Suzhou Hangzhou City Tolerance Bureau.

Shangguan Yan is here to observe and choose a suitable time.

Soon, Shangguan Yan had already noticed.

But here, Shangguan Yan's face brought a smile to his face.

"It seems that it's time for us to have fun with them.

With Shangguan Yan's words, the tolerances around him had already begun to be ready to go.

"Captain, all of us have already been ready, when will we start acting?"

After all, they all knew very well in their hearts that this mission was actually very crucial for them.

As for Shangguan Yan, looking at the neat and uniform crowd in front of him, he smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it's okay, let's get moving.

"In addition, inform Han Shaofeng's side so that they can also start.

Shangguan Yan's words made those people around him feel very excited the more they looked at it.

In fact, for them, the more they look at it, the more they feel that now, these things can start at any time.

Here, though.

Shangguan Yan's heart couldn't help but be a little worried.

"I just don't know what the result will be if we continue to wait like this.

"All in all, you'll know what's going on then.

As Shangguan Yan looked at what was in front of her, she was actually a little apprehensive in her heart.

Although Han Shaofeng has such a strong helper by his side.

But what he was facing this time was the third-echelon Li family, and Shangguan Yan was naturally very worried about this matter in his heart.

"Forget it, I can't care about it that much now.

"When the time comes, we'll see.

After Shangguan Yan finished speaking, the people around him began to clean up one after another.

After all, what the hell should be done in this matter next.

In fact, this point, in itself, is very crucial.


"Is it already okay?"

"Okay, just bother Jin Ren Protector you to stay here, let's go first."

Han Shaofeng looked at Jin Ren beside him and began to assign tasks.

Jin Ren nodded and agreed: "Okay sect master, you can go, there is me in the rear, and it will definitely be fine." "

Now, in the entire Five Elements Sect, Jin Ren's prestige is definitely very loud.

So letting him stay here can actually deal with a lot of unexpected situations.

But now, for Han Shaofeng, the next things are actually the most critical.

"Take down the Li family, naturally, it's not a problem. "

However, the evidence of the Li family's crime, we must get it quickly!" Han

Shaofeng said, and the people around him all looked sideways here.

After all, what do you plan to start with next?

In fact, how can these people not know in their hearts

?" "What the sect master said is, but wouldn't it be good for us to destroy them directly

?" "Yes, or is it that the sect master has other plans to arrange now?"

"Actually, I think that in short, these things should have been prepared a long time ago.

As these people from the Five Elements Sect spoke, Han Shaofeng was about to say something.

However, in Han Shaofeng's mind, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Upgrade complete, current status: Obtain evidence of the Li family's crimes.

As this voice sounded, it made Han Shaofeng a little curious.

Although, now, it is.

However, in Han Shaofeng's view, in fact, Han Shaofeng is now, and the more he looks at it, the more he feels anxious.

"In that case, then let's be fast.

But Han Shaofeng didn't want to delay so much, he wanted to go around directly.

But now, there are so many people around Han Shaofeng, if he takes them with him, it will not be easy to solve this matter.

Therefore, Han Shaofeng looked at it for a while, and then said to this side: "Since now, things have become like this." "

Then Li Qiang, you take everyone directly from the main gate. Han

Shaofeng plans to go over the wall and go in directly, and when there is a mess here, Han Shaofeng will take out the evidence of the Li family's crime.

As for why Han Shaofeng is not with them, it is because Han Shaofeng feels that this is too much of a waste of time.

In front of Han Shaofeng, Li Qiang was very worried.

"Sect Master, otherwise, let me send some people to protect you.

"How can there be no one around you to protect you?"

Li Qiang's words, Han Shaofeng had thought about it.

But in Han Shaofeng's opinion, this matter, if you go alone, it will be smoother.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, I'm alone, it's easier to act.

"As for all of you, go straight through the main entrance.

After Han Shaofeng finished speaking, the other people of the Five Elements Sect were gearing up, and they had been looking forward to this matter for a long time.

"The Sect Master has said so now, then we will definitely complete the task successfully.

"Needless to say, the people of the Li family have been aggressive there before, and now they can naturally teach him a lesson. "

That's right, even the people in the Tolerance Bureau want to attack their Li family, and they won't be better next." With

the surroundings, those people from the Five Elements Sect did not forget to say here.

It was Han Shaofeng, when he saw this scene, the excited look on his whole face was self-evident.

Because in his heart, it seems that he can imagine this scene.

The Five Elements Sect wants to develop, and Han Shaofeng can also take advantage of this time to brush up on favorability.

As long as there is the support of the Tolerance Bureau, it will be very difficult for the Five Elements Sect to develop in the future.

"Sect Master, then let's go first, you be careful.

When Li Qiang looked at Han Shaofeng, he said with concern.

In fact, Han Shaofeng's heart is clearer than anyone else's.

So at this moment, Han Shaofeng waved his hand and said very casually.

"It's nothing, it's just a trivial.

"Don't worry, they can't deal with me yet. "

Besides, the main goal at that time is still in front.

Han Shaofeng bypassed the side door, as long as it was not particularly sad, then there would be absolutely no problem.

After Han Shaofeng thought of this, he immediately came to the position of the side door of the Li family.

"Sure enough, there was no one here.

"Since that's the case, then it's time to act.

Han Shaofeng's gaze moved, and landed on the side door not far away.

As Han Shaofeng expected, there was no one at the side door.

Even the guards of the Li family, who were guarding here, were dozing off here at this time, looking very scattered.

"Well, what should I say about this situation?

"But don't worry, soon, I'll settle this matter once and for all. "

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