"President, something is wrong, someone has broken in. Chen

Luo's side, someone hurriedly said to him.

What, how could this be?

At this time, Chen Luo's whole brow furrowed.

At this time, he thought of the Southeast Chamber of Commerce at the first moment.

"Could it be those bastards?"

Actually, in Chen Luo's opinion, for such a thing as this.

Next, what exactly should be done.

In fact, other problems, in themselves, still need to be dealt with thoroughly.

And the more it is now, at this moment, Chen Luo still can't help but say.

"Find these people for me at once. "

If you find it, don't be polite, kill him for me!" When

Chen Luo's whole person's gaze moved slightly, he looked in front of him.

Johns so, in fact, the present word.

For the current thing, Chen Luo's heart is much clearer and more familiar than anyone else.

And by Chen Luo's side, the people from the Luoshui Chamber of Commerce around him.

In fact, from now on, the more they watch, the more excited they become.

"Yes, that's right, no matter what, we must not take it lightly.

"In fact, the way it is now, it is necessary to do it.

"Although I don't want to say that, but from now on, in fact, all of us must do it to the end. "

When the people around you are subconsciously looking in front of you.

The more the situation is now, the more it is actually aimed at things like the current one.

Next, what should be decided?

This alone, in fact, is the most urgent thing to deal with, and it is important to deal with it quickly.

And the more it is now, in fact, how to solve these problems.

Other problems, in fact, there is nothing to dwell on for the time being.

And the more so, in fact, here, Chen Luo himself still behaved very simply.

"I want to see who the hell dares to do this!" Chen

Luoyue is like this now, in fact, he treats these things at present.

The more he thought about it now, the more excited he became.

After all, looking at it now, in fact, all this has come completely to this side.

Therefore, in Chen Luo's view, the top priority is to speed up and solve it thoroughly.

"Also, you guys stop by and take a look. "

Look at those people, are they still here?"

When Chen Luo said to this side, these people around him completely understood.

Since such a thing is already like this, then all of them can't wait to deal with these things.

As for Chen Luo, there was an indescribable smugness in his eyes at this time.

"Hmph, I want to see, what else can you do next?"

Chen Luo said, and the people around him nodded again and again.


"Strange, why now, all of us, still have nothing?" Qin

Wenwen looked at this side at this time, and she was already starting to be a little impatient.

Seeing Qin Wenwen like this, in fact, for Han Shaofeng, his face was filled with a playful smile.

In fact, at present, such a thing is completely expected by Han Shaofeng.

"Of course, I know these things very well.

"And, rest assured, I'm already beginning to know everything about this side.

When Han Shaofeng looked at the eyes, he even treated these things at present.

Next, how do you go ahead and do it?

In fact, in the eyes of all of them, such a thing, in itself, must be dealt with quickly.

And the more it is now, in fact, it is placed here.

At this moment, Han Shaofeng didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this scene.

The more this is the case, Han Shaofeng waved his hand to this side.

"Well, now is not the time to dwell on this issue.

"Now that the matter has come to this, let's just follow them. "

What, follow them?

At this time, Qin Wenwen, with a pair of good-looking beautiful eyes, couldn't help but fall on Han Shaofeng's body.

For such a thing, Qin Wenwen at this time couldn't see it a little.

And the more it is now, Han Shaofeng at this time is very straightforward.

And the more so, Han Shaofeng was very indifferent.

"You say, what would they think if they learned that they had lost their things?"

Han Shaofeng is like this, and Qin Wenwen is not an idiot.

She thought it a little more and she would know.

"Wow, that's a good idea, you're really amazing.

"I chose to come with you, and I really came to the right place. Actually

, Han Shaofeng is worried about one thing now.

Could it be that what the three parties are looking for is the same thing, right?

But after thinking about it carefully,

Han Shaofeng felt that it seemed unlikely.

The Southeast Chamber of Commerce asked me to find someone who was arrested.

And what this girl is looking for is the information of the Southeast Chamber of Commerce.

On the tolerance side, what is looking for is a missing document.

The three aspects seem to be completely unrelated to the three aspects.

Therefore, Han Shaofeng can still conclude.

In any case, in fact, this matter can be completely had.

"Forget it, in fact, it is not necessary to continue to dwell on these things now. "

Actually, now, in Han Shaofeng's view.

The more this is the case, in fact, deep in Han Shaofeng's heart, a thought came to mind.

That is, from now on, it is necessary to solve these current problems completely at all costs.

Otherwise, it will always feel like something is missing all of a sudden.

And the more so, at this moment, Han Shaofeng's face brought a faint smile.

"That's good, but for now, the next priority is to start here.

"Now that we've come to this, I think it's better to start quickly.

When Han Shaofeng saw this, it was obvious that he had actually thought of it now.

"Then when are we going to do it?" Qin

Wenwen's beautiful eyes brought a trace of curiosity and looked at Han Shaofeng.

In fact, this point, deep in Han Shaofeng's heart, couldn't be clearer.

Therefore, when Han Shaofeng saw this, at this time, he was acting lightly.

Even when he saw this, in fact, Han Shaofeng still didn't forget to say it.

"Now, of course, otherwise, I'd been here for a long time thinking about what I'd been doing. "


, now?

In Qin Wenwen's opinion, in fact, she is becoming more and more incomprehensible now.

After all, this point, in fact, in the final analysis, has been completely laid out on the surface.

However, it is also because of this.

That's why it all looks different.

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