After returning, Yang Tianhe went directly to the auction house.

“Huh? Mr. Zhao, why is this auction house still so deserted?” Yang Tianhe came to Zhao Ying’s office after wandering around the auction house.

“You boss, you are finally back.” Zhao Ying gave Yang Tianhe a white look.

“It’s the other three top auction houses in Shanghai. They used their relationship to cut off our source of customers?

At the same time, they informed the insiders that no one is allowed to provide us with antiques! ”

Zhao Ying waved her hand helplessly: “Our background is not enough, and our background is not as deep as others!”

“Now, according to the reputation of our auction house, we can only attract retail investors.

But if only relying on the antiques provided by retail investors, the industry does not know how many auction houses will go bankrupt. ”

Hearing this, Yang Tianhe nodded.

He has also learned about this situation. Auction houses are usually backed by antique dealers or jewelers.

The two are a powerful combination.

It’s the first time someone like Yang Tianhe has no background at all.


Chapter 80 Transition

“That’s not all, Mr. Yang, you’d better clarify the source of the antiques.

Otherwise, with so many antiques being sold to the market, the impact would be huge. ”

Zhao Ying said with some worry.

“Indeed.” Yang Tianhe frowned, things really got more and more troublesome.

“Do you have a solution?” Yang Tianhe asked Zhao Ying.

“There is no way, unless there is a strong relationship.

Or, we set up an antique shop ourselves and buy and sell antiques, so that the source can also be explained.

However, if you really want to do it, it’s still very troublesome! “Zhao Ying shook her head.

“It seems that part of the deal with Wanqianli will be cut.

Don’t act too hastily! “Yang Tianhe thought to himself.

“Antique shops also need to be opened, both domestic and foreign. This can also increase income specifically.

The source can also be explained. ”

“I’ll leave this to you!” Yang Tianhe waved his hand and handed over the task to Zhao Ying.

“Uh, this…”

“Don’t refuse, I’ll give you a raise, hard work for those who are capable!”

Yang Tianhe alsoNo rejection for her.

“When the time comes, if you need money, just contact me directly.”

After finishing speaking, Yang Tianhe left.

“Oh, it’s really…” to have such a boss at the stall.


Yang Tianhe rubbed his brows.

This auction house is in China, so it is indeed troublesome.

But no matter how troublesome it is, it has to be done.

According to the last income, the auction house will bring Yang Tianhe a huge income of tens of billions every year.

This is an impossible number for any person or force to refuse.

“Made, the big deal is that in the future, I will directly take over a piece of land in Africa and establish a powerful country on my own.

When the time comes to hold auction houses around the world, who will care about your source. ”

“Antique calligraphy and paintings, minerals, all of them will be put in the auction for you.”

Yang Tianhe couldn’t help but think of

However, this is still too far away.

“Oh, sure enough, high-tech things are more valuable!

Not only is the profit high, but the key is the government’s policy support. ”

“Next, if we want to have a longer-term source of income, we still have to rely on the development of Jianghe Pharmaceutical Group.”

“The auction will also be held, but it will be lower-key than before.”

Afterwards, Yang Tianhe called Li Yilong to find out about Ningshenxiang’s situation.

The production line has basically been set up!

Just wait for the order to arrive.

At the same time, trademark patents were also applied for.

The major online stores have also successfully applied.

Now, let’s wait for the action of the advertiser and use time to let the reputation of Ningshenxiang slowly ferment.


After Yang Tianhe took care of the auction and Ningshenxiang, he took the plane to the Far East.

Arriving at a city X in Siberia, Yang Tianhe and Chechikov met at the designated place.

“Hello, Mr. Chechikov!” Yang Tianhe said.

“Hello, friends from Xia Kingdom!” Chechekov responded. (with translation on the side)

“Are you alone?” Chechikov asked.

“Yes, it’s just me!” Yang Tianhe said with a smile.

“How courageous!”

“Mr. Chechikov, what do I want?” Yang Tianhe said.

“follow me!”

With that said, Chechikov brought two strong white bodyguards to the empty backyard on the snowy field.

The bodyguard drove the car with the items in front of Yang Tianhe.

“Yang, let’s inspect the goods!” Chechikov laughed.

With that said, under the guidance of professional knowledge, Yang Tianhe started to operate.

From how to use grenades, flashbangs, etc., to tutorials on sniper rifles.

Yang Tianhe naturally knows it at a glance!

“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

Holding Barrett in his hand, Yang Tianhe fired several shots into the distance!

The bullet casings slowly fell from Barrett’s gun body.

Yang Tian and the whole person did not move at all!

“Boss, this guy is a master!” the bodyguard whispered in Chechikov’s ear.

“It’s up to you to say, I’m not blind!” Chechikov rolled his eyes at the bodyguard.

Except for a few super beasts in the army, Chechikov has never seen anyone who can use Barrett as a rifle.

The point is, those super beasts are basically armed with Gatling, none of them are snipers.

He and the person in front of him are completely different in size.

How can this not surprise him?

“As expected of a Barrett sniper rifle, its power really did not disappoint me!”

Yang Tianhe reflected on Barrett’s recoil and the small tree that had been broken in two not far away, and couldn’t help showing a satisfied smile.

“As long as you are satisfied, as long as you are satisfied!”

“Yang, what about this fee?” Chechikov asked.

“Send me your account, and I’ll call you right away.” Yang Tianhe said with a smile.

“no problem!”

With that said, the two began to manipulate.

About an hour later, the payment also arrived in Chechekov’s account.

“Haha, the money has been received.

Yang, I am looking forward to our next cooperation! ”

Looking at the money in the account, Chechikov smiled all over his face.

“I don’t think there will be a need for next time.” Yang Tianhe said directly.

“Oh? What do you mean?” Chechikov asked.

“I want to buy a production line for rifles!” Yang Tianhe said.

“Rifle production line? Sorry, we don’t sell these!” Chechikov shook his head.

“I didn’t mention the modern rifle production line. I only need the rifle production line from World War I.” Yang Tianhe said.

“A production line from World War I? Why do you want that old antique?” Chechikov was a little puzzled.

“Of course I’m useful. I don’t know if you will sell it or not. If not, I’ll find someone else!” Yang Tianhe said.

“Sell, sell, sell! Of course!” Hearing this, Chechikov became a little anxious. This is a big business.

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