The video in the sky is playing,

Twilight as the strongest spy,

This time received a commission from his organization

Dealing with a very troublesome case


Because the main figures in this case are very inaccessible,

If you want to get close to each other unconsciously,

It’s a very difficult thing

And this main figure will directly affect the number one criminal in the relations between the two countries!

This is due to this need to approach the number one criminal

I don’t show up in public on weekdays

And the only chance to show up is the sorority of the child’s school

So to get close to this number one criminal,

You have to become a parent of the students in this school!

This plan is a very critical plan

If it can’t be done,

Two countries in the Cold War are likely to break out into a bitter war again!

So Twilight as the strongest spy,

Knowing that this is an extremely difficult task

But I chose to take it!

Because his goal is to get those,

On the face of a child who is suffering because of the war,

Smile again!

So according to the requirements of the task,

He had to find a marriage partner within seven days

And have a baby with the person you marry!

When I saw this outrageous task,

Dusk even if you have seen more difficult tasks,

I have developed the ability to change without being alarmed

It also completely collapsed,

The above is a donkey who thinks he can be a production team,

It’s easy to do it in seven days

Conjure up a child like magic?

But even if the requirements of the task are so difficult

It is necessary to find a suitable marriage partner within seven days

And form the perfect family with each other

And then go to the orphanage to adopt a smart child,

Just be your own child.

This is the means of Twilight as the strongest spy!

So the first step for the twilight of the strongest spy

It is to go to the orphanage where the orphans are raised

Adopt a smart kid!

So Dusk came to an orphanage suitable for children

Prepare to find a six-year-old to be your own child

Right in this orphanage,

He met a man with pink hair

Quirky little girl!

The little girl’s name is Ania,

It is a little girl who looks very cute on the outside

It doesn’t look like an abandoned child

When Dusk wants to propose that the child she is looking for is six years old,

The eccentric Ania can accurately say that she is six years old

Even the director of the orphanage was a little skeptical that Ania was only four or five years old

But Ania, who was sure she was six-year-old, stared straight at the dusk

However, when Dusk felt that such Ania seemed a little stupid

At this time, Ania was able to get from the table next to


Take out a newspaper with crossword puzzles

And accurately fill in all the above contents clearly,

To prove that you are very, very, very smart!

In the end, under the influence of Ania’s strange behavior,

Dusk didn’t seem to have any reason to refuse the little girl

So I went through the handover procedures with the director of the orphanage

Successfully adopted Ania,

As your own daughter!

However, the strongest spy Twilight didn’t know at all

What an outrageous superpower is in the body of the little girl he just adopted.

Dusk began at the beginning of the orphanage

Obviously didn’t say anything, but Ania was able to read her mind

Know exactly what is in Dusk’s mind

And at the first time, he has thoroughly mastered the identity of Dusk’s strongest spy,

Due to the reason of the anime that like the spy the most,

Decided to become the daughter of Dusk,

Because before that, many people had adopted Ania, who could read minds

But because of the ability to read minds,

So it makes people feel too smart,

That’s why he was sent back to an orphanage and gave up his support!

And the eccentric Ania just completed the crossword puzzle with the help of mind-reading

In fact, Ania is a real fool!

It seems that in addition to the ability to read minds,

It doesn’t seem to be very smart.

In the world of spies

The video in the sky directly exposed Dusk’s identity

And the plans of Dusk and the main characters to be approached were all exposed

This also successfully led to Dusk’s plan to be stillborn

At dusk, he was locked up in a separate interrogation room

And Dusk’s wife is not too suspicious,

Just being treated as a victim,

Placed in a safe environment

As for Ania, who has the ability to read minds,

It was taken away by those research scholars

Want to take a closer look at Ania’s brain!

Angry Twilight upon learning that his daughter Ania had been taken away by those men

And when it comes to in vivo research,

Angrily, he pounded the hard table with his hand and pounded the hard table!!!

“If you bastards dare to hurt a cold hair of Ania, I will definitely not spare you!!”

However, the interrogator sitting opposite showed a cold look in his eyes

“Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me, you lowly spy bug of another country!”

“In addition to the never-ending interrogation, there will be only never-ending torture waiting for you, you will know how miserable you yourself will die, and you will have the leisure to care about the life and death of others!”

The door to the interrogation room was opened by a man

When the man came to Dusk,

Angry Twilight saw the other party’s appearance clearly,

The pupils in the eyes gradually dilate somewhat

This is the younger brother of his wife Joel!

Joel’s brother’s icy gaze at this time shot at Dusk’s body

Even if it is the dusk that has experienced countless big scenes

They all feel very uncomfortable,

“You lied to my sister!!!”

The coldness of the language made Dusk feel more stressed than ever

At this time, Dusk felt extremely sorry in his heart

He is worthy of anyone in this matter

But only guilt for deceiving Joel

Because in this time of getting along,

Although even he did not discover his own mind,

But trapped in this cage at this moment

Only then was he able to understand his heart that he had fallen deeply in love with the simple girl Joel

It’s just a pity that they live in such a world!!!

However, just as Dusk sat down decadently,

Joel actually kicked the door


In the shocked gaze of his younger brother,

Knock the interrogator in front of Dusk directly unconscious

Then I ran outside with Dusk and my brother!!

Facing his shocked younger brother,

At this time, Joel did not have time to explain in detail his reasons for doing so

Just dropped an even more shocking word,

“Actually, I am a killer who specializes in assassination missions.”

“Since Dusk’s identity was exposed by the video from the sky, then my identity should not be hidden.”

The younger brother fell directly into a state of collapse!!!

three-day summer promotion, charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately rush charge (Event period: August 13 to August 15)

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