Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 466: Ghosts! Violent Plague Spreaders

At that time, Xu Xuan's breakthrough attracted the attention of all the strong men in the three realms.

Many strong men still remember this vividly.

After all, it was the first time they saw the ninetieth-level Heavenly Steps.

They clearly remembered that from the ninetieth level, each level of the ladder looked very different, and the ninety-fourth level of Heavenly Steps was what Miao Tian showed in his breakthrough.

The strong men did not know what the ninetieth level of Heavenly Steps represented.

But he knew that this must be a rare opportunity.

"I'm so envious!"

"It was almost gone, but it was forced to continue."

"Could it be related to His Majesty Xu Xuan?"

Countless powerful men of the title of marquis and king looked up, and the strong men of the demigod realm could not hide their envious eyes.

"Come up!"

In Miao Tian's mind, an ancient and powerful voice sounded.

The sudden appearance of the ninety-fourth level of Heavenly Steps surprised Miao Tian as well. The violent factor in his body was agitated, and he already knew it in his heart.

The ninety-fourth level of Heavenly Steps must be related to the spreader of the violent plague.

"Is it really the power from the chaotic universe?"

Miao Tian had guessed it long ago.

After all, even Dean Pei, the third senior sister and the teacher could not solve the violent plague, which was beyond the scope of Blue Star.

If it was before, he might have considered it, but now the situation is urgent, and he would not let go of the opportunity to become stronger.

As long as he can share some of the burden with the teacher, it will be good.

Under the attention of countless people, Miao Tian took a step and went directly from the disappeared 70th floor to the 94th floor.

Of course, each floor represents a baptism.

It is the beginning of truly washing away the mortal world and shaping the divine body. The baptism of the disappeared heavenly level in the middle is naturally not available, and only the gift of the 94th floor can be obtained.

Step into the 94th floor.


Miao Tian's soul seemed to be dragged into the depths of the chaotic universe in an instant. In the vast galaxy, he saw a figure shuttling through countless star worlds.

The body of that tall figure was filled with explosive red muscles, and his face was as hideous as a demon, but the breath he exuded was not evil.

He dragged long iron chains on his feet.

Wherever he passed, the violent factor spread everywhere.

At that moment.

Miao Tian seemed to see a tall figure wandering in the Blue Star World. It was at that time that he left the violent factor here, and eventually he was infected by the violent factor.

"What is the meaning of his doing this?"

"Hatred of life?"

Miao Tian thought.

Not everyone is as lucky as him, with a physique that can accommodate the violent plague and a good teacher to suppress the violent mental power.

Most people who are infected with the violent plague have only one result.

That is to constantly overdraw their strength and finally die tragically.

Few of those who were infected with the violent plague are still alive today. Even with the existence of restraints, as long as the emotional fluctuations are large, they still cannot be suppressed.

He is the only one who can use the violent plague to fight normally.

"Weak human life."

"I am a ghost god!"

The voice sounded again in his mind.

Miao Tian was shocked.

Ghost god?

Is it really a real god?

"Congratulations on passing the test of the ghosts and gods."

"Are you willing to accept my true power?"

Miao Tian was shocked.

The true power of the ghosts and gods?

Is the powerful increase brought to him by the violent plague only a small part of the power of the ghosts and gods?

"I do!"

Miao Tian did not hesitate.

His life is worth it.

Being able to come here has exceeded his expectations. It is a gain no matter how long he lives. He is willing to accept any side effects of the power of the ghosts and gods.

As long as he can help the teacher when the abyss opens next time, everything will be worth it.

"To accept my power, you must sign a soul contract."

"From now on, you are my messenger, the messenger of the ghosts and gods. When you enter the realm of God, you will be summoned by me and come to my side."

"You will patrol the sky for me."

"Spreading violent plague to the chaotic universe is the carnival of life."

The voice of the ghosts and gods sounded again.

Miao Tian did not understand what it meant to be the messenger of the ghosts and gods, but at least from now on, it is still a long way from the time when he needs to pay the price.

In the meantime, as long as he can do his part for the teacher.

It is enough to protect his wife and children!

"I do!"

He spoke again.


The next moment, a blood-red light column fell from the sky.

The light column enveloped Miao Tian.

The terrifying pressure spread, causing countless strong men to change color.

"What is that?"

"Such a terrifying power, it can make me tremble instinctively."

"What did Miao Tian do?"

"Is it a blessing or a curse?"

Countless strong men speculated that the power above the heavenly level was too terrifying, so they had to think more. The current situation of Blue Star was already delicate.

If there is any more misfortune, I am afraid it will be completely over.

The top of the world tree.

Xu Xuan sat there, looking at the blood column that enveloped the old fifth Miao Tian.

"It is the projection of the great existence on the ninety-fourth floor!"

He had seen the projection of this person when he stepped on the ninety-fourth floor of the heavenly level. Now one of the ultimate bosses of the chaotic universe has sent down his power. What is the purpose?

He can see that the blood-red light column is not destruction, but more like a kind of inheritance or baptism.

Could it be that Miao Tian reached some kind of agreement with this person?


Under the baptism of the blood-colored light column, the ninety-fourth sky step gradually disappeared, and the power of the light column also gradually weakened, and finally only Miao Tian was left standing in the sky.

At this moment, his body was completely covered with the symptoms of violent plague, like a hideous ghost.

Just one look was enough to make people feel terrified.

Countless strong men watched this scene in horror. They did not dare to speak, nor did they dare to go there to investigate.

"Will Miao Tian completely turn into that kind of violent monster?"

"Why did it suddenly become like this?"

"Too scary!"

"Let's just wait and see how His Majesty Xu Xuan handles it."

Many strong men could only watch.

Soon Xu Xuan appeared in the sky. Under the gaze of countless strong men, Xu Xuan came to Miao Tian. Miao Tian slowly turned his head, and the master and apprentice looked at each other.

Xu Xuan saw it.

The clarity in the eyes of the fifth Miao Tian.

Soon, Miao Tian turned back to his original form, and even the symptoms of violent plague on his arm disappeared.

But Xu Xuan could feel that under this ordinary appearance, the violent blood power had reached its peak.

"Teacher, don't worry."

Miao Tian smiled, "My disciple is very strong and getting younger and younger."

He stretched his limbs.

The power in his body was many times stronger than before.

With his current strength, it is no problem to fight against an abyss monarch. After getting familiar with this power, he may even challenge several ancient monarchs.

"Well, let's talk about it when we get back."

Xu Xuan didn't ask more here.

Some things don't need to be known to everyone.

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