Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 205 If you are a man, go down a hundred floors

Speaking of King Dinghai, Xu Xuan and Lin Suying were both a little sentimental.

King Dinghai has been fighting for his whole life.

Spanning the battlefields of two realms, guarding Dinghai King City for three hundred years.

In the end, he didn’t even know where he was buried.

The watchmen of that generation were broad-minded and always said with a smile, "There is no need to bury the bones in a mulberry field, there are green mountains everywhere in life."

But everyone knows that it is just helplessness.

Xu Xuan looked at the Dinghai Stick in his hand. In fact, the Dinghai Stick was not suitable for him. If the Thousand Machine Umbrella was upgraded, the Dinghai Stick would be even less useful.

He promised Sun Xiaokong that as long as Sun Xiaokong won first place in the global exchange competition and won honor for Dinghai King City, he would give the Dinghai Stick to this disciple.

However, the incident in the abyss suddenly forced him to enter the battlefield between the two realms, and the matter was temporarily delayed.

"Don't think so much."

Lin Suying consoled him: "Old Hai is open-minded by nature and advocates freedom. No one can persuade him about the path he will take in the end. If he is still alive, we will meet again."

If he dies, all we can do is help him kill more enemies and pay homage to Hai Lao's spirit in heaven. "

"Well," Xu Xuan nodded: "Let's solve the altar issue first! When I came from outside, the number of undead creatures outside was as vast as the crucian carp crossing the river.

If it drags on any longer, I'm afraid things will get worse and worse. "

Lin Suying's eyes flickered, "I will bear all this."

Xu Xuan took her hand and said, "It's us."


Lin Suying nodded heavily.

Xu Xuan was a little worried, "Before I came here, I went to the Screaming Cave, where countless white worms lived, as well as an extremely powerful worm king.

Do you think there is a creature as powerful as the Insect King under the Infinite Altar? "

Lin Suying's delicate body trembled, "Have you entered the depths of the Wailing Cave and fought with the Insect King Killing Gu?"

"Gu Killer? Is that the name of that insect king?" Xu Xuan frowned slightly: "Do you even know about the Screaming Cave?"

As soon as Su Ying entered the battlefield between the two realms, she went straight to the Infinite Altar. She seemed to be familiar with the Infinite Altar.

Xu Xuan originally thought that her goal was just the Infinite Altar.

Now it seems that is not the case.

Since Su Ying is also familiar with the Wailing Cave, then...

Her target may not only be the Infinite Altar, but all four forbidden areas.

Lin Suying sighed: "Xu Xuan, you should know that I have a teacher who lives in Qingzhou City."

Xu Xuan nodded: "I know."

He had already guessed that Su Ying's teacher was a reclusive powerful man.

Su Ying's transformation from mediocre to outstanding, and then to dominating an era is probably all related to her teacher.

If you look at it this way, Su Ying's teacher is at least in the demigod realm.

He asked: "So your teacher asked you to do these things?"

Lin Suying shook her head: "Teacher, all she gave me was guidance. It was another senior who asked me to do these things, but I promised that senior not to tell anyone what I wanted to do.

Therefore, I planted a 'verbal spirit prohibition' on myself, and I will never leak this matter.

If there is any violation, the soul will be destroyed! "

Xu Xuan's expression became more and more solemn, "Can't even those demigods know?"

Lin Suying smiled bitterly, "Those demigods may not all be dedicated to Blue Star. Once any one of them leaks the secret, the plan will completely collapse.

At that time, it would be a disaster for the entire Blue Star, and I did not dare to take this risk. "

At this point, Xu Xuan had already guessed a lot.

The battlefield between the two worlds was created by the collision and fusion of the Blue Star and the Loland Star, and the four forbidden areas were also created as a result. What Lin Suying did is likely to be related to the secret of the fusion of the two worlds.

Xu Xuan added: "Then Xiaoli's life experience is also related to the senior in the battlefield between the two realms?"


Lin Suying's face looked a little painful, and she whispered: "Xu Xuan, don't ask anymore, you will know one day.

Just trust me, okay? That day isn't too far away. "

"Okay, I won't ask anymore." Xu Xuan said no more.

Xu Xuan always trusted Su Ying in his heart.

He was just worried about whether the so-called 'guidance' was correct.

If the guidance itself is wrong, then Su Ying is likely to be the one to bear all the blame in the end.

"I want to meet your teacher, or that senior." Xu Xuan was worried after all.


Lin Suying looked at him firmly: "When I go back this time, I will take you to see my teacher. If the senior agrees, I can also take you to see her."

Recalling that senior, Lin Suying felt sad.

That one...

He was truly the gentlest and most tragic person she had ever seen.

The two no longer exchanged this heavy topic.

Xu Xuan looked at the candles on the altar in front of him. When he stepped into the feudal realm, his power had already been integrated independently. He only needed to activate the power of the second realm to light the candles on the altar.

The two work together.

But within half a day the candles were all lit.

Matching for men and women.

day to day.

It’s early June in the blink of an eye.

Xu Xuan and Lin Suying stood in front of the altar on the 99th floor.

Next level.

It was the 100th floor. The two people looked at each other, with expectations and worries in their eyes.

No one knows what will happen after entering the 100th floor, the center of the Infinite Altar?

"Su Ying, your heart is beating very fast!" Xu Xuan said with a smile.

Lin Suying came over and held his hand, "Are you ready? Remember what I said. If you encounter an irresistible crisis, run away immediately and don't worry about me."

Xu Xuan grinned: "My wife doesn't care, so who should I care about?"

Lin Suying was not joking, her expression was very solemn: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm serious. Don't worry, I have a backup plan and I won't die here."

"Stop it!"

Xu Xuan said with a puff: "Don't say such unlucky words, maybe there is a huge energy spring below? Then we can take a bath below for three days and three nights, wouldn't it be wonderful."

Lin Suying glared at him, "It's already this time, and you are still thinking about those improper things."

She cursed, but she held Xu Xuan's hand tighter.

The two of them activated their power at the same time and activated the central column.


The altar trembled.

Mysterious runes appeared on the central column.

A huge energy field swept the entire altar, and the surrounding environment became dark. The netherworld fire shuttled between heaven and earth, like a hundred ghosts at night.

Above the altar.

All the undead creatures were still at this moment.

The soul fire in their bodies swayed, and then grew stronger, rushing towards the battlefields of the two worlds like crazy.

Xu Xuan and Lin Suying stood hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, among the thousands of nether fires.

No matter how dark the sky and the earth were, no matter how the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked, there was no need for the stars to shine and the light to illuminate thousands of miles.


As long as there was someone by my side, it was enough!

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