At this time, Han Shaofeng's eyes moved, looking at Qian Yunhua in front of him.

Qian Yunhua's words were like a needle, piercing deeply.

Even Han Shaofeng had completely expected it before this.

But for other things, I didn't think there was anything else to say about this.

But the more it is now, in fact, just for this, Han Shaofeng at this time didn't feel that there would be anything wrong with all this at present.

"Then you, you look good and clear.

"How the hell did I do all this?

Han Shaofeng's words suddenly made the goosebumps of the people around him almost stand up.

Even these people don't know why these words have such an effect.

"Hmph, why do you need to support here, you know clearly, the people from Feiyunmen are coming.

"When the time comes, not only the Five Elements Sect, but also you, will die!"

When Qian Yunhua looked at Han Shaofeng, he said something here.

It made Han Shaofeng himself feel more and more interesting.

After all, next, what kind of way should such a thing be solved?

In fact, I don't think about other problems at all, what impact will these have at present.

"Don't worry, Five Elements Sect, nothing will happen.

"The person who will really have an accident will only be you!" When

Han Shaofeng said this, his determined appearance let Qian Yunhua know.

Even now, no matter how much he says, Han Shaofeng's attitude is still the same.

So then, in fact, there is nothing more to say.

"Hmph, obsessed!" Han

Shaofeng's face was filled with a playful smile.

As for the rest, there is nothing else to say for the time being.

In that case, let's get straight to it.

"However, how long do you think you can hold on?" Han

Shaofeng looked at Qian Yunhua and suddenly asked.

With Han Shaofeng's words, it is obvious that for the current matter, how to solve it next.

In fact, Han Shaofeng didn't think that there would be anything wrong with this scene at all.

Although the matter has come to this point now, for Han Shaofeng, such a question, where do you plan to start.

At this point, if you think about it, you don't think it's anything.

Qian Yunhua moved his muscles: "Hmph, it seems that you are very confident in your own strength."

"It's not a bad thing to have self-confidence, but it's a pity that you're using the wrong person.

Qian Yunhua said, his speed suddenly accelerated.

It looked as if a gust of wind had suddenly picked up and arrived here in an instant.

As for Han Shaofeng, he doesn't think that the current situation will have any impact.

Slowly, I looked at the scene in front of me.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng himself doesn't feel that what will be brought about now.

"Oh, that's interesting, is that all you're capable of?"

"But that's about it.

Han Shaofeng said, this moment, it caused the angry eyes of those people around him.

In their opinion, Han Shaofeng is pure, and he is joking with them here.

After all, now, such a strong strength is actually here

, it's just that Han Shaofeng said that this is all there is to it, and as for Han Shaofeng,

he doesn't care about these at all.

Because here, he only has one thing now, and he is very eager to deal with it.

That is from now on, Qian Yunhua in front of him.

"Since you are so obsessed, then next, take the move!" Han

Shaofeng said as his speed suddenly began to increase.

Not far away, Qian Yunhua also didn't expect that Han Shaofeng didn't say a word, and directly started to shoot.

Not to mention anything else, just this point, in fact, Qian Yunhua's heart is becoming clearer and clearer.

"Hmph, it seems that if you are not eliminated, then in the future, the entire Suzhou and Hangzhou, and other forces will all be affected. "

Also, I will never allow a person like you to survive in the world!" When

Qian Yunhua said, Han Shaofeng at this time didn't take this guy too seriously.

In fact, I didn't think anything else would happen at all.

However, if Han Shaofeng continued to develop like this with the Five Elements Sect, then Qian Yunhua would have no place at all.

"Actually, if you develop for a while, then I am definitely not your opponent.

"But now you're still too anxious, young man, then let me give you a ride!"

As Qian Yunhua said this, his whole speed began to speed up.

It seems, almost in the blink of an eye, has arrived.

However, he didn't wait for Qian Yunhua to get closer.

At this time, Han Shaofeng arrived suddenly.

I don't know why, Qian Yunhua's whole person suddenly felt a dangerous aura.

"You, what are you going to do?" Qian

Yunhua subconsciously looked at Han Shaofeng and couldn't help asking.

As for Han Shaofeng, he behaved very coldly.

"What do you say, when you first dealt with my Five Elements Sect together, did you ever think that there would be today!"

"All of this is just your own fault.

When Han Shaofeng said this, for what was in front of him, it made Qian Yunhua's face full of fear.

However, even so, when Qian Yunhua looked at Han Shaofeng, he couldn't help asking.

"When did you know about this?"

Qian Yunhua's heart was very eager to know.

is just looking at these, the more so, in fact, in Qian Yunhua's view, even if he dies, he must know where he failed.

As for Han Shaofeng, seeing Qian Yunhua like this, his face was filled with a playful smile.

For these things at present, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's opinion, in his own words, he doesn't think that this appearance can bring anything at all.

"Do you really, really want to know?"

"Actually, I've known this since the beginning. "

When Feiyunmen first came into contact with them, Han Shaofeng happened to get the key information here.

So from that time on, Han Shaofeng already knew this.

At this time, Han Shaofeng's gaze moved slightly, and he subconsciously looked in front of him.

There is nothing else to say.

Han Shaofeng said coldly: "Now, you should understand, right?"

"So, even if I send you on the road now, you should know better than anyone else, then, nothing else!"

Han Shaofeng said,

and the people around him arrived here and prepared to do it.

When Qian Yunhua saw this scene, he yelled: "Han Shaofeng, and you Five Elements Sect, you are doomed." "

You're going to die a terrible death!"

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