Canada’s Newent Special Administrative Region is located in eastern Canada, and it can be seen from the map.

It is an area with many islands. Basically, two-thirds of the area is covered by islands!

Unfortunately, Canada has a small population and limited economic development.

Externally, they are also selling large and small islands for a long time.

Just some time ago.

In Xiaguo, on the JD.com shopping platform, a buyer successfully bought Canada’s Harbert’s West Island at a price of 750,000 soft sister coins. The total area is about

About square meters.

The scenery is pleasant, the climate is mild, and it is still a developed island.

As the saying goes, there is no middleman, no middle price!

This time and again, the money in the hands of Canadian officials is definitely less than 75w.

And this place is an island that has been initially developed.

If you are buying an undeveloped island, then obviously, the price is even cheaper!

Moreover, the purchased island still has permanent sovereignty!

You only need to pay a few thousand taxes each year, and you can develop and operate the island at will.

“In the world, many countries, such as the Caribbean, Mexico, the Fiji Islands, the United States, etc., have auction pirates, but after all, they are still the cheapest in Canada!”

Yang Tianhe couldn’t help laughing and said!

There is one thing to say, Yang Tianhe has seen photos of the eastern Canadian archipelago. The scenery is pleasant, and there are many undeveloped islands, because there are no human footprints.

So far, the original appearance has been preserved, and the ecology has not been damaged. It is like a paradise!

“Unfortunately, it’s too far away from Xia Guo. If there is any arbitrary door, it will definitely make money!”


Time passed quickly, and there was no trouble in the United States.

Soon, Yang Tianhe took a plane and came to Canada.

“Go to the Island Trading Center first!”

The island transaction is a huge financial income.

For this reason, Canada purposely established an independent agency to conduct transactions and sales of the islands.

Therefore, Yang Tianhe directly ran towards the trading center.

Arriving at the destination, Yang Tianhe walked in slowly.

In the huge hall, there were only a few people here and there, making it very deserted.

It is enough to foresee that the island transactions are deserted.

“Sister Nasha, someone is here. It looks like an Asian!”

A blonde woman said to the person in charge of the trading center.

Hearing this, the eyes of the person in charge of the office couldn’t help but shine!

“Come on, let’s go out and have a look.” Nasha said.

Yang Tianhe just took two steps when he saw several staff members walking towards him.

The leader is Nasha, the person in charge.

“Hi sir!”


The two shook hands, and Yang Tianhe also looked this exotic beauty up and down.

Fair and beautiful skin, green eyes like the deep sea, slightly curly long hair, and a delicate face.

A characteristic exotic beauty of European and American style is fully presented in front of Yang Tianhe.

She is also very tall, wearing high heels, she is already on the same level as Yang Tianping.

Among the people Yang Tianhe knew, only Zhao Ying could match her enchanting figure!

“I don’t know what to call Mr., and where he is from!” Nasha asked.

“I’m from Xia, and my name is Yang Tianhe!” Yang Tianhe said bluntly.

“This time, I came here to buy an island, and I want to find the person in charge.”

Hearing this, Nasha couldn’t help being delighted.

It has been rumored for a long time that the Xia people are rich.

A large part of the purchase list of the islands here are purchased by Xia people.

Although after the purchase, no one came to live or develop it.

It made their dream of relying on these foreign rich people to drive economic development directly shattered!

“Don’t worry, Mr. Yang, I’m the general manager of the Sea Island Trading Center, and also the general manager of this part of Carter County.

You can take full charge of this area! ”


Yang Tianhe was taken aback, he heard correctly, right?

The Nasha in front of her doesn’t look much older than him, does she?

He’s already directly in charge of this area?

Regarding Yang Tianhe’s gaze, Nasha seems to have gotten used to it.

Instead, he said with a smile all over his face: “Mr. Yang, why don’t weCome in and talk about it! ”

“Okay, please!”

With that said, the two walked towards the room!


Chapter 41 The Small Landlord “Yang Tianhe”

In the inner room, Nasha handed a computer to Yang Tianhe.

“Mr. Yang, it includes all the islands for sale, as well as part of the land.

You can take a look, each area has corresponding prices and island introductions! ”

Hearing this, Yang Tianhe was not polite and started browsing.

“Most of them are small islands!”

“There is actually a piece of land in the coastal area for sale!”

Yang Tianhe quickly found a piece of land, clicked on the introduction, and began to browse.

“No wonder Carter County will sell this piece of land, that’s how it is!”

Although this piece of land is also close to the sea, it is a shallow water area.

It’s not the deep sea ports of those metropolises!

In other words, in this area, large ships and freighters cannot enter at all.

Only some small boats can exercise freely.

Moreover, in this area, backed by the jungle, the trees are lush, and the transportation to the outside world is inconvenient. There is only one cement road that has been developed.

In addition, this area is sold as a package.

Including this piece of land facing the sea, a large piece of jungle on the edge of the land, and even the surrounding several kilometers of sea area, all are sold together as a package.

Therefore, this piece of land has been hanging on the trading platform for many years.

No one cares about it all the time.

If it’s just for enjoyment, wouldn’t it be nice to spend hundreds of thousands to buy an island?

If it’s for commercial development, wouldn’t it be nice to have 1.5 Y of money to develop other projects?

That’s right, the price of such a large piece of land is only 1.5 Y.

Is it expensive? Not expensive, even, so to speak, very cheap.

Basically, it’s packaged and sold at the price of cabbage.

The reason for this is that the main purpose of the government personnel headed by Nasha is to attract investment, increase employment opportunities for local people, and accelerate economic development.

Unfortunately, things backfired!

“This piece of land must be taken down!”

But at this moment, Yang Tianhe’s eyes lit up involuntarily!

Others don’t need it, but he needs it!

In the garbage dump, there is another bloodthirsty vine to be planted.

In the Xia Kingdom, the risk of exposure is too great.

There may be other weird things in the future.

Even, some goods, such as guns and pills, etc., are even in order to deal with what may happen in the later stage.

Cannons may be used.

Therefore, the bigger the land, the better.

As for the price of 150 million yuan, Yang Tianhe didn’t feel any distress at all.

He came in very quickly. If he just went to Daming World to fiddle with it, tens of millions would arrive in his account.

When Ningshen Fragrance came out later, he didn’t have to worry about money at all.

Therefore, Yang Tianhe directly locked this piece of land!

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