The originally beautiful pirate female emperor Boyahan Cook is even more beautiful at this time.


The two younger sisters of the female emperor.

Boya Sanda Sonya and Boya Marie Grude, both women looked at their sister Boya Han Cook, their eyes lit up.

Originally, they felt that their sister was already beautiful to the extreme.

But now.

They all think that their sister is more beautiful, and they are all intoxicated by the beautiful sisters.

“Sister, how strong are you, this ability of yours?”

Boyasanda Sonya murmured.

“Hehehe, the mourning family is now the master of the law of charm, the embodiment of the law of charm, the controller of charm, no matter anyone, can not resist the charm of the concubine, because the concubine body is the charm itself, whether male or female, whether old or young, no matter how powerful he or she is, he or she can never resist the charm of the concubine body, refuse the request of the concubine.”

“And concubines can not only make themselves full of charm and beauty, but also give charm and beauty to others.”

The female emperor Boyahan Cook said with a smile.


Boyasanda Sonia and Boya Marie Gruder’s eyes suddenly lit up.

“Sister, you mean.”

Both of them looked fixedly at the peerless beauty sister who was unparalleled in beauty and charm in front of them.

“That’s right, I can make you, and even all the female warriors of the entire Nine Snake Island, become the most beautiful and attractive women in the world, oh, compared to me who ate sweet fruits in the past, I am not inferior.”

Boyahan Cook’s words immediately surprised both younger sisters.

Boyahan Cook did not continue to hang his two sisters.

Directly snapped his fingers.

The next moment.

The two sisters, who originally became strange and terrifying because they ate the snake fruit, suddenly became slim.

The face has also changed from weird to incomparably beautiful.

Although it is still a human snake tail.

But it looks beautiful.

Like the most beautiful snake demon.

“Ah, ah, ah, this, this, sister, is this really us?”

Boyasanda Sonya exclaimed in disbelief.

Boya Marie Grude cried directly.

Since eating snake fruit as children, they have become monsters in the eyes of others.

Although it has a power far beyond ordinary people.

But it is feared and hated by everyone.

They dream of restoring their original beauty.

In the past, however, that has always been a luxury.

But now.

“Thank you to the great Bodhi Grandmaster, thank him for making my sister the master of the law of charm, woo-woo, thank you, my sister.”

Both Boyasanda Sonya and Boya Marigrud cried with excitement.

“Okay, okay, you are all great beauties now, in the words of the Ten Thousand Worlds video, the most beautiful female snake spirit, hehe, many people on the Ten Thousand Worlds video like you like you, don’t cry, tell your sister, what kind of power have you obtained, the great Bodhi Grandmaster, must have given you unimaginable power, right?”

“Yes, I forgot to say, after becoming the lord of the law of charm, what I have is not only beauty and making people beautiful, and making anyone unable to refuse Oh, as the lord of the law of charm, my sister also has great power, everything in this world, can not refuse my charm, as long as I beg the sea, the sea will set off a tsunami because it cannot refuse my charm.”

“As long as I ask the earth, the earth will quake under my request because it cannot refuse my charm.”

“Even the world can’t refuse my charm, at my request, it can commit suicide, and the whole world will be destroyed all of a sudden.”

Boyahan Cook chuckled and spoke out the true strength of his charm fruit.

And heard.

Boya Sanda Sonia and Boya Marie Grude suddenly glared out in shock.

“Sister, is my sister so terrifying?”

“It’s not that my sister is terrifying, it’s that the great Bodhi Grandmaster is too great, just preaching through the video of ten thousand worlds, so that my sister has the ability to destroy the world, if my sister can become a disciple of that great Bodhi Grandmaster, and really listen to that Bodhi Grandmaster preaching on the spot, then.”

Boyasanda Sonya and Boya Marigrude both said, their faces full of longing.

Boyahan Cook also looked yearning when he heard this, but soon let out a sigh: “This little skill of the mourning family is an unintentional gift from his old man, so how qualified is such a mourning family to worship under his old man’s door?” What’s more, in the entire heavens and realms, who doesn’t want to become the true apprentice of his old man, that Monkey King of the mythical world, but after only listening to his old man’s sermon three times, he has leapt to become a half-step transcendent existence. ”

Boyahan Cook sighed with a look on his face.

By now, everyone knows what it means to be detached from half-step.

That is the OAA that goes beyond being able to create infinite dimensional worlds.

Being able to surpass a little bit of oneself creates the main monitor of the DC world.

Dao Zu Hongjun, the supreme powerhouse who can surpass the Feng God World.

A great existence that is only one step away from breaking through the world’s fetal membranes and traveling to the Chaotic Realm Sea.

Just imagining that great being.

Boyahan Cook and his two younger sisters are full of fascination.

“Forget it. Those are too far away, let’s see what you are capable of. ”

Boyahan Cook withdrew his gaze.

I looked at my two younger sisters.

The two sisters also nodded.

“Sister-sama, my ability is to turn into a real Yagi Great Serpent, a mythical creature, of course, it is completely incomparable to the mythical world, but it is also quite powerful, and it is a world-destroying monster.”

Boyasanda Sonya said.

The body changes slowly.

In a blink of an eye.

A terrifying snake the size of Nine Snake Island with eight heads on its head appeared in front of the eyes of Boyahankuk and Boya Marigrud.

“Sister, my strength can easily set off a tsunami, and even tear the continent apart.”


Boyasanda Sonya tumbled in the water.

Soon, a huge tsunami was spawned by her, destroying the world and destroying the world.

Even the island shook.

Volcanoes under the sea all erupted.

“Not only that, my eight heads also have eight different terrifying abilities, four of which control this earth, fire, water and wind, and the other four control this darkness, thunder, life, and death.”

While speaking, Boyasanda Sonya cast the different abilities of the eight heads.

For a moment.

Heaven and earth change color.

Earth, fire, water, and wind turned the space into chaos.

There is also thunder that pierces the sea.

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