Heavenly Dao incarnation.

Marvel is supreme.

Look at the final strength of the OAA.

Heavens and worlds.

There was a brief silence.

Everyone is struggling to digest this information.

Everyone’s hearts are also full of shock.

Starting with the appearance of the Wanjie video.

In the entire heavens and realms, there is only one strongest person on the bright side.

That is the grand jun of the world of Feng Shen.

And the reason why Hongjun is the strongest is that it is the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao of a powerful world.

It is also the only incarnation of the Heavenly Dao within the Heavenly Realms.


is a myth.

A myth in the heavens and realms.

It is also the only one in the heavens and all worlds.

Now, however.

An existence that can be compared to Hongjun has appeared.

How earth-shattering is that?

Marvel World!


Officially walked into the heavens and realms, the vision of countless living beings.

It also made the heavens and worlds, countless living beings remember this world and remember this existence.


From now on.

Whenever someone mentions the Fengshen World, there will be people who will also mention the Marvel World.

Whenever someone mentions Hongjun, someone will bring up OAA.

All the powerhouses of the two worlds will also be compared by all the existences of the heavens and realms.

From the saint, to the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

From the God of Creation, to the Otherworldly Infinite.

Marvel Universe.

To all the creatures of the heavens and realms, a door was opened.

Let them see a high-level civilization that is completely different from the fairy side, but equally brilliant.

“Rise in insight, rise in insight, this time really rise in insight ah, originally thought, the most bullish is the Hong Barren Feng Shen Westward Journey series, I didn’t expect that in addition to the fairy civilization, there is such a powerful world and power system, Marvel world, let me open my eyes ah, single universe, multiverse, super multiverse, infinite dimensional universe, super infinite dimensional universe, five creation gods, phoenix power, nemesis, otherworldly infinite, life court, I just want to say, thank you to the big guy above the heavens, the big guy is really a cowhide!!! – Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“It’s really eye-opening, it’s just enjoyable, Xiaoye is so big, he hasn’t been so addicted, it’s incredible, the Marvel world and Xiaoye’s world, it’s completely different, how do you say that?” Brilliant, too brilliant, brilliant, too brilliant, eye-opening, the big guys above the heavens, thank you for letting me gain insight!!! “-The Demon Boy Who is the world.

“Uncle Long has also gained insight, the Marvel world is indeed cowhide, the creation god body emits one billionth of the light, can give birth to countless worlds, I can’t believe it if I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, let alone see the OAA boss open the world, it’s just like a dream, really thanks to the big guys above the heavens, if it weren’t for the big guys, how could we earth turtles see such a great existence?” How could you see such a brilliant xenomorph civilization? “-Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.




in the comment section of the video.

The creatures of the heavens and realms who have come back to their senses.

All frantically brushing through the comments.

Everyone sighed at the incomprehensibility of the Marvel world, and then sincerely thanked Ye Yan.

Because everyone knew very well that without Ye Yan, they would not have had this opportunity to increase their knowledge.

If nothing else, then OAA, if it weren’t for the existence of Ye Yan, the big guy, who could dig him out?

That’s a big guy in the realm of non-existence and non-nothing.

Even Thanos, who fused the heart of the universe, could not detect the existence of this big guy, and thought that he was an all-powerful supreme god.

Same words.

This also made everyone more in awe of Ye Yan.

Even big guys like OAA were easily dug up by Ye Yan.

Even the process of opening the heavens and creating the world has been made into a video.

What kind of means is that?

Many people are already speculating whether Ye Yan, a great existence above the heavens, entered the long river of time in the Marvel world, went all the way upstream, and came to the time when the OAA opened the heavens and created the world.

Guess that the picture on the video was recorded at that time.

And this speculation made everyone even more frightened.

Because that shows that the OAA at the time of the creation of the heavens did not find the existence of Ye Yan at all.

Even the heaven-opening level big guy couldn’t find out, Ye Yan, the big man above the heavens, what kind of cowhide did he have?

