On the crumbling battlefield, Xu Xuan was staring at the sky.

Seeing the lightning tower disappear, he thought he was safe, but an extremely dangerous aura suddenly hit him. At the moment when the sense of crisis arose, something flew close to him.

It was a purple halo.


The purple halo instantly penetrated his body and then disappeared. He couldn't even block it.

But he didn't suffer any damage.

He just felt that the power in his body was rapidly fading away.

To be more precise, something solidified into shackles in his body, imprisoning all the power in his body.

"What is this method?"

Without thinking, Xu Xuan also knew that it was the work of the Lord of the Abyss.

The other party should have taken advantage of the creator's unpreparedness to attack, but in the end he didn't dare to go too far and just bound him.

"Do you think my existence will crush the abyss?"

Xu Xuan probably guessed the Lord of the Abyss's purpose.

If he could attack at will, the abyss would have no chance of winning. If he didn't attack, the abyss might still have a chance to defeat Blue Star.

Even if the eight oldest monarchs are all dead, the strength of the abyss cannot be underestimated.

It seems that the connection between the abyss world and Blue Star and Luolan Star is a conspiracy between the Lord of the Abyss and the messenger behind it, or the Lord of the Abyss was forced to step into the conspiracy circle of the "Crying Eye".

The restraint in the body is getting stronger and stronger. Xu Xuan dare not neglect it and flies out immediately.

If the power is completely restrained, I am afraid that the chaotic energy here will pose a threat to him. The safest way at present is to return to Dinghai King City first.


As soon as Xu Xuan came out of the world channel, he was noticed by countless people.

Too many people are paying attention to this battle and want to see what the final result will be.

"His Majesty Xu Xuan is out?"


"Why does he look so embarrassed? Is it possible that even His Majesty Xu Xuan was defeated? Can't stop those ancient abyss monarchs?"

Countless strong men are panicking.

"Eight ancient abyss lords have been killed!"

"All soldiers of the Blue Star Alliance continue to execute combat orders according to the original plan!"

Xu Xuan directly used the permission of the Sky Eye system to issue orders to all Blue Star headquarters.

This order made countless soldiers ecstatic.

Although the battle in front of him was still difficult, the eight oldest abyss lords had been killed. What difficulties could not be overcome?

"His Majesty Xu Xuan should be injured."

"Really great!"

"It's terrible to fight against eight ancient abyss lords alone and kill them all. It's inevitable to be injured."

"Yes! Brothers, His Majesty Xu Xuan has done too much for us. We can't always rely on him."

"This is not the Blue Star of His Majesty Xu Xuan alone, but the Blue Star of all our human soldiers. Next, let His Majesty Xu Xuan rest and leave the battle to us."

Countless soldiers who have experienced life and death battles on the front line know Xu Xuan's hard work.

They know how unforgettable the battle Xu Xuan encountered in the ultimate battlefield is. His Majesty Xu Xuan's victory is already a great fortune for Blue Star.

As human beings, they cannot rely on His Majesty for everything, and they should also abide by their own posts.

Running all the way.

When Xu Xuan returned to Dinghai King City, his power was also completely sealed.

In addition to his strong body, his power has been completely sealed by the divine ring of the Lord of the Abyss, and it is difficult to participate in the next battle. Perhaps this is exactly the purpose of the Lord of the Abyss.

"Xu Xuan!"

Seeing her husband coming back, Lin Suying, who was pregnant, hurried out of the room with a big belly, full of worry.

How could she not understand her husband.

Coming back at this time must have encountered an irresistible event.

Although Xu Xuan did not have any injuries, but...


Xu Xuan smiled bitterly, "I may have to stay at home for a while. I encountered some problems in the Abyss battlefield, but the problems are not big, and they are all solved."

"Did a god take action?"

Lin Suying's knowledge far exceeds those demigods. After all, her teacher is also one above the heavenly rank.

She can still guess some things.

Now, the only thing that can threaten her husband is those illusory gods who have never appeared but really exist.

"Yeah." Xu Xuan nodded, "But don't worry too much. With all parties involved, we have a chance to break out of the siege."

"You have paid so much and done what you should do."

Lin Suying's eyes were as gentle as water, and she leaned on her husband, "If there are any uncontrollable things next, you can't be blamed.

In my heart, you are the best husband, the best father, and the most powerful hero."

From beginning to end, she never blamed Xu Xuan.

Whether Xu Xuan needed her wings to protect him when he was weak, or when her husband was strong and could stand tall, she always felt that her husband had done the best.

"Thank you."

The two hugged each other.

Xu Xuan also abandoned all the distractions in his mind.

Let him play the game of gods or let the chaotic universe evolve, at this moment he only wants to enjoy the tenderness of his wife.

"The baby should be born soon, right?"

Xu Xuan counted the days.

Even though he was in a tense battle, he still didn't forget these.

"Nine months and five days."

The couple said in unison.

Xu Xuan squatted down and put his head on his wife's bulging belly. He could already feel the obvious movement in the belly. The two little lives seemed to be eager to come out.

"Very naughty."

Xu Xuan smiled and helped Lin Suying to sit on a chair beside him.

"Husband, do you think our child will have super powers like the blood evolution system when he is born?" Lin Suying asked.

"I don't know."

Xu Xuan shook his head, "Most of the human race are acquired cultivation, and the innate constitution can only be awakened slowly, probably not!"

"But they are your children, Xu Xuan."

Lin Suying smiled sweetly, "You are different from others, right? Husband?"

Xu Xuan is so amazing, and Lin Suying certainly doesn't believe that there are no secrets on him.

But as a wife, she never explores these things. She believes that one day Xu Xuan will tell her, maybe that day will be very late.

But as long as love does not disappear, no matter which day it is, it will be a romantic and ritualistic happy event.

"My wife is not bad either."

Xu Xuan smiled.

He is indeed different, with the prototype of the Chaos Body.

Suying's body has also evolved, with the Water Moon Factor, which are factors that may affect the baby.

The fruit of their love may be an unprecedented human baby.

"Oh, right! There is one more very important thing."

Lin Suying smiled and said, "Since you have been very busy, I didn't tell you. Can you think about what it is?"

"Of course I know."

Xu Xuan touched his wife's belly, "We haven't decided on a name for our baby yet, and I've been thinking about it."

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