Now let's look at what kind of thing you plan to start with.

When Xu Chunhe learned the news at this time, his brows furrowed very much.

"This, how did it become like this?"

When Xu Chunhe saw this, he was even more angry at this time.

After all, now, the Xu family is so good, and it has suddenly become this situation.

Whoever encounters it will feel very angry.

However, from the current point of view, Xu Chunhe at this time is not too worried about this.

"All in all, now, since they want to play, then let's play with them to the end!"

When Xu Chunhe saw this, at this time, he actually didn't feel that there was anything to worry about now.

Looking at this scene, at this moment, Xu Chunhe himself felt very good the more he thought about it.

"However, Han Shaofeng, he can't help but underestimate us too much. The

more Xu Chunhe was like this, the more curious the people around him became.

"Elder, what are we going to do now?"

Hearing the people around him say this, Xu Chunhe subconsciously looked in front of him.

Xu Chunhe knows this.

"Right now, both the Tolerance and the Five Elements Sect are trying to deal with us in every possible way.

"However, we can let the others take action, as long as we can take out one side, then the time comes.

"This point can be completely solved!" When

Xu Chunhe's words came out, it made the people around him all look like they suddenly realized.

In fact, all of them have seen this kind of thing.

So now, in the eyes of all of them.

How should such a thing be handled?

In fact, all of them, deep down, are more and more clear.

"What the elder said is really wonderful.

"yes, if we really make up our minds to do this now, then we can definitely eat them.

"These things, in themselves, are even more inevitable, and none of us have this need to be so. "

The more this situation is now, in fact, in the eyes of all of them, the most urgent thing is what to do.

In fact, deep down in the hearts of all of them, the more they look at it, the more they feel that it is very clear.

As for Xu Chunhe, he still waved his hand.

"Since that's the case, let's attack the Five Elements Sect.

"Although the current Five Elements Sect looks very powerful, if you think about it carefully, it is still a big step behind.

When Xu Chunhe finished speaking to this side, it was obvious that the hearts of those people around him actually thought exactly the same way.

After all, at present, such a thing is actually already on the spot.

And beside Xu Chunhe, the others nodded and agreed.

So far, it seems that these are the best solutions.


As for Han Shaofeng, it was not as relaxed and comfortable as he imagined before.

"It seems that they have actually locked us in now!" Han

Shaofeng suddenly said, making the people of the Five Elements Sect around him completely stunned.

What is the situation with these?

In fact, in the hearts of all of them, they are not so clear.

However, judging from the current situation, at this moment, Han Shaofeng is very calm.

"Other questions, in fact, look at it now, there is nothing to toss at all.

"But even if they do make up their minds to do so, in the end, it won't help at all.

When Han Shaofeng said in front of him, the more he was like this, the more people around him looked completely eager to try.

"Sect Master, what do you say, what should

we do?"

"That's it, such a good opportunity is here, it seems that we still have to do something now."

"All in all, now that you have completely made up your mind to do this, then you must not let go of the Xu family in the future. When

the people around him, they didn't forget to say directly to this side.

After all, such a thing seems to all of them.

In the end, what should be done, in fact, deep down in their hearts, they are quite aware of this.

And the more so, in fact, there is nothing else.

And looking at these places, at this moment, Han Shaofeng felt very interesting.

"All in all, now that I'm going to keep playing.

"Then no matter what the result is, just come!" When

Han Shaofeng looked at these in front of him, the more so, in fact, all of them already knew how to deal with it.

Since something like this has already happened here.

Then there must still be a complete necessity for this, and a decision has been made here.

Otherwise, no matter what you say, it will actually give people the feeling that it is already too far behind.

Slowly, staring at what is in front of you.

At this time, Han Shaofeng was very calm: "In short, now these are actually not enough to see at all."

When Han Shaofeng said in front of him, the more he is like this, the more it seems to others.

This was not expected at all.

Even these things at present, in fact, all of them have fully considered them now.

Looking at this scene, at this moment, Han Shaofeng didn't feel at all that what was going on at the moment was of much use.

"Well, in fact, now, if this trend continues, then for now, it is completely undersightly.

When Han Shaofeng looked in front of him, the more so, Han Shaofeng now had nothing to worry about.

"As for the Xu family, they just went back and forth.

"If you want me to say, they should have arranged it by now, either to attack us, or to attack tolerance.

When Han Shaofeng said this, the people around him were completely startled.

Such a thing, in fact, all of them did not consider it at all.

But these things have already happened, and what should be done about them?

In fact, nothing else, on the contrary, has not had much impact at all.

But now that I'm going to do that, there's no doubt that I don't think such a question will be of much use at all.

"All in all, start now, whatever you may say.

"In this case, I think, let's take the initiative. Actually

, Han Shaofeng didn't want to delay it.

And now, since it's going to be done to the end.

Then, in Han Shaofeng's view, no matter what aspect he starts, such a thing must not be taken lightly.

No matter what you say, in fact, Han Shaofeng knows very well that such a thing, no matter what, must be done to the end.

"Now, I'd love to see them and see if they have the confidence!"

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