In the Heavenly Towers.

Hongjun and others also thought of this.

A group of people look at each other.

In his heart, he was even more in awe of Ye Yan.

The next moment.

Space-time transformation.

Everyone just felt a flash in front of them.

When I opened my eyes again, I was surprised to find that I had arrived in another place.


In addition to a group of people in the pirate world.

Whether it’s the lonely defeat or the demon lord.

Whether it is the Tongtian Sect Lord or the Taishang Laojun.

Whether it is Nuwa Niangniang or Houtu.

All of them had a big change in face.

They didn’t even have the slightest idea of how everything happened.

What shocked them even more.

During the whole process, they simply could not react at all.

It’s just unthinkable.

Especially for the Tongtian Sect Lord and others.

Even Hongjun does not have such strength.

Among the group of people, the most calm is Hongjun.

Just when the Tongtian Sect Lord and the others were in a panic, he stepped out and saluted slightly towards a figure in the void.

“Junior Hongjun, I have seen the seniors above the heavens.”


A group of people reacted.

Oh, yes.

Apart from the seniors above the heavens, who in the world can be so terrifying?

Even the saint is no more than a clay doll.

“I’ve seen the seniors above the heavens!”

Tongtian Sect Lord.

Taishang Laojun.

Nuwa Niangniang.


Loneliness is defeated.

Demon Lord.

They all bowed in unison towards the great beings in the void, shrouded in infinite rhyme.

And aside.

The people of the pirate world are completely chaotic.

After reacting to what was going on.

Plop, plop, plop.

Many cadres of the Four Emperors Pirate Group knelt down directly.

Of course, there are also those who have learned to bow down to the Tongtian Sect Lord and others.

There are also those who practice all kinds of pirate world etiquette.

In short, there are all kinds of things.

The only constant is respect.

Ye Yan did not look at the group of people, but cast his gaze in the direction of the last golden passage.

With his gaze.

Hongjun Daozu.

Tongtian Sect Lord.

Taishang Laojun.

Nuwa Niangniang.


Loneliness is defeated.

Demon Lord.

and everyone in the pirate world.

They all looked towards the passage.

“That is?”

“Stupid, that’s of course the world passage to the Marvel world.”

“Shhh, is that the scary world?”

Hongjun and the Tongtian Sect Lord and the others are okay.

But a group of pirates in the pirate world do not have such a strong mental quality.

They couldn’t help but whisper and exclaim.

And the opposite side of the passage.

Outside the gates of the heavens.

Standing in the void, Tony Stark turned his back to the gates of the heavens and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Before his eyes.

It is OAA, God of Creation, Lord of Nothingness, Primordial Transcendent, Court of Life, Nemesis, Otherworldly Infinite, Phoenix Power, Five Creation Gods.

It can be said that the top existence of the Marvel world has all appeared.

If it is before watching the video.

He can still don’t care.

But after watching the video.

Even Tony Stark had to admit that facing this kind of guy was simply stressful.

And at the same time the pressure is mountainous.

And all humans on Earth.

Three empires of the universe with the starry sky.

On Earth.

From world leaders to civilians around the world.

Everyone did not even dare to take a breath.

Among the fleets of the three great empires of the universe.

All the three imperial soldiers of the city also looked extremely nervous.

Even the emperors of the three major empires trembled slightly.

After all.

That’s the supreme of the Marvel universe.

Among them, there is the supreme existence that opened up the entire Marvel world from chaos, OAA.

No one knows how to face the current situation.

Nick Fury, sweat broke out on his even more nervous forehead.

All I think about is whether the earth and even the entire universe will be destroyed by these terrifying existences.

“Tony Stark, don’t talk nonsense!!!”

Nick Fury shouted desperately in his heart.

But the next moment.

Everybody doesn’t care about that.

Full attention.

All transferred.

Even forgetting the existence of these terrifying supremes.

Because a golden list fell from the sky and fell in the starry sky of the universe.

