“Eh?” Yang Tianhe was taken aback for a moment, darling, are you a princess?

Can you stop being so casual? I’ll just greet you out of politeness.

It’s not like that in TV dramas.

Zhu Mingyue didn’t know what Yang Tianhe was thinking: “It’s just a matter of time to chat with Mr. Yang about overseas strange things.”

“By the way, Ada, you go back to the government now and bring all the treasures Mr. Yang needs!”

“Yes, princess.”

“In this case, Your Highness Ninth Princess, this side invites you!” Yang Tianhe said.


Indoors, the table was covered with various hot pot side dishes, and Yang Tianhe and Zhu Mingyue were sitting together.

“Mr. Yang’s way of eating is indeed a bit strange. It should be similar to the Ding Shi in the north!” Zhu Mingyue couldn’t help but praise when she saw the fire boiler and ingredients.

Hot pot has a history of 1900 years since ancient times. However, it has not developed by leaps and bounds until modern times, and has become various!

“That’s right! The princess might as well have a taste!” Yang Tianhe smiled and pointed to several plates of meals.

“Okay!” Zhu Mingyue picked up a piece of meat and put it into the hot pot.

After a while, pigThe meat is cooked.

After Zhu Mingyue dipped a little sauce, she ate it happily.

“That’s right, it’s really delicious in the world. Compared with the dishes made by those imperial chefs, they are all less ostentatious.

Mr. Yang, what kind of animal meat is this? “Zhu Mingyue said full of praise.

“Pig!” Yang Tianhe said casually.

“What? Pig?” Zhu Mingyue was taken aback.

“Ahem!” Yang Tianhe coughed twice, and quickly reacted.

“Fatty, also known as pig!”

I almost forgot that in the Ming Dynasty, pig and Zhu were homonyms.

In order to avoid this name, pigs were not called pigs in the Ming Dynasty. In the early days, Zhu Yuanzhang named pigs Feifei. Then there was the official name Hog!

“So it’s a hog! Wait, hog?”

“As far as I know, pig meat is fatty and full of fishy smell, even for beggars on the street, it is difficult to eat it.

But why come to Mr. Yang, but they have two completely different flavors. “Zhu Mingyue blinked, her beautiful eyes full of doubts.

Yang Tianhe said with a smile: “My hogs are different from traditional hogs. They are obtained after some scientific breeding and breeding, and slaughtered in a scientific way. The meat quality is naturally different.”

“Oh? Really? Pork meat is so particular? Science? Breeding? This is the first time I’ve heard of it.” Zhu Mingyue asked with interest: “Young Master Yang, I wonder if you can explain a thing or two?”

“Explanation?” Yang Tianhe frowned: “To be honest, I don’t know much about this aspect.”

“By the way, I seem to have a special book, just wait!”

With that said, Yang Tianhe ran away directly.

Returning to Earth in the room, he began to search for books on the bookshelves.

“found it!”

Yang Tianhe couldn’t help laughing when he saw his favorite books.

A long time ago, Yang Tianhe bought hundreds of books on Taobao about the history and culture of the Ming Dynasty.

And modern technology to produce salt, farm tools, various machines, and a series of books on people’s livelihood.

Yang Tianhe bought everything he could think of.

In order to deal with problems that may arise at any time.

What if, meeting a queen and princess while picking up a girl outside?

What if the wrong father is the Emperor of Ming Dynasty?

Although this is Jiangnan, why can’t the emperor have a twitching private visit?

You must know that when other traversers travel to the Ming Dynasty, they will recite poems to pick up girls, witty remarks to talk about the country, raise pigs, farm and have children.

I can’t do nothing, right?

To be honest, these days, I don’t have any talent, so I’m too embarrassed to go through time travel.


Chapter 66 This guy, shouldn’t he be richer than the entire Ming Dynasty?

“Princess, these few books are about the breeding methods of pigs.” With that said, Yang Tianhe handed the books to Zhu Mingyue.

“Huh?” Zhu Mingyue took the books.

“”Postpartum Nursing Methods of Sows”, “History and Development of Pig Breeding”, “One Hundred and Eight Methods of Castration and Castration of Boars and Post-operative Nursing Program”, “Advantages and Disadvantages of Sports Pig Raising Method” ……”

Zhu Mingyue’s pretty face couldn’t help turning dark, very dark.

