But it’s a pity that the medicine production process of Quen Ti San is far more complicated than Yang Tianhe imagined.

In the end, I had no choice but to let it go.

Otherwise, in the world of low martial arts, there are quite a few pharmacists who have tasted all kinds of herbs.As long as the leaders of hundreds of schools are gathered, the prescription can also be analyzed.

But so far, body quenching powder is still one of the unique formulas of the royal family.

The key lies in the combination of various pharmacology.

Regarding this, Yang Tianhe also had to sigh with emotion, Chinese medicine is really broad and profound!


First one, see if there is time at night, if there is, then three chapters will be released.

If it doesn’t work, put it on Saturday.

Thank you guys for your rewards and reminders for better comments.

By the way, although the title is a dump, the focus will not be too descriptive.

Otherwise, the limitation of the garbage dump is here, if I really focus on writing.

It’s okay to write tens of thousands of words, but if you really want to do this, the bosses will scold me to death through the network cable!

This book focuses on Myriad Realms. The Daming World is the first dungeon, and other worlds will be gradually opened in the future.

(*?ω?)! ! !

Chapter 60 The ancestors once said: Wealth is not revealed

Yang Tian and Meimei took a shower, wrapped themselves in bathrobes, and made a cup of coffee.

Came to the first floor, sat on the sofa, turned on the news broadcast, and watched the news on his own.

“Coming?” Yang Tianhe took a sip of coffee, his ears moving slightly.

The warrior’s keen hearing quickly heard the movement outside the villa.

Although it was slight, it was still difficult to cover up the sound as an ordinary person after all.

“Who is it?” Yang Tianhe guessed suspiciously.

The area of ​​this villa area is indeed quite large. Yang Tianhe never thought about relying on the group of security guards to block all troubles.

“Forget it, you’ll know when you see it!” Yang Tianhe thought.

Soon, Yang Tianhe heard the sound of prying windows in the side room of the villa!

The sound was small and didn’t last long. From the looks of it, it should be a group of recidivists!

Yang Tianhe crossed his legs, turned on his mobile phone, and connected to the monitoring facilities of the villa. Soon, scenes appeared before Yang Tianhe’s eyes.

As early as the last day of renting, Yang Tianhe installed monitoring facilities around the villa, also in case of emergencies.

“Four thieves? Have a gun?”

Yang Tianhe glanced roughly, and saw a man holding something like a gun in his hand, and immediately frowned.

“No, the length and shape are wrong. It should be similar to a self-made gun with limited lethality!” Thinking of this, Yang Tianhe couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s fine if it’s not a modern regular firearm!

Thinking of this, Yang Tianhe was facing the main entrance, quietly waiting for the arrival of the four thieves!




Soon, the door was slowly opened.

A ferocious man walked in slowly through the door.

Just happened to bump into Yang Tianhe!

The man stared at Yang Tianhe, his pupils shrank involuntarily.

What the hell? was discovered?

At this time, a younger brother slowly walked over from a distance.

“Boss, there is no one on the first floor!” the younger brother whispered.

However, as soon as he turned his gaze, he saw Yang Tianhe.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene gradually froze!

“Boy, have you discovered us a long time ago?” The middle-aged man in the lead said calmly with narrowed eyes and a faint evil spirit permeating his body.

“There is monitoring!” Yang Tianhe pointed at the phone and smiled slightly.

“Surveillance? Interesting!” The man sneered.

“Come out!”

After the words fell, the other two slowly walked out and surrounded Yang Tianhe.

“I know you, the four murderers in province A! Desperadoes!” Yang Tianhe said with a smile as he looked at the four strong men exuding a fierce aura.

Yang Tianhe recognized them the first time he saw them.

Some time ago, a lucky winner won 200 million yuan in the lottery, but was finally kidnapped by a group of robbers and tore up his ticket.

Obviously, it was the four people in front of me.

After all, some time ago, the overwhelming news was all about the arrest warrants for the four of them.

Even during this period of time, the old ancestor’s warning: Wealth should not be revealed, became popular again, reminding the people of the Xia Kingdom.

However, Yang Tianhe never expected that this group of people would be able to escape the arrest of Province A, come to Shanghai, and set their sights on him!

“Oh? You know it’s us, but you still look like nothing happened!” The boss said with a sinister smile.

“Are you really fearless, or are you stupid!”

Yang Tianhe shook his head: “Neither, I am a person who cherishes life very much.”

The boss said: “Is that so? Since you spare your life and know us, I don’t think we need to talk about it. Let’s hand over the things!

Don’t force us to use strong ones! ”

Yang Tianhe rubbed his nose, and smiled awkwardly: “Strong?”

“Tell me, who sent you here.

I don’t believe that you four trash can find out my information. “Yang Tianhe took a sip of coffee and said lightly.


The boss smiled instead of anger: “You boy, I’m afraid it’s because you can’t tell the situation clearly!”

“But it’s okay, you’ll know soon!”

The boss waved his hand, and the second child next to him saw this, and strode forward directly, not talking nonsense!

Yang Tian and Yu Guang glanced at the second child who stepped forward, and shook their heads involuntarily!

“Boy, be honest with me!”

The second child punched Yang Tianhe.

I saw Yang Tianhe directly grabbed the second child’s right hand, and violentlyPull the ground, and then apply a little force.


There was only the sound of a broken bone.

Accompanied by a scream, the second child was covered in cold sweat, fell to the ground covering his right hand, and rolled on the ground in pain!


The other two had round eyes, staring at Yang Tianhe firmly.

Go straight to Yang Tianhe!

“Boom!” “Boom!”

Yang Tianhe looked indifferent, punched and kicked the two of them in the chest.

The two of them instantly flew out like a kite that was unthreaded.

The sternum was broken, and the chest was sunken.

What’s more, some sternums directly pierced through the skin, and the white bones were exposed outside.

Yang Tianhe was not polite to the murderers.

Without looking at these three people, Yang Tianhe looked directly at the boss with a faint smile on his face: “How about it, can we talk now?”

“you you…..”

The boss’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t help but take a few steps back, took out that earthen gun and pointed it at Yang Tianhe!

“You boy, what the hell is it?” It can be heard that there is a bit of trembling in the voice.

Yang Tianhe was not annoyed either, and moved his body.

Before the boss could react, Yang Tianhe broke the bones of the two hands holding the gun.

Not even a chance to shoot!

With another kick, the boss was kicked out and fell to the ground, spitting out blood.

“I’ll give you one last chance. Who told you to come?”

Speaking of which, Yang Tianhe picked up the soil gun.

“I think, when the time comes, I just need to say to the outside world that you entered my villa with guns, and I took the guns and killed you out of self-defense.

No one should doubt me! ”

Yang Tianhe said with a smile

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