"Well, now, things here are almost over.

At this time, Han Shaofeng finished speaking.

The people around him were looking at them one after another.

The more so, such a thing, in fact, from its own point of view, is unexpected.

Slowly, I just subconsciously looked in front of me.

Han Shaofeng waved his hand to this side: "Everyone in the Qingfeng team, you have worked hard.

"We'll take care of the rest of the matter. "

After all, no matter what, these have a great relationship with Han Shaofeng and the Five Elements Sect.

So next, it is reasonable to be reasonable, in fact, it should be handed over to Han Shaofeng to solve it.

As for the people in the Qingfeng team, they nodded and stepped aside.

"We feel honored to be able to do things for our boss.

"In that case, then we are on the sidelines, if there is anything we need help with, the boss just asks."

As these people from the Qingfeng team said, in fact, Han Shaofeng really needs their help.

"Since you don't have anything to do right now, let's go straight to the west and get rid of those people.

"This is the warrant of the Five Elements Sect, as long as you hold this, everyone in the Five Elements Sect will not embarrass you. "

Actually, Han Shaofeng had already greeted the rest of the Five Elements Sect before this.

Therefore, Han Shaofeng believes that when the time comes, there will definitely be no impact.

And as Han Shaofeng was still secretly pondering here.

The more so, Han Shaofeng looked in front of him.

Those people in the Qingfeng team nodded again and again.

As for Jin Ren, he was very excited.

"Hehe, now, it's time to clean up you bastards.

"Don't you think you're great, so let's just let the horses go."

As Jin Ren said this, there was a kind of disdain for this side in his words.

However, after Jin Ren's words, the people of the other Five Elements Sect couldn't bear the touch in their hearts.

Even in their opinion, no matter what, such a thing must be completely solved as quickly as possible.

"That's right, so what are we all doing here?"

"That being said, I don't know why, I always feel that it seems a little weird.

"If that's the case, then it looks like it is. "

The more others talk about these things, the more excited they feel.

And along with all of them, they are talking here excitedly.

For these things at present, in fact, Han Shaofeng really feels good.

Han Shaofeng raised his head and looked directly at Pei Lin in the distance.

"I heard that your name is Pei Lian, nicknamed Ten Thousand Enemies?" After

Han Shaofeng finished speaking, Pei Lian slowly came back to his senses.

The moment Pei Lin looked at Han Shaofeng, he raised his head even more, looking completely unconcerned.

"Hmph, that's of course, what's wrong, is there anything else you want to say?"

Pei Lian's gaze fell here, as if he wanted to make a move at any time.

As for Han Shaofeng, when he saw this, the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more intense.

"Of course I have, actually, I also have a nickname.

"My nickname is Destroy All Enemies.

When Han Shaofeng said this, Pei Lian's eyebrows raised slightly.

Of course he could hear that Han Shaofeng was deliberately making fun of him.

"Hmph, you're looking for death.

With Pei Lian's words, at this moment, Pei Lian's speed began to speed up.

It looks like it's just an instant, it's just been there.

As for this, at this moment, Han Shaofeng has a cold attitude.

"So, what exactly do you want to say now?"

When Han Shaofeng saw this, he was concerned about these things at present.

How could Han Shaofeng care about this?

Slowly, see this.

The corners of Han Shaofeng's mouth brought a faint smile.

"But now, even if you really make up your mind to toss so much, you'll find out.

"All of this is not worth mentioning.

And when Han Shaofeng said this, Pei Lin felt it.

Han Shaofeng, this is mocking himself.

"Boy, I don't know, how many hole cards you have. "

But now you, talking to me in this tone, I just know that you will die, and you will die ugly!" As

Pei Lin said this, his whole person roared here.

Regarding this point, in fact, Pei Lin is much more familiar with it than anyone now.

So next, what exactly should be done with it.

In fact, in the hearts of all of them, it couldn't be clearer.

Even when dealing with these things at present, in fact, in the hearts of all of them, they are a little eager to try.

As for this, in fact, for all of them.

Exactly where you plan to start, there is nothing else to say for the time being.

And the more it is now, for this, Pei Lian's brows furrowed slightly.

The more so, Pei Lian's whole person is showing a very obvious attitude.

"It's kind of interesting, but for now, I'm going to play like this.

"Then next, I will accompany you directly to the end. The

more Pei Lin looked at it, the more he felt that what he was doing now would not have much impact at all.

And when Pei Lin was like this, at this time, Han Shaofeng couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, you're too self-righteous.

"Do you still think I'm joking with you?"

With Han Shaofeng's words, the more so, at this moment, the current Han Shaofeng has completely settled on this side.

And the more so, as Han Shaofeng looked in front of him.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng's face showed a bit of indescribable seriousness.

Since he wants to play now, then next, Han Shaofeng will definitely play directly to the end.

This point, in fact, does not need to be considered so much, in fact, it is already obvious.

And the more it is now, in front of Han Shaofeng.

Others, on the other hand, are more and more excited.

Especially those people from the Five Elements Sect, they could see that Han Shaofeng was about to start taking it seriously.

"Wait and see, this guy is dead. "

Hehe, I like to see this happen now, and it's all his own fault.

"Whoever let them run here to make trouble, even if they are killed, they deserve it." "

These people from the Five Elements Sect were all excited.

But Jin Ren still said with a serious face.

"Right now, that's not what we're focused on.

"All in all, everyone remembers, the next step, let's all start here.

"These people, not one of them is allowed to be spared!".

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