[Marvel’s twelfth level powerhouse, the eighth level representative figure – the power of the phoenix].

[Note: The power of the phoenix is the link point and the creator and source of spiritual power for all things that exist or will exist in the future in the entire Marvel multiverse. You can control and manipulate the coordinates of spatial dimensions and any coordinate on the timeline, and destroy any space-time coordinate on the timeline. You can also completely delete one or more parallel universes in a dimension. 】

[Strength assessment, high-dimensional multiverse].


Heavens and worlds.

Once again, everyone was shocked.

The power of the phoenix.

Existence above the multiverse.

A random dispersion of power into parallel worlds can create a terrifying powerhouse.

And the strongest existence can even be like deleting data, easily deleting worlds, its strength is beyond imagination, the most important thing is that such an existence is only a host of the power of the phoenix!!!

It is already difficult to imagine how powerful the complete phoenix power will be!

“Lying groove, I originally thought that the Silver Glider and the Cosmic Celestial God Group were awesome enough, but now it seems that compared with the power of the phoenix, they are a younger brother!” – Dark turmoil world slashing king king so-and-so.

“Yes, yes, it’s terrible, exploding a star field, shattering millions of galaxies, there is no way to compare with this kind of deleting countless universes with a wave of the hand, and it is not a complete phoenix power, just a host of the phoenix power, phoenix power, cowhide !!!” – Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“Hiss, it’s too scary and terrible, the Marvel world is too terrible, it’s the five creation gods, and the power of the phoenix, and this is only the eighth level of the Marvel world, there are many more terrifying existences on it, unimaginable, unimaginable, this Marvel world is too perverted.” – Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

Many people exclaimed in the public discussion area.

And many more people are in shock.

“The power of the phoenix, it’s really interesting power.”

Inside the Heavenly Tower, Hongjun narrowed his eyes.

Arbitrarily deleting countless parallel worlds, the essence of this power is already close to the origin of the Heavenly Dao, which is a manifestation of the authority of the Heavenly Dao.

In the Feng Shen World, this is a permission that only he can touch.

In the Marvel world, this power was actually separated from the Heavenly Dao, and even could be directly owned and used by mortals, which made Hongjun feel extremely curious.

“This power, the power of the phoenix !!!”

The Tongtian Sect Lord and the others had their eyes shining again.

Compared to the five creation gods, this phoenix power made their hearts move.

Like Hongjun, they also discovered the essence of the power of the phoenix, which was the power of the origin of the Heavenly Dao, and in the Feng Shen World, they could not touch this level of power.

But at Marvel, this kind of power can even be touched by mortals, and even possessed, which is simply incredible.

If they can enter the Marvel world.

With their strength, then they can definitely easily find this theory and then have this power.

As long as they are given enough time to comprehend, perhaps they can easily go further and reach a state that they could not have imagined in the past.

But at the same time.

The faces of the Tongtian Sect Lord and the others gradually became solemn.


Whether there is a supreme existence like Hongjun in this world.

They are still just guessing.

But now it seems.

“Even this kind of Heavenly Dao Origin Power can only be ranked at the eighth level, and there are many more terrifying existences on it, then, I’m afraid.”

A group of saints looked at each other, and they all saw the understanding and solemnity in each other’s eyes.

And the heavens and all the worlds.

Everyone was shocked, but also more curious.

“The eighth level is so terrifying, now I really can’t wait to know what level of the seventh level is!!!” – Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“I want to know !!!” – Demon Boy Which Whoops the World.

“Same want to know +1!!!” – Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

“Same want to know +2!!!” – For the demon world Su Lao Demon.

“Same want to know +3 !!!” – Fengtian World Menghao.

“Same want to know +4 !!!” – Immortal World King Mazi.

In the heavens and worlds, countless people are looking forward to it, greatly shocked by the Marvel world, and become more curious.

In the expectation of countless people.

The picture has finally changed again.

But this time, the presence that appeared in the picture was beyond everyone’s expectations.

“What is this?”

The Demon Boy of the World.

Chen Tangguan over the sky.

Nezha and the others all looked at what appeared in the picture, and their eyes widened.