Its light illuminates the entire universe.

It even spread to the endless infinite dimensional universe.

No matter what dimension you are in, no matter what universe you are in.

As long as you are in the Marvel universe.

You can clearly see this list.

This moment.

In the endless parallel universes of Marvel.

Countless beings were shocked.

In the dark dimension, the dimensional demon god Dormammu widened his huge eyes like mountains.

In the Crimson Universe, Setorak, who was known as the strongest dimensional demon god, also looked at the huge golden list that penetrated the barrier of the infinite universe and shone straight into the Crimson Universe.

In the Hell dimension, Hell Lord Mephisto was also full of shock and stunned.

The reason why these dimensional demon gods can escape with the entire Marvel world depends on the particularity of each dimension.

The dimensional barriers were almost unbreakable, and even the five creation gods could not ignore these dimensional barriers.

Even Setorak, relying on the support of dimensions, can even compete with eternity within the barrier.

And now.

That great being simply dropped a list and penetrated all the dimensional barriers that filled the entire world.

This made the dimensional demon gods, how could they not be panicked and shocked.

And in parallel universes.

A powerful hero, a single universe, and even a multiverse-level powerhouse.

I also set my sights on the golden list.

Among them is the Rune King Thor.

There is Captain Cosmic Cubic Meter.

There is the godkiller mecha Iron Man.

There is Captain Marvel with Double Star.

There is the Scarlet Witch, the master of chaos magic who has reached the peak and can modify several cosmic realities.

Their faces were also written with shock and shock.

And even OAA and others.

Also after sensing the power of this golden list, it vibrated slightly.

“It is indeed a great being above the heavens.”

The voice of the OAA sounded.

Echoing in everyone’s ears.

Echoing throughout the universe.

Echoing in endless dimensions.

The God of Creation, the Lord of Nothingness, the Primal Transcendent, the Court of Life, the Nemesis, the Otherworldly Infinite, and the Five Creation Gods are also slightly changed in their faces.

Wanjie Video, of course they have attention.

But compared to other worlds, they don’t care too much.

Because in their view, the Marvel world itself is an endless space and world.

The heavens and realms are not unusual.

Moreover, the vast majority of the world is completely insignificant to them.

There was even less interest.

Until the mysterious heavens appear.

But even then, they weren’t so shocked, and they didn’t even take Ye Yan too seriously.

They arrogantly believe that their world is equally powerful and that OAA is a transcendent being.

Even at one point, they were funny to watch other worlds treat Marvel as an inferior world.

Moreover, it is believed that no one in the heavens and realms knows their secrets.

No one can know they exist.

They’re like monkeys, watching those people talk about the Marvel world.

Even to think that Ye Yan was above the heavens.

Not aware of their existence.


Marvel powerhouse list uploaded.

Until they were exposed one by one.

Until even in the infinitely distant past, when even they did not know it, the scene of OAA’s creation appeared.

Only then did they truly realize Ye Yan’s greatness.

Realize that the truth above the heavens is true.

And at this time.

This ignores the entire Marvel universe, the golden list of endless dimensional barriers.

This is undoubtedly confirmed.

That being didn’t even make a personal move, just lowered a list.

That’s what only OAA can do.

It says it all.


These rebellious people became respectful.

Such as Nemesis and others, there is even more awe in their eyes.

But soon.

When one name after another appears on the list.

It’s not just the Nemesis and others who look awe in their eyes.

Even the defiant is like a primitive transcendent.

Indifferent as the court of life.

Silence like the God of Creation and the Lord of Nothingness.

and even Marvel’s supreme OAA.

His expression changed drastically.

Shock in the eyes.

Smell a rat.




One by one.

At last.

All emotions turned into deep awe.