Pig, Zhu?

Boar, princess?

This damn…

If Zhu Mingyue hadn’t been born in the royal family, she might have cursed directly.

However, she is a lady after all, so she held back.

“Ahem!” Yang Tianhe also understood when he saw Zhu Mingyue’s expression.

“His Royal Highness, in fact, overseas, pigs have always been called this.

So, this is the title of this book. ”

Hearing this, Zhu Mingyue’s face softened a little: “Don’t worry, Mr. Yang, I can understand this, after all, overseas is not under my Ming rule.

But I believe that sooner or later, they will be included in my Ming territory. ”

“Haha, let’s not talk about this, Your Royal Highness, let’s eat!” Yang Tianhe said.

The two started talking at the dinner table one by one.

“By the way, Mr. Yang, I told you before that I, Daming, will set up a brand new department.

Established outside the six ministries and directly subordinate to the royal family, that is the Ministry of Tiangong!

My royal father has already agreed! ”

Suddenly, Zhu Mingyue looked straight at Yang Tianhe.

“I want to invite you to become a deputy commander of the Department of Tiangong, which is directly the title of a fourth-rank officer.”

“Oh?” Yang Tianhe kept the chopsticks in his hand quiet and raised his eyebrows.

“A senior member of the fourth rank? What a great handwriting?” He thought to himself.

“I’m sorry, I started out as a member of the fourth rank, and I will definitely make a group of people in the court envious. In addition, I actually don’t know much about the Western scientific system, so let’s forget it!”

Yang Tianhe politely declined. After all, I have this time to guide you Daming to develop technology. I will practice more martial arts, search for repair value, and open the next world, isn’t it good?

“Huh? Rejected?” Zhu Mingyue was taken aback for a moment. This rejection really surprised her!

In ancient times, scholars, farmers, industry and commerce were not casually talked about.

Merchant ranks last, the lowest occupation.

The ancient merchants were all proud to be officials in the dynasty, and they could honor their ancestors.

As long as Yang Tianhe nodded and agreed, he would be a fourth-rank member, but he refused.

“Young Master Yang, are you really not thinking about it?”

“No, now I only have the road of martial arts in my heart!” Yang Tianhe shook his head and said.

“It’s a pity.” Zhu Mingyue sighed:”Mr. Yang has changed his mind. The Ministry of Tiangong welcomes you at any time.”

“En!” Yang Tianhe nodded.


After chatting for a few more words, Ah Da knocked on the door and walked in with a few brocade boxes.

“Your Highness, the things have been brought!”

“Well, step back!” Zhu Mingyue waved her hand!

“Young Master Yang, a Tiger Demon Bone Forging Pill, two Martial Dao Heart Techniques, and a piece of Meteorite!”

With that said, he placed the four items in front of Yang Tianhe’s eyes.

Using the Eye of Exploration and the Tiger Demon Bone Forging Pill, the information is exactly the same, no problem.

[Fu Hu Fist]: A peerless boxing technique created by Da Neng of Shaolin Temple. When cultivated to the peak, it can subdue dragons and subdue tigers. Recyclable: worth 50 repair points.

[Toad exhalation method]: A certain top-notch power, watching toad exhale, a kind of exhalation method developed by epiphany. During the inhalation and exhalation, the sound of toad chirping will be emitted. It can be recovered and is worth 50 repair points.

[Terrestrial Meteorite]: After atmospheric friction, iron, charcoal and other elements inside, through a miraculous reaction, the black iron formed is indestructible and can be forged into divine armor! Recyclable, worth 40 repair points.

“That’s right, they are all good babies.” Yang Tianhe was overjoyed.

As expected of a princess of the royal family, the martial arts and martial arts she showed were really good.

“Fuhu Fist should not be as good as “Rang Niu Jin”, after all, one is in the fantasy world.

As for this “Toad Breathing Method”, there will be side effects, toad?

Forget it, let’s continue to practice the “Sanhe Exhalation Method”! ”

Yang Tianhe thought about it.

“Princess Nine, they are all good things, I want them all.

Let me make a ratio, for me, if the value of the Tiger Demon Bone Forging Pill is 30, then the value of the two exercises is 50, and the Meteorite is 40.” Yang Tianhe said.

“Okay, then I will ask someone to make a list and calculate the price of the grain and the price of these items.” Zhu Mingyue said.

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