June 9th.

The 300th college entrance examination in the new calendar has ended.

The national rankings are out.

Everyone is paying attention to this list.

The national rankings only display the results of the top 1,000 in the country.

Of course, this list does not represent the 1,000 strongest students in Long Kingdom this year, because there are still many outstanding students who have been recommended to the four major universities before the college entrance examination.

Xu Xuan is also browsing the list.

Ranked first in the country: Ye Chen, with a score of 750 (+99) points and a clearance speed of five minutes and thirty-one seconds.

Ranked second in the country: Wen Xiu, with a score of 750 (+98) and a clearance speed of five minutes and 43 seconds.

Ranked third in the country: Yi Xiaoshuang, with a score of 750 (+97) points and a clearance speed of five minutes and fifty-nine seconds.

Ranked 10th in the country: Qi Yun, with a score of 749 (+90) and a clearance speed of 7 minutes and 20 seconds.

National ranking 983: Zhang Mu, score 702 (+41), clearance speed 64 minutes and 59 seconds.

"The gap is really huge!"

Seeing the gap in rankings, Xu Xuan couldn't help but sigh.

The top few students with perfect scores were competing for speed, and whoever ran faster would get first place.

Although Zhang Mu has done very well, the accumulated gap cannot be eliminated overnight.

If it were his second apprentice Li Xiaoli who grew up to this age, he might have a chance to compete with those at the top.

"Young people are terrible."

Xu Xuan felt that even if he went into battle in person, it would take at least one minute to clear the level.

It seems that we need to urge the disciples to continue working hard and strive to find the third child as soon as possible, otherwise they will be caught up by this group of young people sooner or later.

Boom, boom, boom!

While thinking, there was a knock on the door.


Xu Xuan didn't dare to open the door.

Since yesterday's interview, he now doesn't even dare to go to class.

As soon as they arrived at the work unit, those old ladies and old men came to the door one by one carrying eggs and vegetables to plead with their grandchildren, asking Xu Xuan to accept them as disciples.

There are even beautiful young women engaging in body temptations.

Xu Xuan was not a veteran cadre and could not withstand such a test, so he simply asked for leave and hid at home.

Lao Zhao, who took over for him, was very happy and told Xu Xuan to have a good rest.

Old Zhao Hao made a grand statement that if he wants to regain his middle-aged glory, he will bear all the pain.

"Master." Zhang Mu's voice came from outside the door, "People from the admissions offices of the four universities are here and want to discuss it with you."

Xu Xuan then opened the door.

Zhang Mu and four strange figures stood outside the door.

"Hello, Mr. Xu, I am Xiang Wentian, assistant to the Admissions Office of Dinghai University."

"Assistant of the Admissions Office of Xuanhuang University, Liu Kun."

"Assistant of the Admissions Office of Beifeng University, Yan Ling."

"Longdu Academy, Yunxian."

All four said hello.

Xu Xuan responded with a smile and greeted several people into the house.

In the small room, six people were crowded together, which seemed a bit crowded.

Yun Xian from Longdu Academy spoke first: "Mr. Xu, you should be very clear about the purpose of our coming. You know the strength of our Longdu Academy. Sending Zhang Mu to our school is the best choice."

Xiang Wentian also said: "Mr. Xu, although our Dinghai University ranks behind Longdu University, the teaching staff of our institution is not worse than theirs.

Moreover, Shui Yuehou, the legendary figure in Qingzhou City, also chose Dinghai University. If Zhang Mu chooses our school, given time, he will definitely become the second powerful man in Qingzhou City to be granted a title. "

Beifeng Academy and Xuanhuang Academy also expressed their sincerity.

Xu Xuan smiled: "You guys just tell me the conditions and let Zhang Mu make his own choice. As the master, I don't want to interfere too much."

Xu Xuan knew that everyone in the admissions office was talented and could save money if he could.

If you don't force them, they don't want to get good things out.

After a while, Yan Ling took the lead in setting out the conditions.

"Beifeng University can waive Zhang Mu's tuition for four years, and at the same time provide him with one year of basic training resources, as well as a Tianhe-level physical skill or technique for free."

"Xuanhuang University can add one year of basic training resources to Beifeng University."

"The conditions of Dinghai University are the same as those of Beifeng University."

All three universities have given conditions.

Yun Xian didn't say anything. She looked Xu Xuan up and down. After confirming that Xu Xuan was only in the Starry Realm, she felt a little more disdainful.

She really couldn't understand why the teacher would let her pay special attention to this kind of person.

The highest enrollment price is also given.

"And you?"

Xu Xuan stared at her.

From the moment Yunxian walked in, he felt Yunxian's hostility, and he didn't know if he had a conflict with this woman.

Yun Xian spoke calmly.

"Before I came, the teacher specifically told me that Zhang Mu could be given the highest standard of enrollment resources."

"That means free tuition for four years, free basic training resources for four years, and a feudal-level technique."

Her conditions poured cold water on the other three.

Just when the three of them thought that this trip was going to be ruined, Yun Xian suddenly changed the subject and her tone became much harsher.

"But I have a personal condition."

The hostility in her eyes was no longer concealed.

Xu Xuan still had a faint smile on his face: "What are the conditions?"

Yun Xian said coldly: "I want you to terminate the master-disciple relationship with Zhang Mu. Your strength is no longer qualified to be Zhang Mu's teacher. In the future, he will enter Longdu..."

"Get out of here!"

Before she finished speaking, Yun Xian was interrupted by a roar.

Several people turned their heads and saw Zhang Mu with his eyes wide open and a murderous aura. He pointed at Yun Xian's nose and cursed: "Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have to insult my master?

For people like you, what's wrong with Longdu Academy? Even if you give me a god-level technique, I still don't look down on you. Get out!"

The other three admissions teachers were stunned.

This was the first time they had seen a student who dared to point at the nose of the admissions office of Longdu University and curse.

Didn't the information say that Zhang Mu was honest and simple?

"Let me get out?"

"Today I will teach you a lesson and let you know what it means to respect teachers and respect the way."

Yun Xian was furious. As an admissions assistant of Longdu University, she was respected wherever she went to recruit students, and no one dared to ask her to get out.

A mere junior dared to offend her.

She slapped Zhang Mu with a palm.


As soon as the palm was slapped out, Yun Xian felt a strong sense of crisis from the soles of her feet to the top of her head. She looked up and saw Xu Xuan's cold eyes.

Xu Xuan raised his hand, the light in the ring gathered, and a spiritual arrow shot out.

It was the active effect of the epic set Qimen three-piece set.


Facing the sudden spiritual arrow, Yun Xian had no time to react, and the spiritual arrow directly pierced her right shoulder. The spiritual arrow, which was equivalent to the peak of the Tianhe Realm, directly exploded her right hand.

It shocked her internal organs.

If Xu Xuan hadn't deliberately missed the target, Yun Xian would have become a corpse now.

Xu Xuan looked down at her: "You touch my disciple? Have you got my consent? If you do it again, your heart will end up like your right hand.

Get out!"

The pride on Yun Xian's face disappeared without a trace, replaced by fear and shock. She didn't dare to refute anything and left in disgrace.

The other three admissions assistants also looked at Xu Xuan with fear.

They could feel the horror of the previous attack.

Although it was fired by the equipment, it didn't matter anymore.

Would an ordinary Star Realm person be able to afford such equipment?

They would never believe it even if they were beaten to death.

After dealing with Yun Xian, Xu Xuan clapped his hands, turned around and smiled at Yan Ling and the other two.

"Shall we continue the conversation?"

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