"Now, what's the situation outside, it should be, it's already succeeded

, right?" Fang Beihe looked at the people around him and couldn't help but ask directly.

As Fang Beihe's words came out, it made the people around him nod their heads again and again.

After all, such a thing, in fact, seems to them, and it is obvious that the more they look at it, the more unexpected it becomes.

As for the rest, there is not really anything.

But not long after, a person suddenly came to Fang Beihe's side.

When this person looked at Fang Beihe, he looked very anxious.

"Boss, it's a big deal, our people have all been solved by Han Shaofeng. "


When he heard the people around him say this, Fang Beihe looked this way at this time.

And the more it is now, the more excited those people around them are.

As for the next few things, what are you going to do with them?

At this time, Fang Beihe himself sneered.

"What is this?"

"It's just that if you really think that this can change all this, then it's too simple!" Fang

Beihe said this, he looked even more confident.

And beside Fang Beihe, the more people around him were like this, even when they looked at the eyes.

Fang Beihe felt even more that Han Shaofeng was just looking for death here.

However, with the Fang Betsu crane so.

Now, let the guards of the Fang family around see this.

In fact, now they have completely made up their minds to let go.

"The boss is right, so now, we can't just settle it with them.

"But the more it is now, in fact, for the current things, we should actually start quickly. "

Needless to say, no matter what, they must not be given the slightest chance, Han Shaofeng is here, then kill him directly!"

Obviously, for such a thing, what exactly is going to be done.

At this time, when Fang Beihe saw this, he felt more and more.

This matter must be dealt with quickly, and Han Shaofeng must also die.

"Since that's the case, then next, let's hurry up!" said

Fang Beihe to this side, and even more made the people around him nod again and again.

From now on, in fact, this kind of thing is clearer than anyone else's.

And in the treatment of these, a sound of breaking sounded at this time.

Fang Beihe frowned violently, looking this way, it was obvious that Fang Beihe was completely unexpected.

After all, such a thing actually came by surprise to everyone.

Because at this moment, Fang Beihe found that there was a young man sitting in front of him.

The moment he saw this young man, Fang Beihe's whole brow furrowed at this time.

Because in his heart, he suddenly had a sense of foreboding.

Sure enough, just as Fang Beihe was still talking here, at this time, the young man not far away looked over here.

Obviously, he knows all about this.

"What's wrong

, you don't know me?" "Didn't you always want to deal with me, and now that I'm standing in front of you, you don't know me?"

When this voice sounded, it immediately brought Fang Beihe back to his senses.

"You, Han Shaofeng?"

When Fang Beihe said to this side, the more he was like this now, it actually made Fang Beihe's heart feel a wave of anger welling up in his heart.

Before, everything was fine.

But now, these things have completely happened.

So in any case, in such a situation, in fact, there should still be this necessity, and it is the key to solve it quickly.

"Hmph, Han Shaofeng, why are you here

here?" "Aren't you afraid of death?"

At this moment, with Fang Beihe's words, he said.

For Han Shaofeng, these words seemed a little ridiculous.

But now, do you really think that if you say so much, it will be useful?

If you really think so, then you are really very wrong.

At this moment, as Han Shaofeng's gaze fell in front of him, the more so, Han Shaofeng's whole person was very cold.

Although the situation is like this now, but here, Han Shaofeng said directly.

"Why am I afraid of death

?" "Could it be that I let it go when I see you wantonly bullying the many brothers of my Five Elements Sect?"

Han Shaofeng's words were even more angry, and he looked at it subconsciously, at this moment, those guards of the Fang family were angrily scolding this side.

The more Han Shaofeng is like this, the more intense the feeling it brings to them.

Now they have actually completely made up their minds to let go.

"Who says it's not, since you want to play now, then don't say anything else for the time being, such a thing must be stopped.

"Of course, otherwise, what else do we need to play here now?"

"If that's really what you say now, then now, we have to kill Han Shaofeng!"

But the more it is now, in fact, on this side, Han Shaofeng himself doesn't think it will be of any use at all.

"Hmph, go on.

"Even if you end up now, the end result is the same.

When Han Shaofeng's words came out, how did he plan to deal with these things at present.

In fact, Han Shaofeng has completely thought of it now.

And Fang Beihe himself actually didn't expect these at all.

So looking at these, Fang Beihe's whole person subconsciously took two steps back, the more it is now, in fact, it looks like Fang Beihe.

For now, that's what to say.

It is imperative that we make a decision.

At this time, Han Shaofeng saw this, and it was obvious that Han Shaofeng himself had actually thought of it.

"Well, now, there's nothing else at all.

"But now that you've made up your mind to do this, then don't say anything else, just come!"

Seeing this, Han Shaofeng himself didn't think what would happen at all at this time.

Slowly, just subconsciously looking at the eyes.

And to treat these things, in fact, Han Shaofeng has thought of it now.

As for Fang Beihe, the whole person frowned.

Now this kind of thing, the more you look at it, the more people are a little caught off guard.

It's just that here, Fang Beihe is furious, what the hell is going to do such a thing.

At this moment, there was a hint of murderous intent in Fang Beihe's eyes.

"It's kind of interesting, but by now, you've got it all right.

"Since the matter has come to this, then this account should be settled clearly!"

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