"Haha, these, this is long overdue.

"And, in itself, these things are inevitable.

At this time, Han Shaofeng subconsciously looked in front of him.

As for anything else, there is nothing to say at all.

After all, here, Han Shaofeng was completely and didn't care so much.

But for now, since now, I have completely decided to do this.

Then the next thing is completely necessary, and you can do it directly to the end.

At this moment, when Han Shaofeng saw this, he didn't forget to continue.

"It's just that the more it is now, no matter what, these things must be done to the end.

When Han Shaofeng said in front of him, the more this was the case, the more excited the people around him became.

As for what happened so far, what are you going to do next?

In fact, it is completely on the bright side.

As for Han Shaofeng's side, the other people from the Five Elements Sect nodded again and again.

"This, I think, what the sect master said is still very correct.

"That's right, now, we can fight them to the end. "

It's just that they still have any threat now?" When

the people of the Five Elements Sect around them did not forget to speak in front of them.

The more so, the more we should do what we should do next.

This point, on the bright side, has been completely presented there.

And the more it is now, in fact, in Han Shaofeng's view, other problems are nothing at all.

It's just that now, Han Shaofeng's face is filled with a playful smile.

"But don't worry about that, all of you.

"Right now, they can't figure it out.

When Han Shaofeng looked in front of him, he said very calmly.

The more people around them, the more they looked at them, the more unexpected they became.

It's just that here, in fact, deep down in the hearts of all of them, they feel more and more curious.

Is this really the case?

But now, in fact, there is nothing to deal with.

Now that this has come to this, there is no doubt that there is still a need for it, and the need to speed up is the key.

As for Han Shaofeng, while seeing this.

What should be done to deal with the current problems?

In fact, Han Shaofeng felt that he could only wait now.

"However, Li Qingyi's side, there should be news, right?"

In fact, Han Shaofeng is already a little eager to try.

Moreover, the matter has come to this, so it is imperative to start from this side.

In the current situation, this thought came to Han Shaofeng's heart.

For him, no matter what, he had to speed up.

Otherwise, it always feels like something is missing.


At this time, the Jinling Tolerance Bureau was in the middle of the bureau.

One of the conductors, very excited, passed the news on.

"Captain, great news, the Five Elements Sect has already solved Wu Yuanding. "


This news came very unexpectedly to Li Qingyi.

Although before this, Li Qingyi's heart had more or less guessed something.

But now, really wait until these things happen.

That feeling, but it still comes to people, a little untouchable.

It's just that, actually, over here.

Li Qingyi watched it, and didn't forget to say it in front of her.

"But next, the Wu family will definitely launch the most rapid attack.

"Before, how was the evidence we collected?"

When Li Qingyi finished speaking, the tolerance around him was even more completely convinced.

"Captain, rest assured, everything is already in place.

"That's right, although you can't catch them all, but it's okay to break their muscles and bones.

"In that case, doesn't it mean that we can start working now?"

At this time, there was a hint of expectation on the faces of those tolerances around him.

After all, this kind of thing is not something that can be encountered in any situation.

But the more so, in fact, here.

Li Qingyi smiled slightly.

"Actually, what you all said is actually very good.

"Since the matter has come to this, then you must act quickly!" When

Li Qingyi's words came out, the tolerances around him nodded again and again.

In fact, all of them have completely seen such a thing.

Now that I'm going to do it, I've made up my mind to do it.

So how should such a thing be handled?

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, such a thing, in itself, is actually completely non-existent.

And the more so, in fact, other things are nothing at all.

Looking at the eyes, Li Qingyi smiled faintly.

"Action, naturally, you have to act quickly, but I want all of you to promote it for me.

When Li Qingyi finished speaking to this side, it was obvious that the more she looked at these tolerances around her, the more excited she became.

Now that the matter has come to this, such a thing, no matter what, is actually necessary to be done to the end.

"Since the captain has already said so, then what are we all struggling with?"

"That's right, no matter what, in such a situation, in fact, all of us should still do it to the end."

"In such a situation, no matter how you look at it, all of us are completely victorious.

With the people around him, they didn't forget to speak in front of them.

The more so, start now.

In fact, how do you plan to do such a thing?

In fact, there is nothing else to care about.

It's just that, in fact, other problems, but it's nothing.

"Although the matter has come to this, these questions are what to do next.

"Other things, in fact, are nothing at all, but you can continue to act here."

When these words were finished, the people around them were completely holding their breath.

Such a good opportunity, how could all of them miss it?

And now, as long as the Wu family can be solved.

So what will it bring?

In fact, in the hearts of all of them, they are even more eager to try.

It would be really stupid for all of them to take advantage of such a good opportunity.

So all of them can't wait to solve this matter quickly.

After all, if these things are not done quickly, the consequences will be unimaginable.

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