"The first match of the second round of the global higher education exchange competition."

"The first seed Yin Xiaoshuang from Dinghai University in Longguo will face the first seed Abe Renji from Jingdong University in Sakura Country."

"The competition begins."

On the left side of the duel field, Yin Xiaoshuang carried two swords on his back, looking heroic.

On the right side, Abe Renji held a yin-yang fan in his hand, wearing a kimono, looking like a man and a woman, with a faint smile on his lips, staring at Yin Xiaoshuang standing opposite.


Yin Xiaoshuang drew out two swords from behind, holding one horizontally in front of him and the other diagonally behind him, taking a stance.

Blood rushed.

Pupils were blood red.

The heart of madness was activated.

As a berserker, Yin Xiaoshuang took the initiative to attack, his steps were agile, and his two swords thrusted, constantly closing the distance with Abe Renji.

"Word spirit, bind!"

Abe Renji was calm and unhurried.

He chanted a spell, waved the fan in his hand, and several blue spells fell towards Yin Xiaoshuang.


Yin Xiaoshuang's blood and qi burst out, easily blocking Abe Renji's word spirit spell.

"Word spirit, guard!"

Abe Renji waved his fan and used spells to lay down a series of barriers.

At the same time, strange fluctuations appeared behind him, and something was condensing.

That kind of fluctuation made Yin Xiaoshuang uneasy.

If I guessed correctly, the energy condensing behind Abe Renji was the summoning ceremony of the "Shikigami".

The source of the Onmyoji's combat power is to summon the "Shikigami".

Unlike the summoner's summoned beast, the Shikigami is a spiritual creature and does not need to enter the Blue Star through the contract space channel of the other dimension.

Instead, it is directly condensed in the form of spiritual factors.

Yin Xiaoshuang wanted to solve it before Abe Renji summoned the Shikigami, but the opponent's word spirit spell was very difficult, and even she could not break it instantly.


When the distance was almost shortened, the blood and qi on the knife in Yin Xiaoshuang's hand condensed, and the knife's momentum was vast.

Due to the condensation of blood and qi, the blade continued to grow.

It seemed to have turned into a blood and qi sword, taller than Yin Xiaoshuang's body.

At this moment, Abe Renji also felt a strong threat. He did not dare to hold back any more. He bit his finger, blood splashed, and the speed of the spiritual body factor condensation behind him suddenly accelerated.

"Tian Xiegui!"

"Red! Green! Yellow! Green!"

Four ghosts of different colors condensed into shape.


Abe Renji gave an order, and the four ghosts went straight to Yin Xiaoshuang.

Yin Xiaoshuang snorted coldly, and the blood and qi spread, shattering the four spiritual ghosts. The blood and qi on the knife also condensed to a terrifying degree.

And behind Abe Renji, a more advanced spiritual creature was gradually taking shape.

Both sides used big moves at the beginning.

The atmosphere of this game was also ignited.

The audience in Dinghai Wangcheng, including many teachers and school leaders, as well as most professionals, all support Yin Xiaoshuang and look forward to her performance.

After all, among the freshmen of this year, Ye Chen and Wen Xiu, who ranked first and second, are both special professionals, and only Yin Xiaoshuang is a traditional professional.

Among professionals, the eighteen traditional professions derived from the four basic professions still occupy the vast majority.

Special professionals are a minority after all.

Everyone hopes that Yin Xiaoshuang can play with style and prove that traditional professionals are no worse than those mysterious special professions.

On the stage, Xu Xuan is also paying attention to this battle.

However, his attention is more focused on Abe Renji.

Shikigami are spiritual creatures.

The image of the abyss creatures reflected on the blue star is also a spiritual body. Perhaps he can find a breakthrough from it, and he can study these Yin and Yang masters after the game.

On the field, the blood and qi power on Yin Xiaoshuang's sword has condensed to the extreme at this moment.

She held the sword with both hands, and her momentum spread rapidly.

Suddenly jumped up.

The long sword collapsed down.

"Mountain Collapse and Earth Splitting Slash!!"


The long sword fell, crushing everything in its path. The barrier formed by Yin-Yang magic was like paper before the might of Mountain Collapse and Earth Splitting Slash, and it broke at the touch.

Abe Renji's face changed.

The shikigami behind him finally revealed half of its body.

It was a female spirit, pink all over, with two peach branches on its head, and peach blossoms dotted on them.

"Intermediate shikigami, peach blossom demon."

Yin Xiaoshuang recognized this shikigami instantly.

The blade collapsed.


With the sword as the center, the ground collapsed, and the power of qi and blood condensed into a sea at this moment, surging up from the ground like a wave, and Abe Renji was hit by the wave of qi and blood.

"Puff!" He suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The pain of being hit by qi and blood made it difficult for him to continue chanting, and he was afraid that he could not summon the complete peach blossom demon.

Just when everyone thought Abe Renji was going to lose, the floating Abe Renji suddenly bit the peach blossom demon's head, and then stuffed the peach blossom demon's head into his stomach.

This scene is terrifying.

Even if the peach blossom demon is a spiritual creature, it is also a partner who fights side by side with Abe Renji.

Abe Renji actually swallowed his partner?

Sure enough, it's cruel!

The audience despised that if such a person swallowed his own Shikigami to win the game, he would probably betray the human race to survive if he went to the battlefield one day.

However, there are also people who support Abe Renji.

They think that it is understandable to win, and how to use the Shikigami depends on one's own means, and others have no right to control it.

After devouring the peach blossom demon, Abe Renji had a strong life energy surging around him, which actually offset the blood and qi impact of the Collapse Mountain and Earth-Splitting Slash.

After the Collapse Mountain and Earth-Splitting Slash ended, Yin Xiaoshuang did not stop the offensive, waving the two swords and continued to rush forward, dancing with the two swords, one sword after another, with exquisite and fast sword skills.

It must be said that Yin Xiaoshuang is indeed the strongest among the freshmen of Dragon Country in this year, just looking at the traditional professions.

In the battle, all kinds of skills are connected perfectly, with almost no flaws.

Abe Renji's face became more and more gloomy.

As the first freshman of Sakura Country this year, if even he fell here, wouldn't it prove that Sakura Country is vulnerable in front of Dragon Country?

He couldn't accept this kind of thing.


The two swords slashed again, and Abe Renji didn't dodge anymore, but stood up to meet it, and was directly pierced by the blade in his left shoulder.

Yin Xiaoshuang frowned, she didn't quite understand Abe Renji's intention.

But she would never miss such an opportunity.

Facing an opponent like Abe Renji, she did not hold back, and each strike went straight to the vital point.

The knife's force spread instantly.

She wanted to smash Abe Renji's body directly.

But she soon realized that something was wrong. The knife inserted into Abe Renji's left shoulder could not move, as if it was clamped by something.

The next moment, the blade suddenly popped out.

The powerful recoil directly pushed Yin Xiaoshuang back hundreds of meters.

Her pupils shrank and she looked at the wound on Abe Renji's left shoulder.

The tiny wound gradually spread at this moment, forming a blood hole the size of a human face, and something drilled out from it.

First, it was a head with silver hair, and then a pair of huge wings.

"High-level Shikigami! Daitengu!"

Yin Xiaoshuang's face was heavy.

He didn't expect that Abe Renji actually summoned Daitengu's spirit from his body in the form of "blood sacrifice".

The longer you fight with professions such as Onmyoji and Summoner, the harder it is to win.

Yin Xiaoshuang knew that her chances of winning were slim.

But she still held her two swords tightly.

She must not lose this battle.

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