[Added special list, Marvel World Strong List].

[Inventory of the twelfth level powerhouses of the Marvel world].

Video posted by: Above the Heavens


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Not only the demon lord and the lonely defeat.

Whitebeard and others.

Hongjun et al.

They were all stunned.

Especially Hongjun and Nuwa and others.

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

“Teacher, I’m not mistaken, Marvel World Strong List? This, this Marvel world, is it worth the senior to personally inventory? Isn’t this a world with a very low level of power? ”

Nuwa was completely stunned.


The Tongtian Sect Lord, including Taishang Laojun, was also stunned.

Saying that the Marvel World is technologically strong, they can barely recognize it.

But take stock of the Marvel world powerhouses and make sure it’s not a joke?

In this world, there are strong people?

Hongjun’s face was also full of shock.


The whole heavens and realms.

It was also shaken by the sudden appearance of a new inventory video.

Public discussion board.

“I lean! No way! No way! The big guys above the heavens have a new list, the Marvel World Strong List! Ahhhhh “—Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“Groove! Groove! Groove! Really fake, Marvel World Strong List? Did the big guy actually come up with a list to inventory the Marvel world? Too envious, if only the big guy took stock of our Douqi Continent, I don’t know what strong people we have in the Douqi Continent! “—Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“Marvel World! Wait, is that Iron Man Tony Stark that Marvel universe? I remember that it was an ordinary technology world, even if it was Thanos or something, the strength was not worth mentioning at all, right? At least it’s not worth the big guy to take stock of them, right? Could it be that the water in the Marvel universe is actually deeper than we think? —Journey to the West, the Golden-winged Roc.

“Just go and see, it’s really curious, this is the first time that the seniors have made an inventory for a world alone, and the inventory is still strong, I believe that the ability of the seniors is definitely not untargeted, this Marvel world is not simple!” —Immortal World King Mazi.

“This Marvel world is not simple +1.” —Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

“This Marvel world is only afraid that it is not simple +2.” —For the demon world Su Lao Demon.

“This Marvel world is not simple +3.” —Fengtian World Menghao.

“Hey, where did you come from, and why has your world never appeared before? But yes, this Marvel world is certainly not simple! “—The Demon Boy Who Who’s the World.

As word spread through the public discussion board.

Heavens and worlds.

Countless people frantically poured into Ye Yan’s video account.

And then.

Sure enough, I clicked on the latest video.


“First and first, the big guy really posted a video!”

“Woo-woo, it’s so cool, there is a video of the big guy to watch, so satisfied!”

“Curious, I don’t know what strong people are in the Marvel world, so will Tony Stark be on the list?”

“No, no, won’t it? Can Tony Stark be on the strong list? It feels like that guy is not as good as me! ”

“It feels the same, then Tony Stark is simply an ordinary person, even if he wears that steel suit, he is not as good as our village’s upper ninja, and he is also worthy of the strong list?”

“That green fat man should be on the list, right? It seems that their world, as far as he is quite powerful, almost has the strength of the jackpot. ”

“And the one with that hammer, the prince from Asgard in what interstellar war, he seems to have some strength.”

“They should be the first and second strongest in the Marvel universe.”

“You guys forgot that there is also a bald head, and it doesn’t look ordinary, I feel that she can compare with the cultivators of the Transformation God Period, she also has the kind of treasure that can control time, plus that treasure, maybe it can already reach the level of a true immortal, and it may even be a little higher.”

“Empathy, bald head first.”

Countless barrages appeared on the video for the first time.

And then.

As the video begins.

Heavens and worlds.

Everyone’s eyes widened in shock.

[The Marvel universe is composed of countless multiverses, and in each multiverse, there are countless parallel universes, and each parallel universe is a world].

The strong inventory has not yet begun.

At the beginning of the video, Ye Yan threw out the world view of the Marvel world, which shocked countless people at once.

“Lying groove, my Uncle Long peed, isn’t it, isn’t it? Why does this Marvel universe sound awesome? It’s a blast! Although I don’t understand what a multiverse is, a multiverse is still understood by countless world dragon masters, countless multiverses! If it’s true, it’s terrifying!!! “—Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“Shocked! Multiverse, parallel universe, does such a concept of science fiction really exist? Upstairs, I know that the so-called parallel universe refers to other universes that are separated from a certain universe and exist parallel to the original universe. In these universes, there are also universes born under the same conditions as our universe, there may be planets that are the same as the planet we live in, or have the same history, and there may be creatures exactly like us. At the same time, in these different universes, the development of things will have different results, the extinct species in our universe may be constantly evolving and living in another universe, this is the parallel universe, and the multiverse, is composed of countless parallel universes, and if the Marvel world is composed of countless multiverses, then it can also be called an infinite dimensional universe, this world will be unimaginably large, there are billions, even tens of billions of universes are not strange, even more. —Liu Peiqiang of the Wandering Earth World.

“Xiaoye was shocked! Infinite dimensional universe, is the Marvel world so awesome? “—The Demon Boy Who Who’s the World.

“Billions and tens of billions of universes, and maybe even more, the poor road is also shocked!” —Demon Boy Nezha World Yuan Shi Tianzun.

“Marvel world, horror!” —Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

“The Marvel universe is terrifying! +1。 “—For the demon world Su Lao Demon.

“The Marvel universe is terrifying! +2。 “—Fengtian World Menghao.

“The Marvel universe is terrifying! +3。 —King Mazi of the Anti-Immortal World.

“Here comes and comes, the strange and strange world combination is here again, do you know each other? Why is it so neat every time? “—Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

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