After all, he is on the road of scientific research, and his dream is to become a scientist.

Yang Tianhe: [@唐东明, I’m sorry monitor, to be honest, I really want to read on. After all, my dream is to become a scientist, promote the development of the times, and become a trend-setter.

It’s a pity that the sky fails to fulfill people’s wishes!

Now, I don’t pretend anymore, it’s a showdown. In fact, I am a rich second generation.

Before my second uncle died, he handed over the inheritance to me, and now I have inherited his old man.

In a forest in Canada, hundreds of acres of land, and a dozen islands and the surrounding waters.

I am still worried about how to develop these lands, and become a farmer!

If the squad leader goes bankrupt in the future, he will come to my farm and be a fisherman to set up an Internet cafe for me. The salary is 5,000 a month!

Attached: (Transaction Property Rights.jpg)

Note: The Canadian Land Bureau can check, if you don’t believe me, you can go and have a look! 】

After typing a few words, Yang Tianhe pressed the Enter key contentedly.

It seems that they have seen Tang Dongming and the others.

Immediately, he added another sentence.

Yang Tianhe: [To be honest, my heart is extremely empty. After all, my real dream is to become a scientist, and being a farmer, such an endless life, is not suitable for me at all! 】

Actually, this sentence is from Yang Tianhe’s heart. After all, he really wants to become a scientist!

But seeing Yang Tianhe’s words, the whole class fell silent instantly.

head teacher:………….

Zhang San: …

Li Si:……

Tang Dongming: …

Soon, a group of diving guys were blown out by Yang Tian and this message!

Group message instant 999+

[Is this true or not, the boss is actually by my side? 】

[The clown turned out to be me? This nima is silent, come out a rich landlord? 】

[Fuck, Yang Tian and the boss, why don’t I watch the door for you! The salary is 10,000 a month. 】

[Even if these pieces of land are sold at a low price, they can still be worth 200 million yuan, right? 】

[Hey, two hundred million, I have never seen so much money in my life! 】


Seeing this, Yang Tianhe smiled and shook his head.

Regarding those information, after a few casual sentences.

After chatting for a few words, the three roommates directly closed WeChat!

At this time, Zhao Ying had already come back from outside to deal with the matter.


Chapter 57 Money touches people’s hearts, cutting off people’s money is like killing parents

Soon, Zhao Ying returned to the auction house.

“Mr. Zhao, I’m a busy person now. It’s really rare to see you!” Yang Tianhe said with a smile.

“Where is a big boss like you, as a shopkeeper who throws his hands away, he has nothing to do!” Zhao Ying said helplessly.

“Haha, am I not here for the auction item?” Yang Tianhe said with a smile.

“By the way, what’s going on with the outside public opinion now!”

Zhao Ying’s eyes lit up when she heard the words: “Mr. Yang, this time, our auction house is really about to rise, and now, for nearly a week, the entire Internet is basically our hot search.

The countdown of your auction trick can be said to have earned a lot of attention.

There have been more than 10 million comments on our official platform on the whole network.

The whole network is paying attention to our auctions. ”

“Now, we have receivedPersonal phone calls of more than a hundred ultra-wealthy people around the world.

They all expressed their willingness to come to our auction! ”

The more Zhao Ying talked, the more excited she became.

“I even feel that the venue of our auction house is too small. It may not have so many private rooms to accommodate so many rich people!”

Hearing this, Yang Tianhe said with a smile, “This is a good thing! When the time comes, you can contact the venue. If possible, rent a bigger venue. We will use it frequently in the future.”

Zhao Ying nodded: “Good Mr. Yang!”

“By the way, Mr. Yang, now, basically all the auction items have been unveiled.

The only thing missing is the last item, which is the same value as Ouyang Xun’s ink.

I don’t know about you…” Zhao Ying asked.

“Don’t worry, I’m ready, you don’t have to worry at all!” Yang Tianhe signaled him to rest assured.

“By the way, Mr. Yang, I don’t know about wild ginseng and Ouyang Xun’s ink marks. How are you preserving them?

If you feel unsafe, you can take care of a professional security team! “Zhao Ying said with some worry.

In her opinion, Yang Tianhe is just an ordinary person.

In fact, Yang Tianhe was somewhat worried about letting Yang Tianhe keep such a priceless painting alone.

“Don’t worry, it’s safe to leave these items with me.

I’m really worried about being among those security teams! “Yang Tianhe understood Zhao Ying’s worry.

However, he who has the Wanjie garbage dump is the real insurance!

“Okay!” Zhao Ying waved her hands helplessly. Who calls someone the boss?

“Okay, let’s go to the hotel with me first!”

“Eh? Hotel? Mr. Yang, it seems…”

“What are you thinking? I took you to discuss business.” Seeing this, Yang Tianhe gave her a blank look.

In an instant, Zhao Ying’s complexion turned red.


When they came to the hotel, the person in charge of Angel directly told Yang Tianhe some of the materials and basic situation that had been sorted out!

“Manager Zhao, what do you think is best!” Yang Tianhe looked at Zhao Ying.

Zhao Ying checked the information, was silent for a while, and said slowly: “Mr. Yang, I personally do not recommend buying the production base in Shanghai.

The land price and rent in Shanghai are too high.

In contrast, if you want to buy a factory building, it is better to choose those areas with relatively low prices. ”

“However, I can’t make up my mind about the specifics. I need to go back and compare them.”

Zhao Ying looked at Yang Tianhe.


Yang Tianhe nodded. Ningshen Incense is destined to sell well all over the country. No matter where it is produced, the problem is actually not that big.

Compared to Xia Guo’s economic center, it is a magical capital with prosperous commerce, but a forest of merchants.

Yang Tianhe is more willing to set up Ningshenxiang’s company in areas with favorable policies.

“Here are twelve professional managers sorted out by Angel Company.

Look at their resumes, which ones are more suitable for managing the company’s development. ”

Seeing this, Zhao Ying glanced at Yang Tianhe resentfully.

He is really a good boss who oppresses his employees, throwing everything to him in one go.

No way, who made me a part-time job? I had no choice but to continue to open the file, browse and analyze it.

After all, she is a professional. Zhao Ying read it carefully, and soon got the answer.

“Mr. Yang, if you don’t care about annual salary or shares, these four people are undoubtedly the next best candidates for your company!”

With that said, Zhao Ying handed the document to Yang Tianhe.

Yang Tianhe roughly read it.

Three men and one woman, all with perfect resumes, graduated from a master’s degree in management from a top 10 prestigious school in the world, and have been working in the industry for nearly 20 years.

To be honest, no matter who it is, it is more than enough to control Ningshenxiang’s fledgling boat!

“However, the requirements are not low!”

Yang Tianhe said with a smile, these four people either require an annual salary of several million, or they must have share dividends. The company’s requirements must also be a large company with a market value of hundreds of millions, or an emerging enterprise with unlimited potential.

“When the time comes, let’s contact the four people and add a few more candidates.

When the time comes, we will make a conclusion after the interview! ”

Yang Tianhe said to the person in charge of the angel.

“Good Mr. Yang!”


After leaving the hotel, Yang Tianhe and Zhao Ying drove to a professional institution to conduct the final appraisal of the item!

At this moment, in a high-end western restaurant in Shanghai, three men were sitting together.

These three people are the bosses of the three major auction houses in Shanghai.

“Several, in the past few days, the flow of people in our auction house has obviously decreased!

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