"Can it actually affect soul particles?"

Looking at the almost transparent soul particles filling the forest, Xu Xuan was quite surprised. The ability of this faceless man was quite strange.

He also marveled at the love of that mother.

In that situation where there was almost no way to survive, the mother actually saved the faceless man's life.

During his thoughts, those soul particles became still.

It was like the majestic heavy rain suddenly stopped in the sky and fell into a strange state.


The faceless man let out a shrill scream again.

In an instant, those still soul particles crashed into the faceless man's mind at an extremely fast speed.

On the faceless face, various faces appear and change.

There are ferocious monsters, panicked women, and resolute men...

But they all just passed by in a flash, and in the end the faceless people were still the faceless people.

"What a weird ability."

Lin Suying exclaimed, "He seems to have absorbed the soul particles scattered here and then strengthened himself. Is this the real reason why he can survive here?"

"Even my soul felt the pull of that storm just now."

Xu Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, "If he can truly adapt to his own abilities, his combat power will probably not be weaker than that of ordinary kings."

Lin Suying sighed: "The word "Yingyun" is so difficult. Many people spend their entire lives unable to practice a secret technique that suits them.

What's more, this is just an unknown ability of his, not a secret skill. "

When Xu Xuan mentioned the secret skills, he suddenly thought of something.

In the super-level tutor gift package given by the system, there is a technique called 'Wuxinless Form Technique'.

The practice of this technique is extremely demanding, requiring you to cut off your ego and have no mind or form.


Thinking of this, Xu Xuan immediately opened the eyes of the divine mentor.

Data emerges.

[Root Bone Value]:? ? ? ;

[Comprehension value]:? ? ? ;

[Character Value]:? ? ? ;

[Compatibility with the skill ‘Mindless and Formless Technique’] 100%;

[Existing constitution or blood]: Tongxinmui;

[Suitable for physique or bloodline]: The degree of compatibility with the Void Dao Body is 95%.

Seeing this data, Xu Xuan was also a little confused.

The last time there were so many question marks was Xiao Liuxu's confusion, because Lao Liu belongs to an extremely special type of original spirit life, and has no roots or talents.

The faceless people are even more strange, they even have no Xinxing points.

As far as he understood, there was only one reason for this situation, and that was that the faceless man had lost all desire for the world, including the desire to live.

Perhaps the faceless man only has one thought in his heart, and that is to always be by his mother's side.

This kind of thinking no longer counts as desire.

She is already the entire inner world of the Faceless Man.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Xu Xuan's abnormal expression, Lin Suying asked in a low voice.

"I want to accept him as a disciple."

Xu Xuan didn't hide it either.

"Accept him as a disciple?" Lin Suying was surprised, "In this state, can he still listen to what we say? Is he willing to get in touch with the world?"

"It's hard."

Xu Xuandao: "But I think he will be willing."

Lin Suying looked at the coffin buried under the ancient tree.

That's right.

The faceless people want to protect their mother's body, so they have to leave here. Even without them, this place will sooner or later be destroyed by the monsters deep in the forbidden area.

The purified forest gradually returned to calm.

Xu Xuan looked at the faceless man, "Leave here with us, take your mother, and leave this dark place."

"No! I won't leave." The faceless man made a voice.

He obviously doesn't trust Xu Xuan.

He grew up here and lived here "all his life". This is the hometown where his mother was buried, and it is also his whole world.

Xu Xuan continued: "You have absorbed so many soul particles, you should have seen that this is a place of doom, and your mother died because of it.

There is a better world outside, that is where your mother was born and where your mother really wants to go back. "

"Mom...where do you want to go back?"

Scenes from his mother's memory flashed through the faceless man's mind. It was a world he had never seen before, and it was also the place he missed most in his mother's memory.

But he was afraid, he didn't want to face that world.

Because that world abandoned my mother.

Only in this small world with only two people could he protect his mother.

Will not be abandoned, will not be hurt.

"Come with us!"

Xu Xuan extended the invitation again, "You understand what we are saying. Staying here will only lead to death. Regardless of whether you want to face the world or not, you should not stay here."


The faceless man fell into deep thought.

A human face flashed across his face again.

"Go? Leave this dark land?"

The faceless man made a painful questioning sound. This was the soul particles affecting him, and it was also his mother's obsession.

As a mother, why don’t you want your children to grow up safely, healthily and happily?

Struggling for a long time.

The faceless man finally stood up, "Maybe I should go with you. You are right. I should take my mother to see the outside world."

He jumped into the pit, opened his arms, and moved the coffin made of the wood of purification out of the pit.

I picked some more branches and woven them into ropes.

Immediately, the faceless man knelt in front of the coffin and worshiped devoutly, "Mother, I will always be by your side."

After saying that, he stood up, fixed his mother's body with a braided rope, tied the coffin, and finally tied it to his back.

"Are you going to carry this coffin all the time?" Lin Suying couldn't help asking.


The faceless man saw only a haze.

Only his mother was the last meaning of his staying in this world.

Xu Xuan was also touched, but he didn't say much. He couldn't empathize with a person who had experienced despair in the world, and no one in this world could understand the world of the faceless man.

Because! He has no heart!

After careful perception, Xu Xuan saw that the faceless man had no heart in his body.

He relied on the special physique "Tongxinsui" circulating in his body to replace the heart, and used this substance to maintain the operation of life, which also made him completely different from normal people.

Fortunately, the faceless man was willing to leave, and the two were finally able to collect the purification wood.

Lin Suying walked to the ancient tree and sat on the ground.

Around her, mysterious runes loomed, the purification wood trembled, and the purification power was stripped out of the tree.

In front of Lin Suying, a huge vortex formed.

It gathered all the purification power together like a whale swallowing the sea.

In the center of the vortex, a touch of emerald green light was born.

The purification power was continuously compressed until it reached the extreme, the vortex dissipated, the surrounding world fell into darkness, and the black plague swept in madly.


Lin Suying suddenly opened her eyes.

An emerald green bead flew out.

The black plague was instantly dispelled, and the surrounding thirty miles returned to clarity in an instant.

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