Nezha was even more shocked to burst into foul language, and his ugly and ugly eyes were round, as if he had seen the most incredible thing in the world.


Taiyi Zhenren, Li Jing and his wife, and even Yuan Shi Tianzun and others couldn’t care about education.

They were all round in their eyes, and their faces were full of disbelief.

And even more shocking than them are the technological worlds such as the wandering earth.

The wandering world of Earth.

“This, this seems to be a weapon? Marklov? ”

In the astronaut space station, Liu Peiqiang looked at Major Marklov beside him.

And Major Marklov on the side was already speechless, it was clear that this thing was something similar to a technological weapon.


They can’t imagine that the seventh-level powerhouse in the Marvel world is a scientific and technological weapon.

A weapon that is more powerful than the power of the phoenix, how strong does it have to be? What kind of existence does it really have?

The next moment.

They got the answer.

When the weapon is launched.

The entire multiverse, disappeared!!!

[Marvel’s twelfth level powerhouse, the seventh level representative – the ultimate eraser].

[Note: The ultimate eraser is the most destructive weapon in the Marvel multiverse, theoretically can destroy all targets in the multiverse, the power is related to the user’s will, and users with strong will can use it to reboot history, pinch the entire timeline and all causes and effects, bend, tear and even completely destroy the entire space. ] The user of the strongest will can even use him to completely erase any existence, including the multiverse, from the timeline at will, and even destroy the entire timeline and any dimension within the multiverse, including the entire superfluous universe. 】

[Strength assessment, high-dimensional multiverse, the strongest].


Heavens and worlds.

Countless sounds of inhaling cool air sounded.

Not only Liu Peiqiang and other humans in the world of science and technology were stunned, but the shock was incomparable.

Even the Feng Shen, and even the more mysterious existence of the Flood Barren World.

I was also shocked by the power of the Ultimate Eraser.

“Your Majesty, this kind of existence is even more than the innate spirit treasure!”

Travel west to the heavenly palace of the world.

A Heavenly Court Immortal exclaimed, his eyes full of disbelief.

“Innate Lingbao? Zhenjun is afraid that he has never seen a few innate spirit treasures, when he was a god in the past, Zhao Gongming’s twenty-four Dinghai pearls, Sanxiao Niangniang’s mixed yuan gold dou, Guangchengzi’s heaven-turning seal, which one is not a congenital spirit treasure, but which one has such power? ”

“One thought destroys ten thousand worlds, even if this ten thousand worlds is not the other ten thousand worlds, this ultimate eraser is absolutely terrible.”

“I have traveled to the world, and those who can match this weapon are afraid that only His Majesty is one.”

An immortal who had experienced the Great God Sealing War said in a low voice, with shock remaining on his face.

In the Heavenly Palace.

There was silence.

For the first time, these immortal gods had a deep impression of the Marvel world in their hearts.

The same.

The Demon Boy is in the middle of the world.

Chen Tangguan over the sky.

The atmosphere is much more depressing than the Heavenly Palace of the Westward Journey World.

There is no longer the usual funny and funny on the fat face of Taiyi Zhenren, but only deep jealousy and solemnity.

He looked at his master Yuan Shi Tianzun.

“Master, this ultimate eraser, if it is right.”

In the heart of Taiyi Zhenren, his master Yuan Shi Tianzun has always been the strongest existence in heaven and earth, even if there are Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, knowing that there are stronger Yuan Shi Tianzun in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, he also believes that his Master Venerable will be as strong sooner or later.

He firmly believed that at least in his own world, no one could do anything to his master.

With the help of heaven and earth, even if the Yuan Shi Tianzun of other worlds came, it was impossible to harm his own master.

But now, he’s a little unsure.

Because he does not know the greatest dependence, their heaven and earth, can not withstand the dwelling.

“This thing, it is really terrible, if it is in the Marvel world, even I am definitely not the enemy of this ultimate eraser, but this thing is not as terrifying as you think, the reason why it is so powerful is more because it contains the power of the origin of the Heavenly Dao.”

“In essence, there is no essential difference from the innate spirit treasure of our world.”

“It’s just that the power of the Heavenly Dao Origin contained in it is somewhat over the standard.”