【Marvel Strong List】

Listed by: Silver Glider

Ranking: Twelve

Strength Rating: Single Universe, Weak

Reward for being on the list: 30 million sentient beings’ power, and a wisp of primordial chaotic energy

Challenge reward: 60 million sentient beings’ power, two wisps of primordial chaotic energy

Primitive chaotic energy: from the primitive chaos before the opening of the heavens and the earth, containing unimaginable earth-shattering energy, even a wisp, is enough to break dozens or even hundreds of parallel worlds, and the chaotic energy of chaos magic is completely different, the chaotic energy of chaos magic is just after the opening of the sky, the fetal membrane remains, is diluted hundreds of millions of times the original chaos energy, the two are not the same, for any life, the original chaotic energy, represents a qualitative change in life


Just look at the silver glider, the weakest existential reward on this list.

Inside the entire Marvel universe.

All the powerhouses, including all the dimensional demon gods, all the universe powerhouses, are heartbeating faster.

Especially in a certain universe, the Scarlet Witch, who had reached the peak of chaos magic, trembled slightly.

She could already use chaos magic to modify the reality of several universes, and this was only using the chaos energy that had been diluted a billion times.

If she could get this legendary primordial chaos energy.


The Scarlet Witch didn’t dare to think about it anymore.


It wasn’t her who made the list.


Look at the challenge reward that is clearly written under the list reward.

Scarlet Witch’s whole body was excited.

She is absolutely certain that she will be able to successfully challenge the silver glider.

And the challenge reward is twice as high as the reward on the list.

That means two wisps of primordial chaotic energy!

“Silver glider? I’m going to challenge you! ”

Scarlet Witch made up her mind.

For the other party is weaker than himself on the list, he is stronger than the other party but not on the list.

Scarlet Witch thought very clearly.

This list is not the Marvel Top Ten Strong List, this is the Marvel Twelve Level Strong List.

Only the representatives of this level are on the list.

In the level of single universe weakness, the silver glider is lucky to be the representative.

And in fact.

The entire Marvel infinite dimensional universe, reaching the level of a single universe, how can there be a silver glider, if you really calculate it, 10,000 can’t be beaten, and it may even reach millions or even tens of millions, after all, how many parallel worlds there are, there may be as many single universe-level powerhouses.

Great, being above the heavens.

Naturally, it is impossible to rank everyone at this level on the list, that is a joke.

It can only be said.

Good luck to the Silver Glider.

However, it doesn’t have to be luck.

Scarlet Witch believes that the single universe powerhouse who wants to challenge the Silver Glider now may have spread throughout the entire infinite dimensional universe.

This silver glider is likely to be killed!!!

Come to think of it.

Scarlet Witch was even more anxious.

She suddenly figured it out.

The point is not at all whether she can beat the Silver Glider.


Who found the Silver Glider first.

Just as Crimson thought so.

Marvel main universe.


In outer space.

The huge body of the Planet Devourer narrates, and a silver-white man who stepped on a skateboard trembled all over.

He is none other than the Silver Glider.

In the beginning.

He was trembling with excitement.

Primordial chaotic energy.

He could imagine to what extent he would devour this wisp of primordial chaotic energy as a person who was given the power to use energy by the Planet Devourer.

The existence above the great heavens has said that a single wisp of primordial chaotic energy can destroy dozens or even hundreds of parallel worlds.

That is, when he completely digested this wisp of energy.

He can definitely evolve from the single universe level to the super single universe level, and may even touch the threshold of the multiverse.

Turning into and planet-devourers is not much worse than too terrifying existence.

But the premise.

It was he who had the opportunity to digest this wisp of energy.


I don’t know when.

A woman dressed in a yellow monk’s robe and a bare head appeared in front of him.

He knew this guy, the guardian of the earth, the Supreme Mage.

A strong man of the Heavenly Father.

Not much weaker than him.

In his hands are the Time Gems, one of the five Infinity Stones, which they call the Eye of Agomoto.

If the two sides fight.

“Guardian of the Earth, Supreme Mage Gu Yi, what do you want to do?”

A rumbling sound sounded.

The silver glider was shocked, and his face showed joy.

That’s right.

I almost forgot.

