While Xu Xuan and Lin Suying fought against the black plague.

The battlefields of the two worlds have also undergone earth-shaking changes.

The third line of defense of the Dragon Kingdom, the third legion.

An emergency meeting is being held.

On the main seat, King Chongming looked ugly. When he saw many injured cadres below, he felt even heavier.

"Everyone, the frontline is losing ground one after another. In just half a month, many of our resource points have been lost."

King Chongming was heartbroken, "Not only the third line of defense, but also Blue Star's other lines of defense have been hit hard one after another. Luolan Star is well prepared this time!"

These days, King Chongming has collected statistics about the past half month.

In all medium-sized and above encounters, Blue Star's chance of winning is less than 5%. If this situation continues, Blue Star will be completely defeated in less than three months.

King Bunraku, the deputy leader of the mobile support group, said: "According to the data observed by the Blue Star Alliance, it can be determined that the Loland Star has built an extremely powerful war machine.

They are called the "Forgotten" Legion, and they are built with the bodies of the powerful kings and marquises who died in the battle of Loland Star as the core.

There are currently two types of 'Forgotten'. The former are rare in number and extremely powerful. Their strength is at the top level of the King Realm. Without the help of base formations, only a few King Kings in the entire Blue Star can fight against them.

The other type of Forgotten One is not as strong as the former, weaker than the real Marquis Realm, but far stronger than the Tianhe Realm, and there are many of them.

As for the specific data, it is still being compiled. "

King Bunraku's words made the soldiers feel uneasy. How to fight such a big gap?

What makes them most desperate is that the other side is just a lifeless war machine, while Blue Star has to use living human lives to accumulate it.

Such a war will be lost sooner or later.

After all, Loland Star's military strength is stronger than Blue Star's, and with these war machines, they seem to have no hope of winning.

King Chongming felt uncomfortable, but he knew that as the marshal of the army, he could not be discouraged first.

If even morale is gone.

That's the real loss.


King Chongming said, "Until the Blue Star Alliance issues a war order, we will temporarily give up all competition for resource points on the outer defense line.

What we have to do now is to retain our combat effectiveness and adhere to the formation of the third line of defense. As long as the formation is still there, we will definitely have hope of victory.

Five hundred years ago, in such a difficult environment, the seniors of Blue Star protected the world for us, allowing the younger generations to live in peace.

Today, we will not let down the inheritance of our predecessors. Even if we cannot end this war, we have the fire of inheritance that will last forever.

One day, the descendants of future generations will rise up, completely end this war, and return Blue Star to a peaceful and prosperous age! "

At the end of the sentence, King Chongming almost shouted.

At a moment like this, words like this are needed to boost morale.

King Chongming issued an order, "From now on, all commanders, please concentrate your forces and stick to the positions in various places to ensure that the formation is safe and sound.

When the battle is in place and people are there, everyone dies in battle, do you understand? "


All the soldiers responded in unison.

Everyone's heart is heavy.

"King Chongming, hasn't the Blue Star Alliance studied similar war machines for so many years?" a leader asked.

"Of course the Blue Star Alliance is also working hard on it."

King Chongming said: "But in just five hundred years, it is impossible for our alchemy level to be comparable to that of Luolan Star, and our technological level is only at a stalemate.

Research on the God-killing Bullet and Sky Eye System has already consumed half of the Blue Star Alliance's scientific research funds.

The most important reliance of the war machine is alchemy and puppet control. The Blue Star Alliance still has a long way to go before catching up with the Lollan Star. "

King Bunraku also said: "Even if the five permanent members of the Security Council have war machines stationed there, it cannot be replicated and cannot be compared with the Loland Star."

Some commanders lamented, "Do we really have to fight those cold alchemy monsters with our flesh and blood?"

“You have to fight even if you don’t fight.”

King Chongming's heart burned with anger, "It is impossible to place hope in alchemy, unless Blue Star can cultivate a semi-god-level alchemist in a short time.

And this alchemist can overcome the power of the puppet but cannot break through the restrictions of the feudal lord. That difficulty..."

He said no more.

The soldiers also understood.

It is useless to rely on that kind of thing, it is just a luxury hope.

Below, Sun Xiaokong is also following the war instructions. After more than a year of training on the battlefields of the two realms, his strength has been infinitely close to the feudal realm.

He felt like he could break through at any time.

With just one high-intensity battle, he would be able to enter the realm of feudal lord.

Originally, he thought that he could be proud of countless geniuses when he entered the feudal age at the age of less than twenty years old, but now he couldn't get excited at all.

There is only a deep sense of powerlessness in my heart.

In the face of a real large-scale war, the strong men in the feudal realm can't decide anything at all.

He wants to become stronger!

Even being crowned king is not enough!

He wants to become a demigod, a true god!

Heroes are made in troubled times, and now that the war is coming again, he will definitely be able to find his own opportunity in the war, and he must catch up with his teacher.

Sun Xiaokong clenched his fists.

"Everyone, please return to your respective positions!"

"From this moment on, I have only one order for you, stick to your respective positions."

King Chongming gave an order!

"Hold on! Hold on!"

"If you are in the battle, you will be there. If you are dead, you will be dead!"

The soldiers responded in unison and left.

Walking on the road, Sun Xiaokong could see that the wounded were constantly being sent back to the base. Under the ravages of the war, the casualty rate of the entire legion was rapidly rising.

He was so angry and hated himself for being powerless.

Figures flashed through his mind.

"I don't know how the teacher and the others are doing."

Sun Xiaokong thought. No one has been online in the mind space for a long time these days.

Senior Brother Mu, Second Senior Sister, Third Senior Sister, Old Five, Little Six, Little Seven, each of them was busy as if they were preparing for some work to save the world.

Even the teacher was the same.

"By the way, I remember that the Third Senior Sister left a message in the mind space last time saying that she wanted to develop a super baby."

Among the teacher's disciples, only the Third Senior Sister developed a secondary profession, and she was an alchemist.

With the teacher's guidance, the Third Senior Sister might be able to create a miracle?

Soon, Sun Xiaokong laughed at himself and shook his head.

Although Third Senior Sister has good talent, she is still so young. How could she possibly achieve that level?

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