"Sect Master, here we are.

Behind him, Jin Ren's voice came.

Han Shaofeng nodded to this side.

After all, looking at it now, in fact, such a thing is obvious.

"You see, what I said, my brothers have come. "

Now, what about your pride, is it being criticized, there is nothing left?"

When Han Shaofeng's words came out, for the present, it was even more for Fang Shixin to see this.

He gritted his teeth even more.

Especially in this situation, Fang Shixin was even eager to give up after Han Shaofeng's body was broken into pieces.

But here, Han Shaofeng is acting like he doesn't care.

After all, these things now, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's eyes, look very indifferent.

"Do you think you've done enough?"

"But in my eyes, you're not enough.

Han Shaofeng behaved very coldly, and even seemed to have no idea that these people would bring him any trouble now.

However, Han Shaofeng thought so.

But it doesn't mean that Han Shaofeng's opponent also thinks so.

And the more this is the case, in front of Han Shaofeng, the people around him are more and more excited.

As the Fang family's guards, now, in all fairness, they would encounter an opponent like Han Shaofeng.

In fact, they don't dare to take it lightly at all.

So even so, in fact, all of them are completely there.

For the current things, in fact, these people don't know how to deal with them now.

As for Fang Shixin, the whole person was furious, and he realized that he couldn't go on like this now.

If necessary, we should still take action and solve this matter well.

Otherwise, if you continue to consume it now, I am afraid that in the end, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"No, it can't be like this.

"If this continues, won't our family be defeated?"

At this time, Fang Shixin's heart had already realized that this matter was very dangerous.

So since the matter has come to this, let's go to solve this matter once and for all.

There is only one best way, and that is to use all your strength to suppress all this.

Thinking of this, Fang Shixin gritted his teeth, and even when he saw this, at this moment, Fang Shixin's attitude was very obvious.

"What are you still doing in a daze, give it to me.

When Fang Shixin's words came out, it made the people around him look like they were completely stunned.

And the more it is now, in fact, it seems to Fang Shixin.

Obviously, he is about to go crazy now.

And by Fang Shixin's side, when the people around him saw this scene, they also began to speed up.

At this moment, these people quickly arrived in front of them.

And when it comes to these things, these guards of the Fang family are actually completely out of the way.

"What the head of the family said is right, no matter what, you can't let the people of the Five Elements Sect rush over. "

yes, take advantage of this time to knock them all down.

"That's natural, otherwise, if you keep waiting, in fact, the final result will be the same." "

The more this is the case, the more people around me look at me, I look at you, and don't forget to say it to this side.

And as they spoke, it seemed that they were getting more and more anxious.

After all, now, the people of the Five Elements Sect have arrived here.

And now, Fang Shixin is becoming more and more hideous.

This kind of thing, in fact, Fang Shixin has completely seen the problem by now.

The more this is the case, Fang Shixin himself has actually completely settled on this.

"Interesting, it looks like this, it's quite interesting.

"It's just that now, since the matter has come to this, then the next thing should be decided as soon as possible. In

Fang Shixin's opinion, now he has actually completely eaten all this.

The more so, as Fang Shixin looked at these.

Obviously, in fact, in Fang Shixin's view.

So far, the key to solving such a thing is to solve it as quickly as possible.

In front of Fang Shixin, Han Shaofeng suddenly laughed.

"How is it, do you think it's still enjoyable?"

with Han Shaofeng's words, the feeling it brings.

It was as if all of a sudden, Leng Buding slapped this side.

Even here, it's already expected.

But the more it is now, Han Shaofeng is very cold.

"But that's all you're doing.

"Because now, I'm going to get serious.

When Han Shaofeng looked at these, at this moment, the corners of Han Shaofeng's mouth were filled with a playful smile.

After all, next, these things here, in fact, should still have this necessity to distinguish the winner and loser.

Seeing this, beside Han Shaofeng, there were more and more people from the other Five Elements Sect.

When these people saw this, they flocked to it.

"Hmph, what are you doing talking nonsense with them, just kill all these people from the Fang family. "

That's right, today, the Fang family is going to completely disappear from here.

"Don't talk so much nonsense with them, now that it's decided, let's just talk about what we are still struggling with."

"It seems that everyone agrees with it in this way, so let's hurry up and get started." With

the people around him, they did not forget to say, obviously, the more so, the more they treat these things at present.

In fact, it made them all very interested.

As for Han Shaofeng, he doesn't care so much at all.

And the more so, here, Han Shaofeng looked at all this and said coldly.

"I gave you a chance before, but you don't know how to cherish it.

"But this is the end of the matter, then you will surely die."

With Han Shaofeng's words, for the current situation, in fact, Han Shaofeng has completely made up his mind now.

The more it is now, in front of Han Shaofeng, Fang Shixin does not believe in evil at all.

Now that the matter has come to this, the key is to completely solve such a thing.

"Hmph, if I want to surrender to your Five Elements Sect, I can't do it at all.

"If there is anything, it is better to see the truth directly under your hands.

When Fang Shixin said this, the speed of his whole person began to speed up, and he quickly appeared here without saying a word.

And to treat these, at this moment, Han Shaofeng is very cold.

"I'm afraid of you, but it's too simplistic.

"It seems that you are really obsessed, then, let's tell the winner.

When Han Shaofeng said this, the more so, Han Shaofeng has already made up his mind now.

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