"I'll go!"

Looking at the empty seat beside him, the weakest demigod did not hesitate.

He smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry, I will hold it!"

None of the other strong men said anything. In any case, the one in front of him was at least a demigod. Even if he was weak, he was still stronger than the king.

"Also, when you talk about me behind my back, don't call me the weakest crown. I have a name."

The demigod strong man did not have a big temper. He just reminded: "Remember my name, my name is Luo Fei, flying high into the sky."

Luo Fei left.

There was another sentence he didn't say.

He wanted to say that if he died, he hoped that someone would remember him.

But after thinking about it, perhaps people would remember the title of 'weakest demigod' more than his name!

Soon, Luo Fei arrived at his destination.

Southern S6544 area.

As the elf commander predicted, there was a storm here that opened the ultimate world channel.

"I should be able to hold it, right?"

Luo Fei still doubted himself as usual.

Looking back on his past life, he seemed to have never had absolute confidence. Even when he was a child, he was not the strongest genius.

He was just a little bit luckier than others every time.

He was a little bit better every time.

That's how he climbed to the top. Even becoming a demigod was just a little bit of luck. Suddenly, he had an epiphany.

It was just that his lack of foundation made him the weakest demigod.

"This time, good luck shouldn't be of any use, right?"

Luo Fei began to feel inferior again. "Sure enough, I'm still a fake. I heard that the weakest of the Abyss Lords is stronger than the middle-level demigods on Blue Star.

How can I fight this?"

He was sad.

At this time, the army sent by the Blue Star Alliance had also arrived.

At the forefront of the army, Luo Fei saw a strange man wearing a mask and carrying a large black coffin, far away from the others.

He looked out of place in this world.

"That seems to be..."

A series of figures flashed through Luo Fei's mind quickly, "One of His Majesty Xu Xuan's disciples, right? I forgot his name, do you want to say hello to him?"

"Forget it, forget it, he's so aloof!"

"I heard that he never pays attention to people, so don't make yourself bored."

Luo Fei found that he was too nervous.

No matter what he saw, he had to think a lot.

In this fantasy, the world channel finally slowly opened, and Luo Fei put away all his thoughts at once, and he stood at the forefront of the army.

Even if his heart was trembling, he had to show fearless courage at this moment.

The channel took shape.


Luo Fei's figure disappeared instantly.

The kings and marquises behind him were stunned. This weakest demigod didn't look that weak. This speed alone was enough to leave them behind.


The soldiers shouted and rushed into the channel.

At this moment, it is very necessary to shout out, so that the fear in the heart can be eliminated and the anger of fighting will can be ignited.

Luo Fei entered the passage early, and he also saw a figure galloping in the distance.

"Lord Qingluo."

Seeing this figure, Luo Fei breathed a sigh of relief. According to the information provided by His Majesty Xu Xuan, this Lord Qingluo should be a relatively weak monarch in the abyss.

Qingluo's body structure is basically similar to that of humans.

She has green skin and looks like a little girl of four or five years old, and her hands are forked into countless vines.

"Although she is weak in the abyss, her aura is much stronger than mine."

Luo Fei began to compare again in his mind.


Lord Qingluo waved his hand, and countless vines came towards Luo Fei. There was obvious contempt in her eyes, because she remembered that the opponent in front of her was too weak.

Although he was essentially in the same realm as her, the aura was too different.


Luo Fei swung his hand and threw out eleven flying knives. This was his means of combat. He relied on the spiritual connection of weapons and the extreme manipulation of flying knife skills to enter the semi-god realm.

The speed of the eleven flying knives was extremely fast, far exceeding the flying vines.

However, the attack power of the flying knives was obviously too low. It took some effort to cut off the vines, and more vines were already killing him.

"I am still too weak."

Luo Fei's figure disappeared on the spot.

The vines entangled only one flying knife.

Changing positions with the flying knives is also one of his unique skills in flying knives. He can change the positions of the twelve flying knives at will.

"Escape is useless."

The Qingluo monarch sneered: "You shouldn't step into this realm. It's best to go back to the furnace and rebuild."

The twelve flying knives constantly changing positions is indeed amazing, and Luo Fei always keeps one flying knife in the distance and does not participate in the battle to ensure that he can escape from danger.

"Tree world, descend!"

The vines in Qingluo's hand spread out and inserted into the soil of the world channel. Countless trees rose from under the ground and covered the area in the blink of an eye.

The Qingluo monarch, who saw through the opponent's means, no longer insisted on chasing Luo Fei.

Instead, the range of action of the twelve flying knives was continuously reduced through the expanding tree world, preparing to devour all of Luo Fei's space.

"Sure enough, am I still going to die?"

Luo Fei's flying knife technique was practiced to the extreme, but his means were too simple, and there was no way to counter it. The only thing he could do was to delay.

In the limited space, the twelve flying knives were still shuttling back and forth.

He looked at the battlefield below.

Facing the impact of the abyss army, the battlefield below had a considerable advantage, and the source of all this was the strange disciple under Xu Xuan.

The disciple carrying the coffin was surrounded by countless soul particles.

In this battlefield where lives were constantly dying and souls were constantly being born, Lao Ba could almost resist thousands of troops alone.

Lao Ba might have a poor fighting power when fighting alone.

At this time, he made up for the disadvantage of the small number of human soldiers with his own strength, and more and more lives were attached to the "soul mask".

These lives were fighting for him.

Such a terrifying ability played a bug-level performance on the battlefield.

Lao Ba was suspended in the air with a coffin on his back, and he watched quietly, as if this battlefield had nothing to do with him, but more and more soul particles appeared around him.

What everyone couldn't see was under the mask.

The faceless face was constantly changing, reflecting the countless incomplete souls floating on this battlefield with the art of no heart and no appearance.

"I will persist."

Looking at this scene, he could not give up easily if he could gain an advantage on the battlefield below.

If the situation on the battlefield below was reversed because of his failure, he could not bear to imagine that scene, nor did he want that scene to happen.

But no matter how he dodged, his attack power was too weak to break through the tree world's defense.

The activity space was constantly compressed.

In the end, one flying knife after another was completely restricted by the Qingluo monarch.

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