At noon on the third day after the college entrance examination.

Xu Xuan, Xuanyuan Qingqing, and Zhang Mu boarded the spaceship to Longdu.

The connection between many cities in the Blue Star world is cut off by the wilderness, the ground is polluted to a certain extent, the orbital facilities are destroyed on a large scale, monsters are rampant, and most land transportation vehicles have long been unable to pass normally.

The spaceship is the only passenger transportation vehicle on Blue Star today. A large spaceship can carry more than 10,000 people.

But the cost of the spaceship is high, the loss is amazing, and its ticket is also very expensive.

Most people can't even afford the ticket.

Professionals below the Gold Realm, if they don't get into college or have special opportunities, are likely to stay in one city for their entire lives.

On the deck of the spaceship.

A group of passengers basked in the sun comfortably.

Xu Xuan and Xuanyuan Qingqing chatted and laughed, while Zhang Mu stayed in the room to practice alone.

Even if it was the first time to take a spaceship, Zhang Mu was still able to suppress his curiosity, endure loneliness, and spend all his energy on practice.

"Your disciple is really hardworking. He doesn't even want to take a break on the boat." Xuanyuan Qingqing smiled.

"It is because he works hard enough that he can get here step by step."

Xu Xuan has long been accustomed to Zhang Mu's efforts.

His eyes wandered on the spaceship. The passengers on this spaceship were not only humans, but also elves, orcs, giants and other creatures from the game world.

When in Qingzhou City, Xu Xuan rarely saw races other than humans.

And big cities are open to all kinds of people. They are not averse to alien creatures who advocate peace, especially elves, which are beautiful, peaceful and kind. Many people in big cities actively pursue them.

The main reason is that the life group structure of the two worlds is very different.

The Blue Star world is completely dominated by humans. Except for humans, other creatures do not have too high intelligence.

The game world is different. There are many races, but there is no supreme ruler. No race or force has absolute right to speak.

The education received by each race is also completely different.

This led to huge internal differences at the beginning of the collision between the two worlds, before the creatures in the game world invaded.

The war faction entered the Blue Star World, and the peace faction stopped them.

There were even mafia forces on both sides.

This gave the Blue Star World a chance to breathe, organize resistance forces, and quickly turn things around after becoming familiar with the ability.

The two were chatting.

An elf in a leaf suit suddenly walked towards this side, she looked at Xu Xuan: "Hello, I am Atana from the elf tribe, can I make friends with you?"

Was he approached by an elf?

Xu Xuan was a little surprised. He had seen the introduction of the elves in the information. The elves are generally cheerful and don't hide their thoughts.

When they see people and things they like, they will take the initiative to negotiate.

"Of course." Xu Xuan nodded, "My last name is Xu, my name is Xuan."

It's just making friends, he will definitely not refuse, not to mention that he is still a little curious about the elves.

"Xu Xuan." Atana looked at him with bright eyes and said seriously: "You have a very special attraction."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Xu Xuan was calm on the surface, but he was surprised in his heart. Speaking of special, there are too many special points about him.

Atana couldn't tell that he had a system, right?

It should be because he had taken the purest marrow cleansing potion, or because of the chaotic body.

Xuanyuan Qingqing on the side was also quite puzzled.

She looked left and right, but couldn't see any special attraction of Xu Xuan.

"Are you going to Longdu too?" Atana asked.


"After arriving in Longdu, can I invite you to dinner?" Atana seemed very excited and did not hide her affection for Xu Xuan at all.

"Sorry, I may not have time."

Xu Xuan declined politely.

Although Atana was very beautiful, she was not the kind of person who couldn't walk when she saw a female elf.

Xuanyuan Qingqing was more and more confused.

What was so special about Xu Xuan that could make the elves take the initiative to this extent?

Based on her understanding of the elves, there is only one possibility that can make the elves so proactive, that is, this person has something that is particularly attractive to the elves.

Or this person's physique is extremely special, closer to nature than the elves.

It seems that my father's guess is correct, Xu Xuan is indeed not simple.

Being rejected by Xu Xuan, Atana was a little disappointed, and forced a friendly smile: "If you have time next time, you can come. I live in the Red Moon Tavern next to Longdu Academy."

"Are you from the Red Moon Tavern?"

At this time, Xu Xuan had not yet replied, and Xuanyuan Qingqing spoke first.

"Yes, what's wrong?" Atana smiled and responded.

"Uh... Nothing."

Xuanyuan Qingqing was about to speak but stopped.

In the alchemy project she was studying, one of the important materials came from a type of wine in the Red Moon Tavern, called 'Holy Moonlight'.

Only the Red Moon Tavern in the entire Blue Star world has that material.

She wanted to ask Atana if she could help get that kind of wine, but after thinking about it, she gave up. It was just a chance encounter, and Atana could not help her.

The three chatted for a while.

A sturdy male elf suddenly came up and whispered a few words in Atana's ear.

Atana's face changed slightly, and then she smiled apologetically at Xu Xuan.

"Sorry Xu Xuan, I have something urgent to deal with. I look forward to seeing you again."

The sturdy male elf also smiled and cast a kind look at Xu Xuan.


The two elves left in a hurry.

Xuanyuan Qingqing was dumbfounded. She could understand that Yatana had a crush on Xu Xuan. After all, opposites attract.

Why was the male elf looking at Xu Xuan so passionately?

Her curiosity about Xu Xuan soared rapidly.

"What are you doing?"

Xu Xuan was startled by Xuanyuan Qingqing's eyes.

Xuanyuan Qingqing licked her lips: "I'm very curious about what you are made of. It's too much to accept both male and female elves.

I really want to take a tube of your blood and see how high the Fountain of Life content is in your blood. "

Xu Xuan: "???"

Is this the fanatical alchemist?

He also wanted to give Xuanyuan Qingqing an electrotherapy treatment to get rid of the child's alchemy addiction.

Otherwise, if I become his apprentice in the future, why don't I think about him as my master's slice study every day?



The two were joking when the spacecraft suddenly shook violently.

Toot toot! Toot toot!

An urgent siren sounded.

"Dear passengers, please note that our spaceship was attacked by monsters while traveling."

"The ship will temporarily stop sailing."

"Next, the combatants will clean up the monsters. Don't panic. Just go back to the cabin and wait for a while."

"Longdu Flight Group will ensure your personal safety."

After hearing the announcement, the passengers on the deck walked back to the cabin calmly.

"Let's go back to the cabin too!"

Xuanyuan Qingqing explained: "It is very common for a spaceship to be attacked. After all, there are many flying monsters, and there are always those who are blind and want to die.

As long as you don't encounter a king-level monster, you will be safe and sound. "


Before Xuanyuan Qingqing finished speaking, another loud noise came.

Looking up, I saw that the energy shield above the spacecraft had been penetrated at some point.

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