“But the essence has not changed, and it is still the origin of the Heavenly Dao that is at work.”

“This thing is naturally invincible in its own world, but if it is placed in other worlds, the origin of the Heavenly Dao is conflicting, even if it is still powerful and terrifying, it is impossible to destroy all worlds like the original world.”

“It is estimated that at most, it can make our world break and fall into chaos, but those of us who are with the Heavenly Dao will not be greatly affected, of course, it is possible to cultivate from now on, and even gradually regress.”

Yuan Shi Tianzun said slowly.

The eyes are full of caution.

Although this ultimate eraser will not destroy their Heavenly Venerable, but the world is broken, that is the calamity of the world.

It’s scary enough.

“Junior Brother Yuan Shi is right, this thing will not pose a fatal threat to us Tianzun, but to our world, the threat is great, and this is still our world level is not low, if it is replaced by a lower world, such as that pirate, Hokage, and those martial arts worlds, this ultimate eraser, I am afraid that the power is no different from in their own world.”

“After all, the Heavenly Dao Origin of those low-level worlds is very weak, and there is no effective resistance at all.”

Dao Tianzun opened his mouth and added.

When Tai Yi heard this, he looked at the ultimate eraser on the screen, and couldn’t help but snort.

“Hehe, if I Shengong Leopard can get it, get this, this ultimate eraser, then, that’s good, what, what twelve golden immortals, I, my Shengong Leopard is not rare, I, I want to be Tianzun, who, who disagrees, I, I will perish, destroy them!”

In the distant clouds, Shengong Leopard’s eyes were bright, and his eyes lit up.

The same.

Heavens and worlds.

There are not a few ambitious people with the same mind as Shen Gongbao.

Hokage World.

Konoha Village, the office of the three generations of Hokage.

A hot flame lit up in Shimura’s eyes.


I have seen the horror of the heavens and all the worlds.

He has been struck with autism.

After all, those strong people are not at all comparable to his Shimura Danzo.

And under this huge gap, even the position of the Hokage is not fragrant.

After all, in the heavens and realms, the village chief of Konoha Village is really just a village chief.

At one point, he thought his ambition was dead.

But now.

If he can get this ultimate eraser, not only can he easily become the fourth generation of Konoha Village, dominate the ninja world, and even lead the entire ninja world, and it is not a dream to dominate the heavens and realms.

What a shit Hokage Rock.

He wanted his avatar to appear in countless corners of the heavens and realms.

He wants to be a big man in the heavens and realms.

Like the guys on the list.

Make a name for yourself in the heavens and all worlds!

The same.

World of Death.

In the depths of Lan Ran’s gaze, flames also ignited.

“The ultimate eraser? It seems that a big plan should be made! ”

“Heavens and realms, such a stage, how can I be less blue dye?”

Lan Ran pushed his glasses, and a gentle smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Guys, I think we need to make a change in the Lingting Court, the heavens and realms, sooner or later we will come into contact, should you want to be a pathetic person who can only kneel and beg for mercy?”

Lan Ran’s voice sounded.

Attracts the attention of all the Grim Reaper.

Flood World.

“Hey, hey, the ultimate eraser? A broken innate treasure, I don’t know how terrifying it will be when it merges with my flood law, maybe it can become a sharp weapon for me to deal with Hongjun, no matter how bad it is, that Hongjun wants to incarnate the Heavenly Dao, this treasure can also find him some trouble, add some blockages, and even at a critical moment, maybe you can syin him. ”

Mozu Luo looked at him, and he laughed.

Although in his eyes, it is impossible for the ultimate eraser to break the world when he reaches the flood, it is still possible to cause certain damage to the world on a small scale.

The most important thing is that the damage caused by this kind of Xenomorph Heavenly Dao Origin is more difficult to repair than simply destroying it with the power law of the Flood Desolation World, and it will even have a small impact on the Heavenly Dao, and if this small impact is used well, it will definitely be a huge help.

Especially if it is used against the enemy, once it causes damage, it may cause the invasion of the origin of the Xeno-Heavenly Dao, causing unimaginable trouble to it.

This is especially true against Hongjun.

Come to think of it.

Mozuluo’s eyes became a little hot.

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