Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 354: The Ultimate Physical Skills, the Only Belief in This Life


Another missile was fired.

The Mad Lion King did not dare to allow the Goblin King Kuro to attack him anymore, and turned into a huge mad lion and charged outside the formation.

He suddenly slapped the missile with one claw.


The missile exploded.

The protective formation was disturbed again.

Even his body felt a little numb.

"Chaos aura?"

After personal contact, the Mad Lion King keenly noticed that there was a mystery hidden in the fighter plane that the Goblin King was riding, and the weapon launched actually had a chaotic aura.

What kind of technology is so powerful?

Even if the entire fighter plane is made of chaos stone as the basic material, it should not be able to do this.

Kuro's fighter plane must have a mystery that Blue Star has never touched.

Under Kuro's leadership, the army of Loran Star has launched a full-scale attack, the protective formation has been disturbed, and the entire defense line is in danger.

Kuro laughed sarcastically while sitting on the fighter plane.

He looked down at the angry Mad Lion King.

As long as the latter dares to step out of the range of the protective formation, the other party will die. Even if he doesn't step out of the protective formation, he will be able to kill him sooner or later.

In short, Kuro has this line of defense.

It's useless even if the Thousand Machine King and the Great Demon King come.

The Crazy Lion King no longer has confidence in his heart, and frantically asks for help from the Blue Star Alliance.

What he is most worried about is that not only the line of defense he is defending, but other lines of defense have also encountered the same situation.

If this is true, it is probably a matter of time before Blue Star falls.

"King of the Crazy Lion, are you desperate?"

Kuro continued to launch attacks, and did not forget to ridicule the King of the Crazy Lion, hitting the morale of the human soldiers.


A huge explosion sounded not far away.

The base of the eighth line of defense trembled suddenly.

The heart of the Crazy Lion King also trembled, and his eyes looked at the source of the explosion, where a flame shot up into the sky, which was the flame of the explosion of the crystal of the defensive formation point.

Every formation point that is broken will weaken the power of the defensive formation.

If all the array points are broken, that will be the moment when the eighth line of defense falls.

The Crazy Lion King has the will but not the strength.

He is different from other top kings. He has come to where he is today step by step by relying on his strong physical skills.

Being restricted in the array, his abilities cannot be displayed.

But if he rushes out, facing the four top kings plus a stronger top king Kuro, he will definitely die.

Once he dies, the line of defense will only fall faster.

This feeling makes the Crazy Lion King extremely uncomfortable.

He has never experienced the pain of struggling in despair.

"That senior has fought so hard for us, are we still going to fail?"

The Crazy Lion King felt bitter.

After more than a month of preparation, in the end, it is far less than what Luo Lanxing prepared.


Another explosion came.

Another array point was lost.

"We can't just sit there and wait for death!"

The Crazy Lion King was impatient. Facing this situation, he also knew that it was difficult for the Blue Star Alliance to rescue him, and perhaps the situation of other lines of defense was worse than his.

At present, there is only one way to make the formation last longer.

That is to find an opportunity to kill the Goblin King Kuro.

Even if it costs his life, it is worth it to exchange one for one.

Continuing to defend will only lead to death.


It is also difficult to kill Kuro.

Only by finding a perfect opportunity and using one's strongest forbidden technique can there be a slight possibility.

"Qianjun, you will control the protective formation."

The Crazy Lion King handed over the control of the formation to his companion Qianjun King.

Qianjun King was originally one of the five kings guarding the Twin Towers, but the war was urgent, and the Blue Star Alliance could only recall him to assist the Crazy Lion King in guarding the eighth line of defense.

"What are you doing?"

Qianjun King was puzzled.

"I will find an opportunity to kill Kuro later, you defend the formation." The Crazy Lion King said in a heavy tone.

"Kill Kuro? No!"

Qianjun King was shocked and immediately stopped him.

Not to mention that Kuro's strength at this time is obviously higher than that of the Mad Lion King. Even if the two are equally strong, Kuro is still protected by four top king-level warriors.

The chance of the Mad Lion King killing Kuro is very small.

"This is our only chance."

The Mad Lion King smiled bitterly and said, "If the formation is broken, we will have no chance of winning. Find a chance to kill Kuro, and you may be able to defend with the help of the formation."

"We can wait for the support of the Blue Star Alliance!" King Qianjun still didn't want the Mad Lion King to take risks.

"Do you think the Blue Star Alliance can come to support us?"

The Crazy Lion King shook his head: "Among the crowned kings, only the Thousand Machine King and the Great Demon King are stronger than me. Even if the Ten Thousand Thunder King comes, he can't turn the tide in the face of this situation.

Loran Star has endless means, how much can the two of them do?

Qianjun, you must remember that at any time, we can only rely on ourselves, and the help of others is an erratic fate.

If you want to keep going on this road, you must firmly believe in yourself, instead of pinning your hopes on fate."

Qianjun King was silent.

He no longer dissuaded.

The Crazy Lion King laughed up to the sky.

"I dare not claim to be the first among the crowned kings, but in the field of physical skills, I am confident that I am above all the crowned kings."

"Qianjun, today I will let you see..."

"What is it!"

"The ultimate physical skill!"

Fiery red steam continued to emerge from the Crazy Lion King's body.

His rough, fiery red hair spread out.

His skin even turned into a liquid state, flowing like magma.

The Crazy Lion King has loved physical training all his life.

He firmly believes that if he trains his body to a certain level, he can also become a top-level strong man and reach the realm of God.


With a roar, the Crazy Lion King rushed out.

His speed was so fast that the Loran Star Army outside did not react in time. In just a moment, the fiery red beast had killed Kuro.

Kuro, who was sitting on the fighter plane, was shocked.

At that moment, he actually felt the crisis of death.

The powerful aura made it impossible for him to dodge, as if his nerve movement had entered an extremely slow state. He only had time to press the protection button on the fighter plane.

The fiery red beast had already hit the fighter plane.

When the two collided, the Crazy Lion King held down the fighter plane and dragged it directly to the back of the battlefield.

The four top king-level combat forces chased wildly from behind.

The sudden change shocked both armies. During the attack, the Mad Lion King smashed the fighter shield with his fists.


The fighter shield shattered.

The Mad Lion King took the opportunity to kick Kuro in the head.

The latter finally reacted, and the seat ejected, sending him out and escaping.

He looked at the Mad Lion King like an out-of-control beast with a gloomy face, and was still frightened. The physical attack that was condensed to the extreme just now was too terrifying.

It almost took his life.


After failing to hit, the Mad Lion King attacked again.

The ultimate physical skill burning with blood is his only belief in this life.

This battle is a life-threatening one.

He will definitely prove the brilliance of physical skills to the world.

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