Time flies.

Seven days passed in the blink of an eye.

The annual Forgotten River Festival on Luolan Star is about to begin.

The elves who returned to the Council of All Races also obtained the qualification to participate in this sacrifice.

The Elf Queen Atana personally led the team to the Forgotten River area, but the number of the elf sacrificial team was not large, only 30 in total.

The number of participants is about the same as some medium-sized tribes.

Forgotten River Festival.

In name, it is a worship of the mother river of all races on Luolan Star, and the main purpose is to collect pure Forgotten River water.

The more places in the sacrificial team, the more chances to get more Forgotten River water.

There is a sacrificial site on the edge of the Eternal Forest. The elf team was arranged to this sacrificial site by the Council of All Races, and they all arrived at the Forgotten River soon.

This is the first time Xu Xuan saw the Forgotten River.

The length of the Forgotten River runs through the entire Luolan Star, with an average width of ten miles, and the widest point is as wide as a hundred miles. The source leads to the depths of the earth's core. It is a dangerous and mysterious river.

Standing on the shore, Xu Xuan looked at the turbid water rolling through the river. His spirit seemed to be sucked into the river, and he even had the urge to jump in.

"Everyone be careful."

The Elf Queen Atana held the scepter in her hand, "Come on, complete the sacrifice as quickly as possible, and collect the water of the Forgotten River."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The elves set up their formations and began to perform sacrificial activities.

Xu Xuan mixed in with them and learned in a very good way.

He could feel that there was a force in the sky that was monitoring from time to time, and other tribes were also performing sacrificial rituals in the distance.

All tribes sacrificed together.

Smoke floated over the Forgotten River.

Totems of various shapes appeared on the Forgotten River.

The river water rolled more violently, and the totems of all tribes were roaring. In the sacrifice, this meant that all tribes helped the mother river drive away the evil spirits living in the river.

They hoped that one day the water of the Forgotten River would become completely clear.

That would be enough to change the pattern of the entire Luolan Star.

The totems of all races shine together.

Xu Xuan stood among the races, his mind was a little dazed. Judging from the apparent power, Luolan Star was much stronger than Blue Star.

If it weren't for the internal strife, Blue Star would have fallen at the time of the initial collision.

At this moment, it seemed to hear the will of the races of Luolan Star.

The waves in the Forgotten River became more and more fierce. It seemed to be possessed by evil spirits and was very unfriendly to the totems of all races, even wanting to destroy them.

Countless collisions.

Gradually calmed down as the scorching sun rose.

The totems of all races dissipated.

The Elf Queen Atana shouted, "Now, enter the Forgotten River. I wish you all a full return."

Plop! Plop!

All the sacrificial teams of the races entered the river.

The turbid matter of the Forgotten River floated up. The closer to the bottom, the more likely it was to collect pure Forgotten River water. The races kept sinking and let their bodies sink.

At this time, it had entered the stage of showing their magical powers.

Some races that are naturally good at water have a lot of advantages at this moment.

After sinking into the water, Xu Xuan found that the divine sense above was completely blocked by the Forgotten River Water, and it was difficult for him to use his own divine sense. If he forced it out, it would only be polluted by the turbid Forgotten River Water.

"It seems that it is not easy to collect pure Forgotten River Water."

Xu Xuan finally understood why the Forgotten River Water was so precious.

He sank for more than a hundred meters, and the river water he saw was still turbid and completely impossible to collect and use.

Moreover, the density of the Forgotten River Water was extremely high. Just more than a hundred meters made him feel a heavy water pressure. If he wanted to dive to the bottom of the river, it would probably cost a very heavy price.

Xu Xuan was not here to risk his life. If he could not violate it, he would not force it.

He kept sinking.

At more than 500 meters, he could basically no longer see other collectors. If there were any, they were very far away. The water pressure here was so great that he had to divide some of his strength to resist it.

The river water below became clearer.

He should be able to reach the bottom of the river if he went down further.

Xu Xuan gritted his teeth and dived again.

Collecting pure water from the Forgotten River is not just a matter of using a container to scoop it up. You must find a plant that grows at the bottom of the Forgotten River, an algae plant named "Forgotten Grass".

Then use the Forgotten Grass to absorb the turbidity and purify it to get pure Forgotten River water.

The life cycle of the Forgotten Grass is very short, only one day at most, and it may die and wither in a few minutes at the shortest.

The withered Forgotten Grass not only cannot purify the Forgotten River water, but also becomes part of the turbidity in the river. Regarding this, the strong men of Luolan Star have studied it for a long time, but still cannot solve it.

"Forgotten Grass!"

Xu Xuan was thinking, and suddenly a touch of green floated in front of him, which was the growing Forgotten Grass.

He dived quickly.

The collection bottle in his hand quickly scooped over and collected a pot of relatively clean river water, then took out the Forgotten Grass, stuffed it into it, and urged the power to let it absorb the turbidity.

The Forgotten Grass that absorbed the turbidity quickly turned black, and it was taken out and thrown away.

In this way, he got some pure water from the Forgotten River. A small bottle only had about 20 to 30 drops.

But this was already a lot for Xu Xuan.

After all, if he gave it to his disciples twice as much, it would be the amount that hundreds of races could collect together.

He continued to search for the shadow of the Forgotten Grass.

On the shore.

Atana stared at the rolling Forgotten River in a trance.

During the sacrifice just now, she was almost always looking at ‘Kaide’, but she didn’t see any flaws.

“Did I guess wrong?”

Atana was a little distressed.

A human disguised as an elf must have some mistakes in details.

If it was really Xu Xuan who disguised himself, then the disguise was too perfect.

“No! This might be the best opportunity. I want to go down to see him.”

Atana knew that in the Forgotten River, any divine sense exploration would be isolated. Only in this way could it be guaranteed not to be spied on.

But as the queen of the elves and the host of the sacrifice, it was too abrupt for her to go down in person.

While hesitating, some of the elves had already come up.

Those who came early were forced to come up because they could not bear the pressure before finding the Forgotten Grass. Seven or eight elves did not even collect a drop of pure Forgotten River water.


Atana sighed.

The elves are no longer as good as before. Not only are they weak, but they are also extremely disunited internally.

Except for a few ancestors, most of the strong men in the tribe followed Moira to Blue Star. Some of them defected from the Eternal Forest a few days ago, and some died in the riot.

There are only a few elites left.


A flash of inspiration came to Atana's mind, and she suddenly thought of a good way to conceal her tracks.

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