"Ah, you..."

Xiao Fang looked at this scene blankly, such a thing made Xiao Fang completely speechless now.

After all, I won't talk about this matter for the time being, but the more so, in fact, here.

The people around Xiao Fang have completely opened up.

And treating these, Han Shaofeng doesn't feel anything.

"Let's go on, okay, all of you, help me have a good time with them!"

Han Shaofeng's words completely showed these things to the fullest.

After all, this is how such things are presented now.

And beside Han Shaofeng, the people around him are actually much more familiar than anyone else.

These things here are definitely not something that can be solved in a few words.

Since we have to do it now, then no matter what, in fact, all of them still have to do this to the end.

Only in this way can these things be dealt with completely.

That's the key.

Seeing this, Han Shaofeng at this time didn't think at all that the current situation would have much impact.

Slowly, looking at these, in front of Han Shaofeng, the people around him, in fact, all of them had already thought of it.

But what Han Shaofeng knows is that it has not been solved by Suzhou and Hangzhou at present, and there is another hidden story in this matter.

"The upgrade was successful, and favorable evidence was obtained.


voice made Han Shaofeng feel more or less surprised now.

What is the favorable evidence?

However, as Han Shaofeng looked at it carefully, Han Shaofeng finally had a general understanding of these things.

After all, next, how do you plan to proceed with such a thing?

In fact, in their hearts, they know more than anyone else.

Looking at this scene, Han Shaofeng at this time had a faint smile on his face.

"So, that's right, I think I finally know what's wrong with this. Han

Shaofeng's side, the other people from the Five Elements Sect were all stunned.

"Sect Master, what are you talking about?"

Jin Ren asked Han Shaofeng with some curiosity.

As for Han Shaofeng, he didn't forget to continue.

I said, I already know the whole thing about it.

Han Shaofeng's words shocked those around him.

How is this possible?

But now, they all see that Han Shaofeng is very decisive and very determined.

Even now, they are very surprised.

As for Han Shaofeng, he took out a booklet.

Then Han Shaofeng said: "This side of Suzhou and Hangzhou is only a small part, and in the next step, I will go to Jinling to find the truth."

When Han Shaofeng's words came out, for those around them, they were stunned.

"I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Yes, it looks like they've been brewing beforehand.

"Then let's all of us, what are you waiting for, since you want to do it, then go directly to Jinling."

At this moment, the people around him became more and more excited.

But here, Han Shaofeng waved his hand and stopped the others.

"No, we can't do that. "


Their scalps tingle a little when they listened.

Around, the other people from the Five Elements Sect were actually stunned.

But Han Shaofeng continued to speak.

"Although, for the time being, we have stabilized the situation here.

"However, these things are not completely solved.

As Han Shaofeng said this, the people around him looked at each other.

Such a thing, in fact, for all of them.

Obviously, they still wondered what to do.

But Han Shaofeng did not forget to continue to speak.

"Actually, right now, that's not the crux of the matter.

"Now you must stay here to consolidate all this on the Suzhou and Hangzhou sides, and as for the Jinling side, I will personally solve it."

With Han Shaofeng's words, this surprised the people around him very much.

But as they all looked at it, it was clear that for the time being.

Next, what are you going to do with all this?

There is nothing else to say.

But the more so, in fact, on this side, other things are nothing at all.

But that's just it, in fact, Han Shaofeng himself is much more familiar with the current ones than anyone else.

Slowly, looking at what was in front of me.

Regarding the things he has encountered so far, Han Shaofeng himself knows a lot more than anyone else.

And that's just it, in fact, for Han Shaofeng, how to carry out such a thing.

The more so, in fact, here, Han Shaofeng himself feels more and more that from now on, what are you going to do with these things now.

Han Shaofeng knows this.

Others, even more suddenly realized.

"I didn't expect it to be like this.

"Yes, it seems that we all thought too simple before.

"But the question is, if there is only one sect master, will it be too complicated to solve this matter?"

In fact, now, such a thing is completely here.

As for the water ceremony, the mind is the most delicate.

After seeing Han Shaofeng say this, Shui Li said even more directly.

"Sect Master, since this is the case, then let someone follow you to protect you to Jinling. "

As for the others, after thinking about it carefully, they think that there is actually nothing wrong with doing this.

After all, Han Shaofeng's identity is the sect master of the Five Elements Sect.

So, if something happens to everyone else, it's nothing.

But only, Han Shaofeng must not be fine.

There is no doubt about this.

As for Han Shaofeng, he felt it more and more.

The next point, no matter what, is actually completely necessary, and it should be let go of it is the key.

"It's okay, this, it's really just me who can go.

With Han Shaofeng's words, this made others more and more curious.

Are these serious?

Looking at Han Shaofeng's determined expression, they knew that it must be true.

But all of them, in fact, don't want to risk their lives here.

But the more they are now, the more they want to continue to say something.

But not far away, a man ran quickly.

The man didn't forget to say as he ran forward.

"It's a big deal, sect master, there are a lot of people outside Suzhou and Hangzhou, and they are all people from the surrounding forces.

"Right now, they're going to attack us. "

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