it, the more excited they become.

Even Shangguan Yan looked at this side very worriedly.

If now, according to what these people say, then next, I am afraid that this matter will be very bad.

"Han Shaofeng, come on, you have to survive.

When Shangguan Yan saw this, her heart was actually full of anxious looks.

After all, she brought Han Shaofeng over.

If something really happened to Han Shaofeng at this time, then Shangguan Yan would still feel very unhappy in his heart.

It was Han Shaofeng himself who was looking at all this.

There's nothing else to dwell on for the time being.

Despite this, but here, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's opinion, there is nothing else to worry about for the time being.

And the more it is like this now, in fact, there is nothing else to say for the time being.

Since it is to be done now, then this matter, in any case, should actually need to be done thoroughly.

Slowly, I was looking at these.

At this time, Han Shaofeng was very calm.

"Although you are very strong, but with three moves, you will definitely lose. "

What, three moves?

At this moment, the white fighter felt more and more ridiculous.

"Very well, boy, you've me off completely.

"Well, then, I'd love to see how you managed to beat me in three moves.

When the white fighter spoke, he rushed directly and quickly towards Han Shaofeng.

Even in the eyes of this white boxer, next, he has completely eaten Han Shaofeng.

The others are also pondering here, how long can Han Shaofeng's appearance last?

After all, this kind of thing, in fact, if you think about it carefully, is more interesting than others.

However, just as the white boxer rushed up with a menacing momentum.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng directly and decisively punched him.

This punch, the speed and strength of it, are simply terrifying.

With a thud, the white fighter fell.

And around, there is a deathly silence.

Han Shaofeng looked in this direction and couldn't help but say coldly.

"Hmph, vulnerable. "

After all, that's the way it is right now.

And around, the onlookers also froze in place.

After all, now, such a thing is actually something that everyone doesn't dare to think about at all.

But now, all this is happening in front of everyone.

At this time, Han Shaofeng looked at it and said, "How is it, is there anyone else?"

Han Shaofeng's words showed this scene thoroughly.

When the people around saw it, they were all shocked.

"Oh my God, this guy is so tough.

"Yes, especially just now, the speed was really fast, I didn't even see what was going on, and it all ended directly. "

It's just too unbelievable, before this, all of us, who would have thought that it would become like this?"

Slowly, when the people around them, they all looked in front of them.

After all, next, what are you going to do about such a thing?

In fact, their hearts are quite clear more than anyone else's.

And looking at these, Han Shaofeng at this time, there was a playful smile on his whole face.

As for the rest, not much else.

At this time, another burly foreign fighter stood up directly.

"Hmph, boy, you're arrogant.

"In that case, then, let me be your opponent. "

I'm going to completely crush your infallibility, and I'll let you know what your ending will be in the face of me!"

When this person said, his body moved at this time, and he quickly came towards Han Shaofeng.

The people around them took a deep breath when they saw Han Shaofeng like this.

After all, now, what will such a thing bring to them?

These things themselves are very strange the more you look at them.

It's just that, in fact, in their eyes, the more they look at these things in their hearts, the clearer and clearer they become.

"Hmph, you Dragon Kingdom fighters are actually not vulnerable at all.

The fighter came to Han Shaofeng and said triumphantly.

However, his words came out.

For Han Shaofeng, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's opinion, he didn't think that there would be anything in this scene.

Looking at these, Han Shaofeng at this time was moving his muscles and bones, and couldn't help but say in front of him.

"Hmph, you're dead.

"Because, in my heart, I have always believed in one thing.

"Dragon Kingdom, don't be humiliated, whoever is humiliated, who will die!"

After saying this, Han Shaofeng's whole person's momentum changed suddenly.

It looks like it's the same as before.

Even the foreign fighters who arrived in front of them were still very surprised to see this.

"This, how is it possible?"

However, with the foreign fighter in front of him, he didn't have time to say anything to this side.

At this time, Han Shaofeng took advantage of the situation to hit here.

The sudden fall of this punch made the fighter look very painful for the present.

After a moment's struggle, the man fell.

And all the people present saw this.

For such a thing, there is no doubt that it still completely shocked these people.

After all, this is actually strictly speaking.

In itself, it's something that no one dares to think about.

Looking at these, at this time, Han Shaofeng was very calm.

"How is it, is there anything else?"

Han Shaofeng is now completely refusal.

He's just going to make a fuss now, and the bigger the trouble, the better.

Moreover, Han Shaofeng knew that the people from Feiyunmen would definitely rush over when the time came.

There is no doubt about this.

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