Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 281 Xiaoli is not a human? Official dispute

Dinghai University, Principal's Office.

When Xiaoli was brought, King Jiujiang, Marquis Wende and other school leaders were already waiting.

"Master Nephew!!"

As soon as he entered the door, Xiaoli saw the King of Jiujiang and shouted excitedly.

As for the other school leaders, she didn't know them either.

The corner of Jiujiang King's mouth twitched, he knew it would be like this. He really didn't want to come to see this little girl unless he had to.

However, the situation was serious and he couldn't care less about face.

"Xiao Li, I am Wendehou, the principal of Dinghai Academy. There are some things we want to talk to you about." Wendehou said.

"Are you the principal?" Xiao Li was still very polite and immediately called out, "Hello principal."

"What a good boy."

Marquis Wende smiled. He looked at the innocent little carp and was sure that this little girl had broken through to the Tianhe realm.

"Nephew, principal, why did you come to see me?"

Surrounded by a group of strong men, Xiao Li still talked freely and was not nervous at all. He said with a smile: "Is it because I have broken through the Tianhe realm, the school will give me a reward."

"That's right." Marquis Wende smiled and said, "Xiao Li is the number one genius in our Dinghai Academy, even more powerful than your mother back then."

"Because mother and teacher gave the best to Xiaoli."

Xiao Li doesn’t think that it’s all her own fault for being able to break through so quickly. If her mother and teachers hadn’t given her a lot, she wouldn’t be so good.

After hearing this, the Prince of Jiujiang and the school leaders felt even more mixed emotions.

He is such a good boy who has such a talent but never takes pride in himself and understands the hard work and dedication of his elders!

If everyone in the human race is like Xiaoli, why worry about Blue Star not being powerful?


It’s not clear whether the little carp belongs to Blue Star or not.

Many leaders of the school carefully chatted with Xiao Li, coaxing and tricking him to delay the matter, waiting for notification from the official superiors.

It was not King Wu'an who took the lead in this matter.

Even the assistant secretaries representing the demigods were involved. Their participation also represented the extreme importance the official attached to this matter.

The officials first tried to contact Shuiyue King Lin Suying and Qianjihou Xu Xuan, but found that neither of them could be contacted and they did not know where they were.

The official could only issue a notice to take Li Xiaoli to Longdu for in-depth inspection.

After receiving the reply, the leader of Dinghai Academy looked bitter. Did he take Xiaoli to Longdu? If she went there, this little girl might have to suffer.

They still like this sensible little girl very much.

But when it comes to the upper-level game, Xiaoli will most likely be involved.

"Xiao Li, do you want to go to Longdu?"

Marquis Wende did not dare to disobey the orders from his superiors, so he could only try to ask, "You haven't been there yet, have you? How about we take you to play?"

"Going to Longdu?"

Xiao Li's eyes lit up, and she naturally wanted to go, but she still shook her head firmly: "But, I can't go to Longdu now."


"Because I have to wait for the teacher and mother to come back." Xiao Li explained: "When mother and teacher come back, they will take me there."

Marquis Wende was stunned, "How did you know that the teacher and mother were coming back?"

Even the authorities couldn't find any trace of Xu Xuan and Lin Suying. Where did this little girl get the news?

"This is a secret." Xiao Li blinked his big eyes, "I can't tell you!"

The King of Jiujiang and other feudal princes were quite frightened.

It seems that Xu Xuan still has some backup plans.

To be able to contact Li Xiaoli from a place so far away from the battlefield between the two worlds is really a monstrous means.

This Qianjihou, who claimed to break history and shock the past and the present, was more powerful than they imagined. He must have mastered some secret technique of spiritual communication.

Marquis Wende could only send a message to inform the superiors of the matter.

Dragon Kingdom, the Supreme Court.

At this time, the parties involved were also having a fierce dispute over Li Xiaoli.

King Wu'an sat in the main seat. Facing the secretaries and representatives of the powerful demigods, he did not give in at all, and his attitude was extremely strong.

"Everyone, I only have one opinion."

"If you want to deal with Li Xiaoli, you have to wait for Shuiyue King and Qianjihou to come back."

"Li Xiaoli is their daughter. They have the right to decide. There is no need for us to rush this moment."

Faced with the power of King Wu'an, the secretaries and representatives did not make concessions. They represented the positions of your Majesty and had a great say.

"In my opinion, it would be best to resolve this matter neatly before Xu Xuan and Lin Suying come back."

"Pull out that Li Xiaoli's heart blood and test it and you will know."

"If she is a real human, then the authorities will apologize. If she is not a human, then she will be locked up or killed. If she is kept secretive, she may become a big trouble in the future."

"Even if there is only a slight risk, we cannot allow the seeds of disaster to take root and germinate."

The speaker was the representative of the powerful demigod Yan Qingqing.

Yan Wuqing is an absolute paranoid sect.

He never believed in any foreign race, and even when he accepted help from the elves, he was the one who strongly opposed it.

He believed that except for the human race itself, no life race would help them for no reason.

This Crown Prince is a representative of extreme justice, and he cannot tolerate any sand in his eyes. Any behavior that is not conducive to the general trend of the Dragon Kingdom is an obstacle in his eyes.

Back then, when the rebels were in rebellion, they threatened the life of a small town and asked the Dragon Kingdom to let one of the rebel kings leave safely.

Unexpectedly, His Majesty completely disregarded the consequences and annihilated the rebel army with thunder and lightning, killing and injuring half of the people in the small town.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire Blue Star Alliance, and Yan Wuqing was severely punished.

Yan Wuqing didn't care.

In his eyes, killing a rebel and becoming a king, and deterring all kinds of demons, is far more important than the life of a small town.

This approach did make the rebels restrained a lot.

There has never been a similar threat again.

Therefore, Yan Wuqing's representative strongly opposed King Wu'an's proposal. He believed that now was the best time to deal with it, otherwise when Xu Xuan and Lin Suying came back, it would add a lot of trouble.

"You are too extreme."

The representative of another demigod, His Majesty Long Yuan, said: "You should know that there is a mysterious person behind King Shuiyue. If you anger King Shuiyue, this matter will not end so easily."

The representative of Yan Wuqing sneered: "Everyone present knows that you have always stood on the side of King Shuiyue. I also admit that the person behind King Shuiyue did give us some help.

But we must be on guard. Those who are hiding things should be included in the list of suspects.

Only when we are strong ourselves can we be truly strong."

The two argued.

The other representatives also made brief speeches.

The main argument was between King Wu'an and Yan Wuqing's representative.

No one expected that one day the Dragon Kingdom Supreme Court would argue endlessly over a small Tianhe Realm.

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