With the collection of the sacrificial teams of all ethnic groups ending.

The Forgotten River Festival is also gradually coming to an end.

Next, there is a very important step, that is, each race needs to hand over one-third of the collected pure Forgotten River water to the Council of All Races.

However, most ethnic groups will choose to hide their secrets and will only submit to a minimum standard.

Not long after, the king of the Council of Ten Thousand Tribes came to the elven sacrificial team.

The aura of the King of the Realm is revealed, extremely powerful, without any restraint.

He looked down at Atana and asked in a cold voice: "Elf Queen, what are the results of your elves' collection this time? According to the standards of all races, the elves are a big race and should pay at least a hundred drops of pure Forgotten River water."

"Hundred drops?"

Atana's expression changed.

The quota given to the elven sacrificial team by the Council of Ten Thousand Tribes is only for small and medium-sized ethnic groups, but they have to pay the same share as the thirty-six major tribes.

It was clear that he wanted to embarrass them.


Atana refused coldly.

She knew that the Council of All Races would not let the elves off easily. In the eyes of the main war faction, the elves' sins were unpardonable, and they would not be forgiven even if they returned to the Council of All Races.

What's more, there are also dark elves who are obstructing this.

But she also knew that blindly tolerating would only intensify the bullying by the Council of All Races, and it was not certain whether she would be able to defend the homeland of the Eternal Forest.

She had to do something to fight back.

At least let the guys in the Council of Ten Thousand Races know that the elves will not always give in. If they are forced again, they will unite with the leader and faction to fight to the death.

The king of the council looked at Atana, with murderous intent erupting all over him. The other tribesmen in the suppressed sacrificial team couldn't breathe, "This has been the rule of the Council of All Races for hundreds of years! Do you, the elves, want to make an exception?"

Atana waved her hand and threw out a jade bottle, "There are only ten drops of pure Forgotten River water. This is the maximum amount that our elves can pay."

"If you don't follow the rules, you can't blame the council."

The king directly smashed the jade bottle, waved his hand, and the huge pressure instantly pressed against Atana, and the other elves were directly lifted away and fell into the distance.

The scepter in Atana's hand is certain.

The natural energy between heaven and earth and the source of life in the eternal forest are all used by her.

As long as it can be recognized by the eternal scepter and eternal crown.

In a sense, the Elf Queen in the eternal forest is invincible, and the entire forest can be used as her power.

Behind Atana, trees thousands of meters high rose from the ground.

It roared and roared.

Thousands of branches turned into fists and headed towards the parliamentary king.

The latter's expression changed and he wanted to retreat, but he felt a strong natural pressure. It was the will of the eternal forest suppressing him.

puff! puff! puff!

The fists of the Thousand-Meter Treeman kept bombarding the King, smashing him directly into the Forgotten River, causing countless waves.

Atana's voice sounded coldly.

"The return of the elves to the Council of All Races does not mean that we accept arbitrary bullying. If the Council is not sincere and wants to start another war, we will accompany it."

Atana's momentum amazed the elves.

It was only now that they felt the majesty of the Queen. This was Her Majesty the Queen who could sustain the elves' inheritance for countless years.


Atana turned and left.

The overt and covert strongmen of the Council of All Races looked at Atana's leaving figure, and after all, they did not dare to move again.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

The team went away, and Alvin came up again and asked.

Atana glanced at him, "As the leader of the Elf Knights, you should know when to stand up!"

The queen's disappointed eyes were like a knife cutting into Ivan's heart.

He lowered his head in shame.

Facing the strong men of the Council of All Nations, he did not dare to resist, because he knew that he could take the position of leader of the Knights only because of the support of the Council of All Races.

To be more precise, he is the spy placed by the Council of All Races around the Elf Queen.

In the team, Xu Xuan looked at this scene with deep feelings. It seemed that the elves had a deeper foundation than he thought.

Atana's level is actually able to use the eternal scepter to mobilize the power of the eternal forest to fight against the powerful king.

If Moira was in charge, no one would dare to offend the elves.

Before the two worlds collided, the elves should have played a decisive role in the entire Loland star.

Why would Moira lead most of the clan's forces to oppose all clans and support Blue Star? And united with other lords and factions to create civil strife in Loland Star?

Just peace-loving?

The elves killed the soldiers of all races without mercy at all.

As his horizons improved, Xu Xuan saw more and more things. Many things that he thought were simple before seemed not so simple now.

In his thoughts, the sacrificial team has returned to the Eternal Forest.

"Evan, Cade, come with me."

Atana disbanded the sacrificial team and called the army commanders Aiwen and Xu Xuan to the Elf Temple. They were also the only elves in the team besides Atana who collected pure Forgotten River water.

Alvin was ecstatic inside.

Is Her Majesty the Queen going to give him a reward?

Xu Xuan was absent-minded. He just wanted to end the mission quickly, help Su Ying complete the plan, and go home to retire as soon as possible.

Come to the Elf Temple.

Atana looked at Ai Wen and Xu Xuan, "In this sacrifice, you have done a good job and saved the face of the elves. You can give me any reward you want."

Ivan had already thought about his lines and said respectfully: "Your Majesty the Queen, I don't need any reward. It is my honor to serve the Queen.

If possible, I just want to be by your side forever. "

Xu Xuan next to him twitched the corner of his mouth.

He finally understood.

This legion commander Ivan is just a licking dog, the kind who will definitely lose everything in the end.

The key is that the licking is not complete.

He also wanted to win the favor of the Elf Queen, but he didn't dare to risk his life to fight against the Council of Ten Thousand Races. With a smile on his face, he was destined to get nothing in the end.

In response to Aiwen's expression, Atana nodded lightly and looked at Xu Xuan: "Cade, what about you?"

"Your Majesty the Queen, I want some fountain of life."

When it was Xu Xuan's turn, he was not polite either.

He handed over ten drops of pure Forgotten River water. Isn't it too much to exchange for some fountain of life?

"Be bold!"

Before Atana could respond, Alvin shouted angrily, "Cade, don't push yourself too far. It's an honor for you and me to serve Her Majesty the Queen. How dare you ask for the precious fountain of life?"

The fountain of life can be said to be the symbol of the elves.

It is also one of the lifeblood of the elves.

Compared with the pure Forgotten River water, the undiluted spring of life of the elves is rarer and more valuable.

"It doesn't matter."

Atana waved her hand to stop Ivan who was about to say more, and said: "Cade has made merit in this sacrifice and deserves a reward. Tonight you can come to the Moon Well in the elves' ancestral land to receive the reward."

Alvin's face suddenly turned ugly.

Regret surged in my heart.

He really wanted to give himself a big mouth, why would he say that? I almost got a chance to be alone with Her Majesty the Queen.

What he didn't know was that even if he made the same request as Xu Xuan, he would still be rejected.

Some things depend on the person, not the conditions.

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