How to fight the final battle?

This question is before the Blue Star Alliance.

Before that, many of them did place their hope on Xu Xuan. They believed that King Thousand Machines could destroy the City of Ten Thousand Races on his own.

It can also defeat thirty-six super cities.

No one wants to risk their lives when they have someone to rely on, but now Xu Xuan doesn't want to be in the front, or he doesn't have the ability.

What should they do?

"Let's besiege the city."

King Wan Lei suggested: "There are so many lives in the thirty-six super cities, and they always need resources. Without enough resources, they cannot survive.

Even if they survive, they will suffer from severe internal friction. "

As soon as this statement came out, many people agreed.

This is also the lowest cost plan.

At least there is no need for tens of thousands of soldiers to fight with their lives.


King Shengluo objected, "This method of fighting is too delayed. Don't forget that there is a huge monster behind Wanzu that we can't reach.

The longer you delay, the greater the chance of something going wrong.

Rather than thousands of future generations dying in the future, it is better for us to shed blood and shed tears to completely resolve the crisis. "

King Shengluo’s words also received a lot of support.

If another accident occurs and the war continues for thousands of years, more people will die, and peace and prosperity will never be seen.

Their cowardly behavior at this moment will probably be laughed at by future generations for the rest of their lives.

Both sides have their own reasons and disputes continue.

At this moment, the Elf Queen Atana spoke. As the leader of the Lord Harmony Faction and a former native of Loland, Atana's words held more weight at this moment.

"Besieging the city will definitely not work."

Atana first rejected the proposal of the Ten Thousand Thunder King, "The cruelty of the Ten Thousand Races is far greater than that of your human race. When the race is in crisis, they will mercilessly eliminate the weak.

We will not let the weak civilians waste any food from the top management.

What's more, the resource reserves of each super city are so amazing that even if it takes another thousand years, they won't be able to use them up. "

"Then what does the Elf Queen have to say?"

King Wan Lei asked.

"Takami dare not say it."

Atana said: "My elves have a formation that can pose a threat to the protective formations of these super cities, but the conditions for activating the formation are quite stringent."

"The Elf Queen said so."

King Shengluo smiled and said: "Have we experienced too many setbacks along the way to the city of all races? As long as we can win, what does it matter if the conditions are harsh?"

Other princes and princes also nodded.

Compared to the hundreds of thousands casualties suffered by professional troops at every turn, no setback is too difficult to overcome.

The Elf Queen looked around at everyone and spoke slowly, "This magic circle requires life sacrifice. You all know that the elves are naturally close to nature, but the price of closeness is that our souls will return to the natural world after death.

Therefore, regarding the development of formations for life sacrifice, our elves are unique in both worlds. "

Sacrifice your life?

For all races accustomed to the laws of the jungle, perhaps the weight of the word life is no different than that of a piece of grass.

But for the human race, many people cannot ignore it.

Who should be sacrificed?

Who is willing to sacrifice himself to light up the future of mankind?

Who doesn’t want to get together with their loved ones and share family happiness in the peaceful world after the war?

Atana continued: "This formation requires a total of twelve feudal lords to voluntarily sacrifice their lives, and use the power of the source of life to communicate with the origin of the chaotic universe, which can cut off the formation of thirty-six super cities."

Everyone was silent.

To conquer a city, twelve feudal princes would be required to sacrifice, and to conquer thirty-six super cities, four hundred and thirty-two feudal princes would need to be sacrificed.

Compared with the casualties in countless wars, victory could only be achieved by sacrificing more than 400 feudal lords. Totally worth it.

But who will offer the sacrifice?

Atana added: "The sacrifice formation requires a pure soul, which means you must really be willing to die for the overall situation without hesitation, otherwise it will not be effective."

There are not many people who die for the country and the national justice.

But coupled with the condition of being granted a title, the restriction is too great. Those who are granted a title are all rich and powerful, and their lives will not be too bad in the war years.

Now let them sacrifice voluntarily. How many people are willing?

"Count me in."

Just when everyone was hesitating, a feudal lord stood up. He was Yongyuan Hou, the garrison lord in Dinghai King City, and a disciple of senior Dinghai King.

Marquis Yongyuan said with a smile: "Anyway, my wife and children have been killed in the battle, and my teacher is no longer here. I have nothing to worry about in this world."

"Add me one."

"Count me in."

With Marquis Yongyuan taking the lead, more and more feudal lords came forward.

Most of these families are full of loyal relatives. They have no direct relatives alive and have no worries. They only want to avenge their relatives and kill their enemies, and die without regrets.

But there are not many such people.

There are only eighteen in total.

The other feudal lords remained indifferent.

The higher-ups couldn't force it. Atana also said that forced sacrifice was useless.

"Elven Queen, I have a question for you."

At this moment, the soul doctor Pei Xiu spoke. This time she did not stay in the rear, but went out with the army to treat the wounded.

At the same time, he is also responsible for the management of some alchemical substances.

"You said."

Atana nodded.

“I wonder if the core of the formation construction of the elves can be shown to the Blue Star Alliance. Maybe we can find a better solution from it.

No sacrifice is needed to achieve the cracking effect. "

Pei Xiu's proposal made everyone's eyes light up.


Blue Star has been studying various formations for many years, and there may be a way to crack it.

Wan Lei Wang also said: "Blue Star Alliance can use other valuables to exchange for the secret of the formation, and I hope the Elf Queen will help."

Atana ignored these voices.

She raised her head and looked at Xu Xuan, the commander-in-chief of the three armies. As long as Xu Xuan asked, she would naturally give it.

Let alone personal relationships.

Just Xu Xuan asked the elves to move to live next to the sacred tree, which was a great favor to the elves.

"What conditions are allowed by the Elf Queen?"

Xu Xuan said, "As long as it is allowed within the capabilities of the Blue Star Alliance, there is no problem."

With Xu Xuan's current status, he is qualified to make the final decision without discussing with those semi-god masters.

"The conditions are very simple."

Atana smiled and said: "As long as the war is won, no matter whether the two worlds are completely integrated or separated, our elves hope to have a shelter under the sacred tree."

"No problem."

Xu Xuan agreed immediately.

It's no problem to just let the elves live in a place, not to mention that Su Ying and Moira have such a good relationship.

A glimmer flashed in Atana's eyes.

She waved the Eternal Scepter in her hand.

A mysterious light fell in front of Xu Xuan, which was the secret of the mysterious formation of the elves.

King Wan Lei, King Sheng Luo and other kings looked at Xu Xuan eagerly, but Xu Xuan did not immediately announce the secret of the formation, but kept it.

In his heart, rather than letting this group of people study it.

It's more practical to trust the third brother.

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