Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 530: Fighting against the Divine Envoy

Soul resonance.

Xu Xuan's original power was directly released, feeding back to many disciples, and the disciples' power continued to increase.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All the disciples felt the powerful source of energy, which made them reach another level briefly, enough to compete with these supreme gods.

"Hehe, I knew that Dad must have a backup plan."

Xiaoli was holding a sledgehammer, very excited. No matter how big the size of the seventh god's devourer was, it was still directly penetrated by her hammer.

The absolute extreme power can even completely suppress space.

The Devourer's fighting skills are extremely low, and he can only rely on his huge and almost immortal body to resist, and occasionally emit powerful energy rays.

But these things are not enough in front of Xiaoli.

Facing Xiaoli, who is stronger than a hammer, the Devourer's size is getting smaller and smaller, but every time it is smaller to a certain size, it will start a large devouring mode.

Swallow everything around it, and then recover some.

This style of play poses almost no threat to Xiaoli, but the constant consumption makes Xiaoli very impatient.

The third child Xuanyuan Qingqing faces the sixth god envoy Black Plague. In addition to the Wandu Body transplanted to her by her teacher in the early days, her physique has been transformed by various drugs she has studied, and she is not afraid of the toxins of the Black Plague at all.

The strongest thing about the sixth god envoy is the toxin attack. Its own attack power is pitifully weak, but Qingqing's own attack power is not very strong either.

If she wants to kill the Black Plague, she needs to constantly find its weaknesses in the battle and develop a method to completely restrain it.

This process is destined to not be achieved overnight.

She is full of confidence that she can kill the Black Plague, but she doesn't know if the other junior brothers and sisters can hold on.

After all, except for her, the eldest brother and the second sister, the rest have not received the true supreme source power. They must rely on the teacher's support to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the teacher will have to support them while fighting against the chaotic universe rule consciousness alone, which will be too much for the teacher.

If they win a game here, it will also be of great help to the teacher.

The fourth oldest, Sun Xiaokong, was also fighting the fourth God Conqueror with great enthusiasm.

The fourth God was not controlled by the rules of the chaotic universe, and his self-awareness was extremely strong. He had a smile of enjoyment on his face, and even admired Sun Xiaokong.

What he looked forward to most was to continue fighting with various strong men. The strong fighting spirit and the will to become stronger with each battle seemed to make him find a confidant.

In the case of absolute advantage, the fourth God did not suppress him, but kept letting him go, giving Sun Xiaokong space to counterattack.

He could see that Sun Xiaokong was getting stronger and stronger under this kind of training, and he also hoped to have a peak battle with him.

He challenged various strong men in countless small worlds in various realms, but no life had ever defeated him.

The only duel with the fateful was also interrupted by the second God.

So he would not miss this opportunity.

The fifth oldest, Miao Tian, ​​was not so lucky in his battle with the twelfth God Holy Light.

The Holy Lighter, who was controlled by the rules of the chaotic universe, was almost fatal in every move, and the power of the Holy Lighter was mutually restrained with him. In this case, the disadvantage of the weaker party would be extremely obvious.

After all, the Holy Lighter was a supreme being at the same level as the ghosts and gods, but he had inherited some of the power of the ghosts and gods and had almost no ability to resist the Holy Lighter.

Fortunately, with the support of the teacher, he was not eliminated, but he could only barely resist.


The Sixth Elder Miwang had the advantage from the beginning. The Fifth God Envoy Invisible was already in a state of mental madness, and his attacks were disorderly.

He could only rely on a large-scale mental shock to hurt it.

But as a member of the original spirit clan, Miwang was not afraid of mental shock at all. In addition to his special physique, it was because his mental power was not weak.

On the contrary, his mental attack could make the Fifth God Envoy, who was already in a state of madness, even more mentally confused.

Several mental powers rushed in the mind of the Fifth God Envoy, making him miserable.

The most harmonious battle was the duel between Little Seven Nicolin and the second God Messenger Weeping Eye.

Neither side took action directly, but floated in the air with their eyes closed.

In the eyes of outsiders, they seemed to be resting.

Only those who were fighting knew how dangerous this duel was. If they were not careful, their souls could be destroyed.

Countless lines of fate and cause and effect surrounded the two.

Behind Lin were the phantoms of thousands of stars, and behind Weeping Eye was the mask with tears and countless creatures kneeling under the mask.

Both of them were calculating, calculating the death of the other party.

Once forced into a dead end, the ending would be doomed.

The most bizarre battle was the duel between Old Eight Wuxin and the third God Messenger Good and Evil Bird.

Beside Old Eight Wuxin, the soul particles were as vast as a cosmic storm, completely protecting Wuxin in the center, and the Good and Evil Bird did not even have a chance to get close.

And these soul particles were extremely lethal to the Good and Evil Bird.

It seemed that the good and evil forces in his body collided, and the collision of good and evil divine forces affected the good and evil bird, and the powerful fluctuations also caused great harm to Wuxin.

The invisible fluctuations directly passed through the soul particles and impacted his soul.

Both of them felt that demons were dancing wildly in their minds.

It was not a normal brain to begin with, and at this moment it was completely in chaos. From the outside, the game between the two sides seemed extremely strange.

From time to time, it would fight itself.

So that the spectators could not see the situation clearly.


The most magnificent battle was the duel between Little Nine Crescent and the Eighth God Envoy Infinite.

The battle between the two was like each leading tens of millions of soldiers.

Beside Little Nine Crescent, various spirits, big and small, were born endlessly, not only abyssal spirits, but also various strange spirits.

The octopus-like Eighth God Envoy Infinite was an infinite derivative of small octopuses, and these octopuses all carried a trace of His spiritual power.

The duel between the two was the constant destruction and birth of the younger brothers.

Little Nine Crescent looked at the purple moon in the sky. She had been looking for the opportunity to sense it from the beginning, and was gradually adapting to the power of the purple moonlight.

Her strength was also increasing bit by bit. With the help of the teacher, she was now completely able to match the Supreme.

But she also knew that external forces were external forces after all, and she had to win as soon as possible.

She couldn't put too much burden on the teacher.


In this battle, Miao Tian, ​​whose power was restrained, was the most miserable, but the most miserable was not Miao Tian, ​​but the two brothers and sisters of the Xu family who faced the strongest god.

The two brothers and sisters joined forces, but were still completely suppressed by the first god's fate.

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