For these that are encountered now.

In fact, in Sun Shangye's opinion, his heart is much clearer than anyone else.

And the more it is now, in fact, in Sun Shangye's view.

Sun Shangye's heart is actually much clearer and more familiar than anyone else.

Slowly, I subconsciously looked in front of me.

The more it is now, in fact, it seems to Sun Shangye.

Sun Shangye's heart is much clearer and more familiar than anyone else.

And the more so, in fact, in Sun Shangye's view, Sun Shangye is very indifferent.

"But now, since this is the case, then in the future, no matter what, these things must be intensified.

When Sun Shangye said this, although the others did not speak, it did not mean that they did not know anything.

"But the boss, those people from the Five Elements Sect are already coming. "

Are we really able to withstand the way we are now?"

said to Sun Shangye as the people around him said.

The more this is the case, Sun Shangye looked at this, and the corners of his mouth brought a hint of playful smile.

"Haha, all of you, it's still too complicated to think about this matter.

"Do you really think that all this is just so simple?"

The more this situation is now, in fact, Sun Shangye sees it here.

In fact, in Sun Shangye's view.

Deep down, he knew it better than anyone else.

And the more so, in fact, Sun Shangye saw this.

At this moment, the corners of Sun Shangye's mouth brought a playful smile.

Now that the matter has come to this, let's not talk about anything else for now.

But the more so, in fact, Sun Shangye himself is much more familiar than anyone else.

Slowly, just looking at it, Sun Shangye had a playful glint in his eyes.

"It's just a little bit close, and you can kill the Five Elements Sect. "

I didn't expect that the Five Elements Sect would be able to revitalize these like this!" When

Sun Shangye's words came out, it made the people around him nod their heads again and again.

In fact, looking at it now, all of them have fully discovered these things.

But the more it is now, when Sun Shangye sees this, he doesn't forget to continue to say it here.

"But now, since you're already going to do it. "

So next, we just need to kill Han Shaofeng!" When

Sun Shangye said this, there was a fierce look in his eyes.

With Sun Shangye's words, what do you plan to start with such a thing as this.

Otherwise, there is nothing to toss about.

And the more so, in fact, when dealing with the current situation, Sun Shangye's side and those people around him are bright.

"If that's the case, then it's really good that the boss arranged this step.

"Who's to say no, but now, since it's come to this, let's do these things.

"Then you don't need to say it, anyway, no matter what you say now, these things can actually be arranged like this."

With the people around him, he said to this side, Sun Shangye didn't want to delay too much here.

"Okay, all of you, let's arrange it first.

Sun Shangye waved his hand to this side, and did not forget to say directly.

However, after Sun Shangye finished speaking, the others began to prepare.


At this time, Jin Ren became more and more anxious.

"Strange, what the hell is going on here, the more I look at it, the more I feel that it is very wrong.

Jin Ren said, and Mu Yi beside him also nodded.

After all, next, such anger, in fact, has been completely thought of in itself, and the next thing is actually completely necessary, and it should be arranged.

And as Jin Ren became more and more like this, at this moment, Jin Ren looked in front of him, and there was a hint of abuse in his eyes.

"But the more things are like this now, these things, in fact, I think that now they have come just right.

"Of course, otherwise, what are we all here to toss around?"

"Although the words are said so, but then, such a thing, in fact, always feels like it has been calculated.

Mu Yi, on the other hand, sighed.

"No, it's very wrong, according to the intelligence, it should be Sun Shangye's place. Beside

him, Huo Zhi became more and more angry.

The previous incident made him suffer very much.

So now, now that there's a chance.

So what do you plan to do next?

There is no doubt that it all depends on how they plan to arrange it next.

As for the water ceremony, he is a very sensible person.

He even saw all of this in his eyes.

Shui Li waved his hand to the people around him.

"No, that doesn't seem like enough. Slowly

, as Shui Li's words came out, the people around him felt a little unbelievable the more they looked at it.

Seeing this, Shui Li continued to speak.

"Don't you think we're in a different position?"

"So the answers we get in the next place will be different.

When Shui Li said in front of him, the more so, in fact, how to deal with these things at present, how do you plan to proceed next.

In fact, there is nothing else to say about other angers.

But the more so, in fact, in the water ceremony, in any case, these problems, now look at it, in fact, they can be completely solved.

And Shui Li's side, those people around him, also think so.

"Before, I didn't care about this, but now that I hear the Water Rite Protector say this, I think we're in danger.

"That's right, we seem to be completely surrounded by each other, as long as they want to make a move, none of us can escape.

"But it's come to this, so what else can we do next?"

When the people around him didn't forget to say to this side.

The more this is the case, the more unbelievable it is for those people around to look at it.

But from the current point of view, how do you plan to proceed with such a thing?

In fact, all of them know better than anyone else in their hearts.

Looking at this scene, Shui Li at this time continued to speak.

"Anything else, in fact, doesn't matter at all.

"But then, such a thing, in fact, we have already arranged it here.

"Then we must not back down. "

What's the situation?

Jin Ren was a little depressed, and after talking for a long time, he felt that these were nonsense.

But now they are in a dilemma.

However, at this moment, a sharp voice sounded around him.

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