Why would Han Shaofeng say this now?

Actually, it was because Han Shaofeng had gradually discovered it here.

So far, such a thing is actually not accidental.

It even seems that it has been planned for a long time.

But who is it because of?

In fact, Han Shaofeng has not remembered what is the reason for such a thing for a while.

Slowly, as Han Shaofeng subconsciously looked in front of him.

The more so, in fact, for these things at the moment.

Han Shaofeng has completely made up his mind now.

And the more it is now, when Han Shaofeng just looked straight in front of him.

There is nothing else to say, and even here, such things are actually already presented here.

As for these now, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's opinion, they are completely placed here.

As for being here, Han Shaofeng still didn't forget to say.

"All in all, if you have investigated those people. "

You can reveal this news to Jinling Tolerance. Actually

, Han Shaofeng still thinks.

This kind of thing, if you let Jinling tolerate to deal with it, then relatively speaking, it is slightly more convenient.

However, if you think about it carefully, in fact, these things are now for Han Shaofeng.

In his heart, it became clearer and clearer.

Beside him, Zhao Tianlong hugged his fists and said.

"Although the sect master can rest assured, we all know this kind of thing.

As Zhao Tianlong said in front of him, the more so, in fact, over here, the more people understand how to do such a thing.

As for the people around, they all looked in front of them.

"Very good, in fact, from the current point of view, how to solve such a situation.

"I think it's just right now. "

These people must have some relationship with our Five Elements Sect. "

However, even the hall master doesn't know, who is this?"

said the other people of the Five Elements Sect as they looked around.

This has led to the fact that these things are becoming more confusing at present.

How should this matter be handled?

In fact, in the hearts of all of them, for a while, they suddenly didn't know what to say.

As for the current these, at this moment, Han Shaofeng is very calm.

"It's nothing, in fact, all of you don't need to think about it so much.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, not to mention, Jinling Tolerance is also investigating this matter. In

fact, Han Shaofeng has no clear answer to this.

These are just guesses in Han Shaofeng's heart, that's all.

But in Han Shaofeng's view, at present, these things are completely there.

And now, in fact, for Han Shaofeng.

The top priority is how to deal with it.

In fact, Han Shaofeng's heart is quite clear than anyone else's.

"It's okay, you take your time and don't force yourself.

"Moreover, those people are actually watching us from the dark.

Han Shaofeng's words made other people's hearts move.

Saying this, all of them now vaguely feel that they seem to understand something.


At the same time, Li Qingyi's heart actually began to entangle such things.

"But now, if you look at it from that perspective.

"At the moment, all of this is completely under control.

When Li Qingyi saw what was in front of her, there was no doubt that these things were actually completely presented here.

Slowly, looking at the things in front of her, she was still talking at this time.

"However, this matter must be investigated.

"Because I have a hunch, these must have a great deal to do with the Five Elements Sect.

When Li Qingyi said this in front of her, it made the people around him all take a deep breath.

In fact, now, all of them have fully seen this kind of thing.

In everyone's hearts, they couldn't believe it.

After all, none of them have ever encountered such a thing.

"There seems to be some truth in what the captain said.

"Of course, but on our side, we've already found some eyebrows.

"That's right, let's continue to investigate around this matter, and we will definitely find some clues. When

the people around him, they didn't forget to say it in front of them.

The more it is now, in fact, the more people see it in their hearts.

As for Li Qingyi, she looked through the information.

Soon, Li Qingyi had already locked on a target.

"This person, have you investigated it before?" when

Li Qingyi said, the tolerance around him at this time was explaining to Li Qingyi.

"Captain, we've looked into it before.

"But this guy has bad legs, so we didn't take it seriously.

As the tolerance around her said this, Li Qingyi became more and more angry the more she looked at it.

Why are these people so inattentive?"

"Just because he has bad legs and feet now, it doesn't mean that he had bad legs and feet before.

When Li Qingyi said this, it made those people around him gasp.

Because now, they all seem to have found out.

In fact, all of them have ignored a very important direction.

So what should we do about it?

In fact, all of them are becoming more and more aware of how this matter should be handled.

As for this, Li Qingyi continued to talk about it.

"From now on, you investigate the case, not just the current one.

"If you look at the information of these people a few years ago, I believe that it will definitely be able to be investigated. The

more Li Qingyi was like this, the people around him nodded again and again.

In fact, all of them have already seen this kind of thing.

But now that the matter has come to this, then the hearts of all of them have completely held their breath.

How could all of them miss such a great opportunity?

Not only that, but even in the eyes of all of them.

It is imperative that we start with this aspect.

Otherwise, it always feels like it's too far away all at once.

"I have to say that this kind of thing is actually quite interesting.

"Since that's the case, then no matter what kind of bull ghosts and snakes you are, I will investigate all of you clearly!" When

Li Qingyi saw this, at this time, her whole face was even more indescribably serious.

And by Li Qingyi's side, in the hearts of those people around him, they actually think exactly the same way.

This, in itself, is beyond doubt.

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