Lorraine Star.

In the super-large world passage outside Dinghai King City, the army marched straight in.

at the same time.

All super-large world passages throughout Blue Star are recruiting troops at the same time. Now the army of Loland Star in the two battlefields has completely shrunk.

If Blue Star wants to counterattack Loland Star, it must make use of all the super-large world passages.

The Luolan Star side also deployed a tight defense.

After the death of Daisy, the great prophet of the dark elf clan, the position of commander-in-chief of all races' operations was taken by Tuluo, the leader of the mechanical life clan.

After receiving information feedback from various super-large world passages, Tuluo issued a crazy order.

"Commander, do we really have to fight this hard?"

"Commander-in-Chief, please think again."

"Fighting like this will consume all the resources of our race."

The commanders of all tribes and armies advised Tuluo to be more cautious, but Tuluo was extremely firm and unwavering.

He gave an order just now.

Let Luolan Star give up the defense of the inner city and fight to the death with Blue Star in the super-large world passage.

This is undoubtedly the craziest battlefield order in the past five hundred years.

Everyone was puzzled.

What is their purpose in waging war?

The purpose is to occupy a wider territory, obtain better cultivation resources, and increase the intensity of the life world so as to reach a higher realm.

But because a war exhausts all the foundation, the gain outweighs the loss.

The result of that is that regardless of winning or losing, all races will suffer heavy losses, and even seriously affect their foundation.

If they encounter new enemies again, they can only turn into little sheep to be slaughtered. This is why there is always room for them on the battlefield between the two worlds.

Neither side dared to give everything they had.

They must have room to deal with unknown crises.

In a sense, war is also a transaction. When the benefits and costs are extremely mismatched, there is no need to continue the transaction.

Faced with the doubts from representatives of all races, Tuluo's emotionless mechanical voice replied: "Everyone, this course of action has been approved by the divine envoy.

It is also the only way we can stop Blue Star's counterattack. "


After hearing these two words, the objections instantly became much smaller.

In the hearts of all races, the Divine Envoy is a savior-like existence. Most of the powerful people of all races have a blind worship attitude towards the Divine Envoy, even demigods are no exception.

Tu Luo said: "Everyone should know that Thousand Machine King Xu Xuan is unstoppable. Even the city of ten thousand races has been destroyed by him. Anyone who fights against him will only die.

If we fight for a long time, we will only be defeated one by one by the King of Thousand Machines, and that is when we will truly die. "

Thousand Machines King Xu Xuan!

This name has obviously become a psychological shadow for all the powerful people in Luolan Star.

If they were to face Xu Xuan now, they might not even have the courage to resist, including several of the top kings of Luolan Star.

The long-term battle can only be defeated one by one by Xu Xuan.

Seeing the silence of the representatives of all races, Tuluo continued: "So before the Blue Star army can react, the best way out is for us to immediately launch a full-scale counterattack.

No matter how fast Xu Xuan's support is, it will still take a certain amount of time to continuously travel to and from various super-large world passages, and this is our best opportunity.

When the battle begins, all our armies will attack in full force. Whoever encounters Xu Xuan will be unlucky. The only task is to delay as much time as possible.

The other armies are fighting desperately to counterattack. As long as we can invade Blue Star and capture some humans from Blue Star as prisoners, we will have the qualifications to negotiate with the King of Thousand Machines.

The human race attaches great importance to these false friendships, and they will not ignore them. "

In this counterattack, the core theme of Luolan Star has already changed.

They just want to delay as much time as possible, seize the weaknesses of the human race, force Xu Xuan to cease the war, and then make plans for the future.

After all, the background of Luolan Star is far better than that of Blue Star.

Maybe one day we can cultivate a more dazzling genius than Xu Xuan.

at the same time.

Blue Star's army is also ready to go, and every super-large world passage is filled with a chilling atmosphere.

Xu Xuan did not immediately issue an attack order.

He can naturally calculate what Luolan Star can think of, not to mention that there are also human beings in Luolan Star.

After continuously sensing the conditions of several super-large world passages, he knew that Luolan Star was preparing to adopt a life-threatening method of defeating the enemy.

When Blue Star was at a disadvantage, it fought against Luolan Star in a life-threatening way and managed to hold on.

Now Loland Star adopts the same method to resist Blue Star.

Of course Xu Xuan would not give Luo Lanxing this opportunity.

There is an extremely important reason why all the tribes of Luolan Star dare to spare their internal strength and invest all their strength into the super-large world passage.

They were sure that the Blue Star humans did not dare to invade Luolan Star and were in danger.

Not everyone can break into the enemy's base camp alone.

There is only one Xu Xuan in the two worlds.

The other human races on Blue Star are still fragile.


No matter how many times you count on Luolan Star, you probably won’t be able to count that there is such a world-defying plant-based life form as the World Tree.

All races also ignored the true master of Luolan Star.

The Lord and Faction, represented by the elves, are always thinking about how to counterattack the Luolan Star and how to regain their own territory.

When it comes to being familiar with Luolan Star, the elves are even more familiar with it than the other races.

What’s more, the leader of the pre-operation is the strongest prophet in the two worlds, Moira, the Destiny, who has been living on Luolan Star since before the Great Transfer Event.

Dare to use destiny as a name, Moira’s real operation and combat capabilities are far from what everyone sees on the surface.

From the Great Transfer Event, to the first war between the peace faction and Luolan Star, to the migration of the main force of the peace faction to Blue Star, and then to the two wars between the two worlds in five hundred years.

Moira has been waiting for thousands of years.

She always wants to drive away the invaders of the Ten Thousand Races.

Today is just the beginning of her showing her means.

Even if she can’t do it herself, she will let the world’s life see her terrifying control.

On the third day of preparing the army.

Xu Xuan finally issued an attack order.

At the same time, the various super-large world channels that had been peaceful for hundreds of years broke out again in a great war.

As Xu Xuan expected, the resistance of the Ten Thousand Races on Luolan Star was much more fierce than expected. Among the dozens of super-large world channels in the world, only one-third of Blue Star could take the advantage.

Other channels were at a disadvantage.

"As expected."

Xu Xuan didn't care. He had already secretly formed a mobile support group to defend various places. He didn't want to capture Luolan Star, but just wanted to hold it for a while.

As long as it was held, Luolan Star's plan would fail, and Luolan Star would be the one to be anxious.

The Ten Thousand Races didn't know that when they were attacking with all their strength, seven super-large natural magic arrays were quietly formed outside the strategic points of Luolan Star.

This would become the sharpest dagger, fiercely inserted into the lifeblood of the Ten Thousand Races.

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