"Now, how's the situation?"

Han Shaofeng looked in front of him, slightly curious, and subconsciously asked here.

And with Han Shaofeng's words, the more so, the more the hearts of those around him were even more eager to try.

Things here, in fact, have been completely laid out here.

And looking at all this, Jin Ren at this time had excitement on his face.

"Sect Master, now those people of Cao Taiji have been beaten and retreated.

"And it looks like those people in the west are about to be overwhelmed.

When Jin Ren said, at this time, he desperately hoped that this matter could be resolved.

As for Han Shaofeng, he was actually not too excited.

Such a thing has actually been expected by Han Shaofeng for a long time.

So no matter what, it doesn't have much of an impact.

Slowly, see here.

Han Shaofeng's face was filled with a faint smile.

"That being said, it's not enough from this side.

When Han Shaofeng said to this side, the more so, in fact, it was completely unexpected by those people around him.

And when they came back to their senses, they didn't forget to talk about it here.

"Sect Master, since this is the case, should we rush over to help?"

"That's it, take advantage of this time to clean them up."

"This is inevitable, otherwise, you see how arrogant they were before!"

Even here, the more I talk about it, the more excited I feel.

And only here, for the present present, these problems are present.

At this time, Han Shaofeng is more and more thorough.

Since the matter has come to this point, then I still can't go over, in fact, the result is almost the same.

"No, not yet.

With Han Shaofeng's words, it was obvious that it completely shocked the hearts of all of them.

How could they have expected this?

But seeing this, Han Shaofeng continued to speak.

"It's just that this is the case, but I'm afraid it's not enough.

When Han Shaofeng said in front of him, the more so, it made the other people around him curious.

Why is it so good, but I still say so.

Could it be that Han Shaofeng felt that they couldn't win?

Just when the others were still very curious, at this moment, Han Shaofeng continued to speak.

"Then again, there's the Breeze Squad there, and the west can't hold it.

"They're going to be knocked down soon, and we're just here waiting for their good news."

Han Shaofeng's words made the people of the Five Elements Sect around him admire.

"As the sect master, he has already inadvertently determined everything.

"Of course, otherwise, what do you all think our sect master is still struggling with here.

"Although the matter has come to this point, for all of us, such a thing is still not enough. With

the people around him, they didn't forget to say to this side.

As for Han Shaofeng, he waved his hand and said very simply.

"Actually, now, all of us, we don't need to worry about this matter.

"And, at present, all this has been arranged properly by a long time.

When Han Shaofeng finished speaking, the faces of the others were full of anticipation.

These, what are they, they have long been in Han Shaofeng's plan.


On the other side, Cao Taiji, who was originally high-spirited.

Now, it's very embarrassing.

Cao Taiji said to this side as he ran forward.

"This, are they chasing after me now?"

Cao Taiji's words made the people around him look sideways into the distance.

Until they didn't find anything and told Cao Taiji the news.

At this moment, Cao Taiji's heart was relieved.

"Thank goodness I didn't come along.

Cao Taiji thought of this, in fact, the people around him all thought so.

After all, things here are really too tricky.

They couldn't even think about it if it went on like this.

So in the end, what will be the consequences?

But looking at it now, the more so, in fact, in the hearts of all of them, they are completely holding their breath.

"Hmph, since now, it's been decided to deal with it like this. "

Then for other things, you can't blame our subordinates for being ruthless!" When

Cao Taiji finished speaking, the people around him also felt the same.

After all, to the west, they are only one of the forces.

No, it means all.

And for now, just wait until they unite and settle the matter here.

Isn't that a completely sure thing?

When I think about it, when other people see this, they start to look forward to it more and more.

"But then again, since it's like this, then I think it's okay to do it.

"This is natural, otherwise why are we all still thinking about it here?"

"Despite this, but looking at it now, such things are not enough, they are all provoked by this Five Elements Sect Master. "

Yes, boss, can we just attack this Five Elements Sect Master directly?"

said as the people around him said, but Cao Taiji sighed helplessly.

If only it were that simple, that would be great.

In Cao Taiji's heart, how could he not be clear.

These things seem to be more than just a few words can be explained.

But now, now that I've made up my mind to do so.

Then there is nothing else to say.

That being said, how should we deal with these things at present?

At this moment, Cao Taiji himself realized one thing.

"Do you all think that the silence around here is a little scary?"

When Cao Taiji said this, the people around him looked at each other.

This kind of thing, all of them, has actually discovered.

However, no one said it.

But now, Cao Taiji has put this matter on the bright side.

There is no doubt that for others, such a thing is destined to be very scary.

As for Cao Taiji, he suddenly spoke: "It's not good, run." "

What's the situation?

The others subconsciously looked at the eyes, and for the current things, in fact, all of them really felt very headache.

What is the reason for this?

But now, all of them, in fact, don't have time to think about these things at all.

Now they are swarming towards this side and starting to rush away.

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