Fang Jianping looked at the people around him, he originally wanted to say something here.

But the more he is like this now, the more Fang Jianping discovers that in fact, he doesn't know where to start now.

It's just that Fang Jianping came back to his senses quickly.

"Then now, what about our losses?" Fang

Jianping's eyes widened and he looked this way.

After all, in fact, no matter who is next, I don't know what the situation is facing now.

But the more this is the case, those people around Fang Jianping are still talking excitedly.

"We're losing a lot of money right now. "


Although I had expected this for a long time, but next, after Fang Jianping heard it.

Even him, at this moment, was slightly stunned.

After all, this matter has been completely unexpected.

As for what exactly you plan to start with?

There is no doubt that it has actually become the next obvious thing.

As for Fang Jianping, as for Fang Jianping, there was a trace of murderous intent in the eyes of the whole person.

"Hmph, Han Shaofeng, aren't you very capable of tossing, next, I really want to see and see how you can toss next!"

As Fang Jianping said here, he made a gesture here.

And those people around him, the moment they saw Fang Jianping's action.

Obviously, next, the faces of these people were filled with a trace of indescribable excitement.

After all, looking at it now, in fact, deep down in their hearts, they are eager to try.

As for the next step, how do we plan to deal with these issues?

In fact, here, the guards of the other Fang families are much more familiar than anyone else.

"Of course, since you want to play like this now, then the next thing, let's all play directly to the end.

"If it is really from now on, then no matter what, these things, all of us, should not be taken lightly.

"Although I said that, I don't know why, I always feel that we have already started to win. When

the people around him didn't forget to say to this side.

After all, next, what are you going to start dealing with such a thing?

In fact, in their hearts, the more they look at it, the more obvious it feels.

And looking at these, in fact, here, Fang Jianping waved his hand here.

If that's the case, then when you think about it, it's actually quite interesting.

"But the more this happens, the more I think it's actually a good one.

When Fang Jianping said to this side, the more this was the case, the others began to make arrangements.


As for Han Shaofeng, he had a hint of playful abuse.

All this was completely expected by him.

"It seems that the Fang family is going to be fooled soon.

When Han Shaofeng saw this, at this time, he was actually quite confident in his heart.

But now in this case, with Han Shaofeng, the more so.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng's side, Huo Zhi, is becoming more and more anxious.

"Sect Master, when will we be able to start?"

Huo Zhi's words actually represented the attitude of the other Five Elements Sect people around him.

These people are staring at the eyes, in fact, all of them have already made up their minds to do this.

"Don't worry, let's take a look at the show here.

"As for us, we'll do it when it's staged here."

When Han Shaofeng said this, the others still looked like some of the second monks were confused.

After all, next, these things, in fact, from their own point of view.

The current situation alone is actually in itself.

In fact, everything that this brings is already completely laid out.

And that's just it, in fact, the people around him subconsciously looked in front of them.

The more it is now, in fact, here, all of them are completely eager to try.

"If that's really the case right now.

"Then such a thing, in fact, all of us, can start at any time.

When Han Shaofeng said, the others were very confused.

Why is it going on so soon?

When they looked, they found that the people who were not far away were running there vigorously.

They were very confused about what was going on here.

Why is it so good, but it has become like this.

"It seems that what the sect master said is very right, all of this should have been under the control of the sect master a long time ago.

"Speaking of which, let's all start playing tailwind again.

"Needless to say, in fact, now, in our own words, that's how we all made up our minds. "

When the people of the Five Elements Sect around them did not forget to say here.

After all, all this next, put here, has already become an obvious thing.

As for Han Shaofeng himself, he didn't think it would happen at all.

"Although the situation is like this now, if you think about it, in fact, this is a big difference.

When Han Shaofeng said this, it made the people around him more and more excited.

After all, that's exactly what they think now.

However, Huo Zhi itself was very confused.

"It's just Sect Master, how did you see all this?"

when Huo Zhi said, the other people of the Five Elements Sect, in fact, all of them thought so in their hearts.

Why, Han Shaofeng seems to have known this for a long time.

In fact, all of them, for a while, will not be so clear.

Seeing this, in fact, over here, Han Shaofeng smiled faintly.

Actually, these things, although they seem complicated.

But to put it bluntly, it's actually worthless.

"Quite simply, I've already destroyed some of this stuff before this.

"That's why now, they're like that.

Han Shaofeng's words made it more understandable for others to look at it.

I didn't expect it to turn out like this.

However, it is precisely because of this that all of them, the more they look at the current thing, the more understandable it becomes.

As for this, Han Shaofeng was very calm.

"Well, for now, that's not the point. "

Now that it's decided, let's all hurry up!"

When Han Shaofeng said to this side, the more so, in fact, treat these things at present.

How could they not understand it?

Looking at these, Han Shaofeng had already completely settled on them.

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