Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 250: Cleaning up the internal strife, tensions are high

"Just follow the Queen's orders."

The ancestors were calm.

Even if Atana asked them to die immediately, they would not hesitate at all.

Atana pointed to the towering ancient tree in the center of the ancestral land.

"Four ancestors, I need you to form a natural formation to activate the life energy in the twelve moon wells to help the eternal ancient tree complete its final evolution."

After the words fell, the four ancestors were a little puzzled.

They knew that the eternal ancient tree was the lifeblood of the eternal forest and the elves, but they had never heard that the eternal ancient tree could evolve.

But at the moment of life and death, they had no reason to question Atana.

Questioning the elven queen chosen by Her Majesty Moira, whom they had followed for countless years.

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

"We will do this right away, and you should also be careful. The attack from the parliament will come at any time."

The four ancestors received the order and immediately rushed to the moon well.

Atana waved her scepter.

The light of nature fell, and the last life of the four ancestors bloomed brilliantly. Their states were all restored to their peak at this moment.

With the four elf ancestors as the guide, the endless life energy in the twelve moon wells was pulled.

Four beams of light condensed by pure life energy were injected into the eternal ancient tree from different directions.

At this moment, the flowers, trees, birds, beasts and insects in the whole forest became energetic.

"What happened?"

"Is that..."

"The eternal ancient tree?"

"Such a rich breath of life is escaping, what's going on?"

The elves also felt the changes in the eternal ancient tree.

The eternal ancient tree, which was originally towering, has begun to grow again?

This made them a little uneasy.

The elves have been in too much turmoil recently, and any slight movement makes them feel panic in their hearts, fearing that the war will come again.

In the Elf Academy, Xu Xuan was also looking up at the towering ancient tree.

The plan finally encountered twists and turns.

As he was watching, a light flashed beside him. Atana stepped out of the space and tilted her head to look at Xu Xuan, "I'm afraid the plan has to start ahead of time."

"Sure enough... Has the Council of All Races noticed the movement?"

Xu Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked out of the forest.

He felt a strong space blockade.

The war is inevitable after all!

Atana said solemnly: "Before being discovered by the Council of All Races, you must not take the initiative to reveal your identity. The Council does not know our core plan.

As long as the core plan is completed, our efforts will not be in vain."

Xu Xuan nodded: "I know, everything is based on the plan."

"That's good."

At this moment, Atana finally had the grace of the queen, not the ignorant elf girl.

The scepter in her hand burst out with dazzling light.

At the same time, there was also endless murderous intent.

This was the first time Xu Xuan felt the murderous intent in Atana.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The next second.

All the members of the Council of All Races in the Elf Academy, whether guards, mentors or other personnel, died at the same time.

"It's time to clean up the internal garbage."

After cleaning one place.

Atana moved instantly and kept appearing in various places in the Eternal Forest.

All the members of the Council of Ten Thousand Races were wiped out.

She had been forbearing everywhere before to avoid war conflicts and failure of the plan. Now that everything that should and shouldn't have come has come, she has no scruples.

The elves were terrified when they saw the queen who suddenly went "mad".

The members of the Council of Ten Thousand Races fled even more frantically.

How complacent they were when they came, how embarrassed they were at this moment.

Facing the Queen of the Elf who controlled the entire Eternal Forest, they didn't even have the ability to resist.

In just a few minutes, all the members of the Council of the Eternal Forest were slaughtered.

The elves were all at a loss.

What happened?

When they were confused, Atana's voice rang out in the forest.

"Everyone, the Council of All Races is about to launch an attack on the Eternal Forest."

"War is coming."

"Please bring your weapons and equipment to meet the impact of the storm if you are capable of fighting."

"Follow the guidance of the great Elf God, follow the prophecy of Her Majesty Moira, and pursue the truth of nature. We elves love peace, but we are never afraid of war."

"I know that not long ago, I hurt the hearts of many people in the tribe. I am sorry for your faith."

"I sincerely apologize to everyone here."

"Today, I will defend the dignity of the elves with my life."

"The elves have never surrendered, but are just waiting for a better future."

The voice of the Elf Queen Atana floated in the Eternal Forest.

The tribesmen were a little confused.

Hasn't Atana surrendered to the Council of All Races and defined Her Majesty Moira as a traitor? Why did she suddenly say that she was following the instructions of Her Majesty Moira?

What happened?

The sudden change made some people unable to adapt.

But more elves would rather follow the Queen to fight, rather than live in cowardice, allowing the Council of All Races and the hateful dark elves to eat away their heritage bit by bit.

Then they were completely imprisoned by the Council of All Races.

This is not the style of the elves.

Pursuing freedom and embracing nature are the true pursuits of the elves.

Atana's voice sounded again, "If there are tribesmen who are unwilling to participate in this battle and want to submit to the Council of All Races, this emperor will also give you this opportunity.

You can leave the elves now and walk out of the Eternal Forest."

The elves are not all warriors.

Most of those who supported Atana's ascension to the throne in the early days were members of the Council of All Races, and only a small number were Atana's own loyal followers.

After a little hesitation, those elves all walked out of the Eternal Forest.

They walked nervously step by step at first, and then ran away quickly. Atana could sense all the movements of these elves.

The moment they walked out of the Eternal Forest, the elf leaders breathed a sigh of relief and began to run harder.

But not long after they walked, an invisible barrier appeared in front of them.

The army of the Council of All Races had been waiting for a long time, and they captured all the elves in an instant.

According to the results of Daisy's great prophecy, they had already prepared for the massacre. All life in the Eternal Forest, not only the elves, but also the stationed members of the Council of All Races, must die!

It is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go.

At this time, all the elves are armed and ready to fight.

Including the underground, the peace-loving army is also ready. The moment the war begins, they will tear open a hole at the fastest speed at all costs.

No matter what, the "inheritor" in the tribe must be sent into the super-large world channel.

Send it to the only place of hope predicted by Moira of Destiny.

For this, no matter what.

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