"Sect Master, are you sure you're not joking?"

When Jin Ren looked at Han Shaofeng, his face was even more full of curiosity and puzzlement.

Don't say it's Jin Ren, or even other people, at this moment, it's actually like this.

After all, there is no doubt that this matter is still full of tests for all of them.

But Han Shaofeng waved his hand.

"Things, they've all been put here, as for whether they're serious or joking, you've all seen it, don't you know?"

Han Shaofeng waved his hand, but he didn't take it seriously at all.

The people around them were watching and feeling more and more surprised.

But at this time, Han Shaofeng didn't care so much at all.

Now that the matter has come to this, what is the next way to solve it?

In fact, over here, Han Shaofeng is very calm.

"It's kind of interesting, but now, now that I've said that.

"Then next, I think that this time the Qin family should not be able to hold on.

Jin Ren took it and looked at it carefully, his face full of astonishment and disbelief.

And beside him, the others looked at Jin Ren very anxiously.

Mu Yi was even more urging here: "Lao Jin, what is the situation

?" "Is it true or fake?"

The other Dharma protectors are similar.

Jin Ren came to his senses and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"It's true, it's true, no kidding.

When Jin Ren finished speaking, the others gathered around.

It's not that I don't believe it, after all, this point, in fact, all of them, can't say, what the situation is.

And as they looked here, it was clear that this time, they were also completely stuck there.

"What, these contracts, as well as the property rights certificates, have almost completely curbed thirty percent of the Qin family's industry.

"Yes, don't they want to do it to us, so next, let's all preemptively let them know what will happen if they offend us." "

What are you talking so much nonsense with them, all in all, we have seized this opportunity now, as for the rest, what is the use of talking so much?"

After all, now, such a thing, in fact, all of them have already decided this matter in their hearts.

As for Han Shaofeng, he waved his hand.

"Actually, eating them is just one of the steps.

"These, for the time being, are not the whole story.

As Han Shaofeng finished speaking, this made those people around him come over one after another.

In fact, they are very confused now.

Since they already occupied so many of the Qin family's properties, why can't they shout about it now?

This point, which really came from it, made them very incomprehensible.

Here, though.

Han Shaofeng continued to speak while looking at it.

"Actually, the Qin family doesn't know about this now, right?"

Han Shaofeng said, and the people around him nodded again and again.

yes, they don't know about it now.

But what does this have to do with the matter?

The more these people look at it, the more confused they become.

But around, Shui Li reacted.

"I think I know what the Sect Master is going to do.

"The Sect Master first created a feeling that we were weak.

"Then, take advantage of this opportunity to eat this place completely in one go!" Dang

Shui Li's words made the other Five Elements Sect people suddenly realize.

I didn't expect it to be like this?

However, at the beginning, the Guo family and the Qin family joined forces to deal with them.

So anyway, now that they have this opportunity.

So naturally, it is to avenge the original arrow.

Otherwise, they will not be able to get rid of the hatred in their hearts now.

These people think of this in their hearts, and the more they look at the current thing, the more they look forward to it.

"Okay, don't worry about it so much, let's hurry up and get ready to go.

Looking at these, Shen Ao waved his hand to this side, signaling the others to go down and arrange these things for the time being.

All in all, these things are now all in place.

As for what happens next, it's a matter of taking one step at a time.


And at this moment, for the Qin family.

They still have the game in their hands.

After all, everything is moving in their favor.

Qin Quansen looked at the people around him, a little unconvinced.

"You mean that they haven't made any preparations until now?"

When Qin Quansen said this, the people around him nodded their heads in agreement.

In fact, such a thing, if you think about it carefully, is completely there.

It's just that now, there is nothing else to say.

Moreover, the more the Five Elements Sect is like this, the more beneficial it is actually to the Qin family.

And now the people around him are very excited: "Young master, then what else do we need to worry about?"

"This time, we have won." "

Actually, for other issues, I won't worry about anything for the time being.

But the more it is now, in fact, in Qin Quansen's opinion, in his heart, he is completely holding his breath.

"But now, then again, they didn't do anything, though.

"But we can't take it lightly. "

Don't forget, who is their person in charge!" When

Qin Quansen said this, the people around him couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

In fact, none of them had ever considered such a thing before.

But now it seems that these people have finally understood.

Now that they have said so, it is becoming more and more clear to others that this matter is absolutely not allowed to be half-joked.

"So now, now that the matter has come to this, it is time for all of us to prepare.

"That's right, anyway, just fight with them, that's right.

"In fact, no matter what aspect to start from now, as long as the people of the Five Elements Sect dare to make a move, we will take the lead.

When these people said, at this moment, Qin Quansen didn't feel that this matter was very optimistic.

After all, it was made clear before.

The Sect Master of the Five Elements Sect was Han Shaofeng, and Han Shaofeng's methods, how could they not be clear?

If they really wanted to solve this matter thoroughly.

Next, the best solution is to start from this aspect.

"Other things, in fact, all of you, don't need to worry so much about it at all.

"As long as you make sure that Han Shaofeng didn't act.

Qin Quansen looked at this and said directly.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

As long as the Qin family takes the lead, then everything else is easy to say.

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