So far, what exactly are you going to do now?

In fact, the more they looked at it, the more surprised they became.

As for Shao Yunde, it was originally arranged well.

But now, he suddenly found that there was no movement at all on Han Shaofeng's side.

"Strange, what the hell is going on?"

"Logically speaking, this is not how it should be."

When Shao Yunde saw this, he said with some doubts.

And by Shao Yunde's side, the people around him are looking at me, and I look at you.

Tell them such a thing, how can these people know?

But looking at the eyes, one of them at this time did not forget to say.

"Or are they already planning it, just waiting for us to get in?"

When this person finished speaking, Shao Yunde at this time was like an initiation.

Yes, since there is no movement on Han Shaofeng's side for the time being.

Could it be because he had already arranged it and was ready to start attacking here at any time.

If that's the case, then when you think about it, it's really not good news.

At this time, Shao Yunde didn't care so much.

Now that the matter has come to this, then he will not spend it here in vain.

And around Shao Yunde, the more others looked at it, the more confused they became.

In this incident, there are a lot of unusualness.

But now, if you really want to completely eliminate this matter, you actually have to put some extra effort into it.

And here, Shao Yunde still waved his hand and said.

"Forget it, that's not the point right now."

"At least, for us, our primary purpose should actually be considered, and we should catch them all!"

When Shao Yunde's words came out, it made the people around him more and more serious.

After all, these things are actually completely there.

And beside Shao Yunde, the other Shao family's guards looked like they were all open-minded.

"It's a big deal, just fight with them."

"Yes, it's much better than what we are now, it's really too passive."

"Who says it isn't, Elder, now, we must hurry up and find a way to solve this matter."

The more so, in fact, here, the people around him did not forget to say in front of them.

And in the current situation, Shao Yunde at this time looked at the front of him, but did not forget to continue to speak here.

"Although the matter has come to this now, it is about this matter."

"Actually, I think that all of us can actually get out of the way."

After Shao Yunde finished speaking, the people around him nodded again and again.

After all, the current Shao family is already very passive.

"I don't know why, but I always felt that something wasn't quite right."

When Shao Yunde said in front of him, the people around him looked at me and I looked at you.

For the current thing, in fact, the more they look at it, the more they feel that this situation seems to be not quite right.

At this time, Shao Yunde was looking at this while not forgetting to continue talking here.

"Although the matter has come to this now, we..."

However, just as Shao Yunde was about to say something.

At this moment, a Shao family guard outside sped up and came here quickly.

"Elder, something is wrong, our Shao family's granary has been taken away!"

What the?

How so?

At this time, no matter how good Shao Yunde's psychological quality is, at this moment, he is completely unguardable.

After all, such a thing was actually completely unexpected by Shao Yunde.

Shao Yunde's eyes moved, looked in front of him, and suddenly asked.

"These, what went wrong?"

After all, they can't actually think of these.

"The Shao family's granary, how could it be easily taken away by them?"

When Shao Yunde saw this, he was furious.

And the Shao family guard next to him didn't forget to continue to talk when he saw this.

"They say it's theirs."

What's the situation?

What they say is theirs, is that theirs?

If this is the case, then Shao Yunde also said that the Five Elements Sect is his.

But at this time, the Shao family guard next to him continued: "They have certificates in their hands, so all of us don't have the slightest chance."

When the Shao family guards beside him finished speaking, Shao Yunde at this time just felt a tingling scalp.

Although the matter has come to this point now, for Shao Yunde, he always feels that this matter will definitely not be so simple.

"Hmph, in the end, what went wrong and didn't I find out?"

Shao Yunde looked at the front of him, he thought about it for a long time, but he still couldn't think of it.

However, there is one point, Shao Yunde's heart is still quite clear.

That is, he must make a decision quickly.

Otherwise, if it continues to be consumed like this, no one knows what will happen next.

At this time, Shao Yunde looked at the front of him, but he did not forget to continue to speak.

"No, this thing is actually very wrong."

Shao Yunde looked at the front of him, but waved his hand and did not forget to say.

In front of Shao Yunde, the people around him looked at this side one after another.

As for Shao Yunde, he continued to say.

"It's just that if he really thinks that we can solve it so easily, then he will underestimate us too much."

"I know, you Han Shaofeng is indeed very powerful, but even so, I still want to kill you!"

When Shao Yunde's words were said, it made those people around him more serious the more they looked at it.

After all, in fact, all of them have fully felt this in their hearts.

Now that the matter has come to this, what should all of them do?

In fact, deep down in their hearts, they know much better than anyone else.

"That's what I said, so next, the primary goal of all of us must be to speed up and solve it as soon as possible."

"Of course, otherwise, would we really not exist at all?"

"That being said, from the current point of view, our opportunity has come."

The more so, in fact, for the current these, others are open-minded.

As for these, Shao Yunde at this time looked at it, but he didn't forget to continue to speak.

"Although the matter has come to this point, but this matter, you have remembered it for me, and you must start it simply."

Shao Yunde knew that the time had come for him to fight back.

If he doesn't continue now, then in the future, he will become more and more passive compared to Shao Yunde.

This point, no matter what, Shao Yunde must do it next.

So now, Shao Yunde himself has almost completely eaten these.

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