Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 383: The Reappearance of the Super Large World Channel

The border of the sky.

The faces of the Blue Star demigods, led by Tian Buyu, were gloomy.

The God-killing bomb was activated.

This was the result they expected but did not want to see the most.

It can be said that the God-killing bomb was the last trump card of Blue Star, but now Blue Star has used it up, which means that Blue Star has reached the point of exhaustion.

This will deal a heavy blow to the morale of Blue Star.

They seemed to be able to see the next scene.

Waiting for the aftermath of the God-killing bomb to end, Luolan Star will definitely launch a large-scale attack on the 16th line of defense. At that time, there will be no protective base, and the human race can only fill it with their lives.

By then, there will be corpses everywhere and blood will flow like a river.

"Or, let's violate the agreement?"

At this time, a demigod proposed.

"Yes, it has come to this point, and Blue Star's decline will probably get worse and worse."

"We can't just watch these high-level monsters break into Blue Star."

Several other demigods also echoed.

The two worlds are connected, and there are countless passages in the small world, which has led to the influx of monsters from all races and occupied all the wilderness areas of Blue Star. The human race can only live in cities.

Fortunately, low-level monsters are not a threat to real big cities.

But once high-level monsters also pour into Blue Star and lurk in the wilderness of Blue Star, the harm will increase by more than a hundred times.

None of the demigods want to see this situation.


Tian Buyu rejected it outright.

Tear up the agreement?

Once they go down to participate in the war, there will be more demigods on Luolan Star, and Blue Star will only be defeated faster.

Unless the Nine-tailed Fox is willing to help them.

It's just that whether the Nine-tailed Fox is willing to take action is a big problem. Luolan Star has a force that is no less than that of the Fox Senior.

The result of this war seems tragic.

In fact, it is already the best ending.

The consequences of tearing up the agreement are not something they can bear. If they provoke the Fox Senior, then Blue Star and the human race will really be hopeless.

The demigods were discussing, and at this moment, the border of the sky suddenly shook violently.

"What's going on?"

Tian Buyu was shocked. Why did the border of the sky suddenly shake?

The border of the sky is the place closest to the origin of the world. Once it shakes, it means that a major event that will affect the entire Blue Star world is about to happen.

The last time the border of the sky shook was when Senior Nine-Tailed Fox broke the seal.

At that time, the borders of the sky in both worlds shook.

What happened today?

It is impossible that there is another existence as powerful as Senior Nine-Tailed Fox who is sealed somewhere in the two worlds?

In this case, there is only one result.

The fusion of the two worlds!

Except for the vibration of the border of the sky caused by Senior Nine-Tailed Fox breaking the seal, every other vibration of the border of the sky is due to the fusion of the two worlds.

One wave has not settled, another wave rises.

The hearts of the demigods are getting more and more uneasy.

Such vibration intensity will only occur when the fusion intensifies to produce a super-large world channel.

The military strength of Blue Star is not as strong as that of Loran Star. If a new super-large world channel is created, it will directly lead to internal turmoil in Blue Star.

In addition to the kings guarding the various royal cities, Blue Star no longer has any extra kings to guard the new super-large world channel.

"What happened?"

"Why did the two worlds suddenly merge further?"

"Is it because of the God-killing bomb?"

The demigods were puzzled.

They felt a deep sense of powerlessness in their hearts.

I'm afraid the demigods of Loran Star are about to laugh at this time? It is much easier to capture a newly born super-large world channel than to break through a legion base.


Bear Country.

A remote snowy town.

Here, the people of Bear Country live a simple and happy life. Ordinary people don't know how cruel the war has become.


Suddenly, a building in the town shattered and turned into powder in an instant.

All the people nearby were strangled.

Then, the fluctuations expanded rapidly over a large area. The people in the small town had almost no time to resist, and were swept away by the fluctuations and turned into dust.

In just a few seconds, the entire small town was swallowed up, and even the strongest person in the small town had no time to react.

The violent spatial fluctuations were still spreading.

The sky seemed to be torn open with a huge hole, lightning and thunder, and dark clouds.

"It appeared so quickly!"

At the same time, the demigods also monitored the abnormality of the small town on the border of the Bear Country, which was indeed a precursor to the birth of a super-large world channel.

"There was absolutely no time to react!"

It was not until this moment that the demigods realized that the situation was far more serious than they had imagined.

The sky border shook for only a few minutes, and the super-large world channel was born, which was countless times faster than before.

Before this, the birth of any super-large world channel would have signs half a year or even longer in advance, but this time it was only a few minutes.

This proves that the fusion of the two worlds has entered a new stage.

The situation of the two worlds will definitely undergo a major change as a result.

"A new super-large world channel has appeared."

"All the kings in the western and northern parts of the Bear Country, please lead your troops to the northern border immediately!"

"All the kings in the western and northern parts of the Bear Country, please lead your troops to the northern border immediately!"


The demigods personally sent the message.

At this moment, the top leaders of the entire Bear Country were in a panic.

They have been paying attention to the war situation in the battlefields of the two worlds, but they did not expect that the war would suddenly spread to the interior of Blue Star. After hundreds of years, a super-large world channel appeared again.

At this point in the war, no country has any vacant kings.

They can only let the kings guarding the major royal cities hand over the control of the protective formation to their subordinates, and then support the super-large world channel as soon as possible.

In any case, the super-large world channel must not be lost.

Even if it means letting some rebels and lurkers make trouble as a price, there is no way.

At this time, they can only weigh the pros and cons and give up some things to preserve the overall situation.

The three kings of the three royal cities in the west and north of the Bear Country led their troops to the vicinity of the super-large world channel that has not yet been completely finalized as soon as they received the order.

The demigods of Blue Star did not breathe a sigh of relief.

On the contrary, their mood became more solemn.

Because the vibration of the sky boundary has not stopped, but it has occurred again after a short interval. I am afraid that another super-large world channel will be born.

One? Two?

Or even more!

Every time a super-large world channel is born, the Blue Star, which is under-strength, will become more nervous, and the chance of Loran Star attacking will increase.


Before they could recover from the shock, the violent space fluctuations swept over Manchester City in the east of Eagle Country without any warning.

Instantly, the entire Manchester City was swallowed up.

A huge hole was torn in the sky.

Another super-large world channel is about to be born!

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