I still have the boss.

The terrifying Planet Devourer is all around him.

This is one of the five great creation gods of the universe, even if he is in a state of extreme hunger now, it is definitely not something that Gu Yi, a heavenly father-level existence, can fight against.

“Respected Planet Eater, I just want to challenge your entourage, rest assured, out of respect for you, I will never hurt his life.”

Furuichi had a smile on his face, and had no intention of retreating.


That’s primordial chaotic energy.

The gift of the great being above the heavens.

From before the advent of the Marvel universe.

Once obtained.

Earth will never again be threatened by the dimensional gods.

Even, those dimensional demon gods will flee in the wind.

The problems of the dark dimension that have plagued her for countless years can also be solved.

Without the need for a new Supreme Mage, she can reign on Earth forever!


The Planet Eater is ready to roar.

But right now.


Another figure appeared.

“Planet Eater, long time no see, remember this old friend of mine? I’m going to challenge your entourage, and you won’t stop it, will you? ”

“Ah, you should remember that it was about hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the time you were hungry and faint again, you found Asgard, and I was forced to punch you helplessly and accidentally knock you away, you won’t blame me, right?”

The Lord of Asgard, God King Odin, holding the Eternal Spear, had a kind smile on his face.

It’s like the grandfather next door.

But the Planet Eater is like eating a fly.

Everyone with a smelly face can see it.

And around.

The other creation gods let out a chuckle.

Among them.

Only a planet eater can be so embarrassed.

It’s just a heavenly Father.

Under normal circumstances, their five creation gods could be destroyed with a breath.

However, the strength of the Planet Devourer depends on whether it is full or not.

A planetary devourer in a state of extreme hunger could really be sent flying by a little Heavenly Father.

In fact, this doesn’t happen once or twice.

Mephisto did it.

Setorak did it.

The eye demon has done it.

Never mind.

Not counting.

Too much.

One of the five creation gods, the Planet Devourer, is about to become a unit of measurement of combat effectiveness.

In the infinite dimension, if you haven’t beaten the planet devourer in a state of extreme hunger, you are embarrassed to go out and greet people, and even more embarrassed to call yourself a strong person.

“Hehe, I admit that you are an incomparably great being, like these ones, not comparable to my little Heavenly Father, but it seems very unfortunate, you seem to be in the midst of extreme hunger, right?”

Odin laughed like a grandfather next door again.

The Planet Devourer’s face turned ugly.

The silver glider’s face was even more ugly.

And soon.

The faces of the two are even more ugly.

“Hehe, they’re all old friends, Mephisto, I’ve seen all the great beings, and finally, the great Planet Eater, do you remember me? Last time in hell, you made a mess of my territory, and I lost a lot to suppress you, you see, as compensation, how about I challenge your entourage? ”

Mephisto’s gaze fell on the silver glider.

The look is undisguised greed.

If he could get two wisps of primordial chaotic energy, he would definitely be able to sit on Satan’s throne.


Will be stronger than Satan!

Without waiting for the Planet Eater to answer.

More strong people appeared.

Gao Tianzun, Collector, Tenjin Group, Vishan Emperor, Eye Demon, Setorak.

All the powerhouses of the main universe, and the dimensional demon gods, were staring at the silver glider with their eyes shining.

It’s like looking at a delicious piece of big fatty meat.

The silver glider was about to cry.

And looking at this scene, OAA, God of Creation, Void Master, Primordial Transcendent, Nemesis, Otherworldly Infinity and others.

There was a silence.

It’s not that they are much interested in this wisp of primordial chaotic energy.

At their level, this wisp of primordial chaotic energy had almost no effect.


This wisp of primordial chaotic energy was enough to shock them.

Perhaps, before the chaos was divided, the primordial chaotic energy was nothing at all.

But after the OAA separated the chaos, established the void, and created the world.

The whole world is within the fetal membranes.

There is no longer any primordial chaotic energy.

Even OAA is unlikely to allow primordial chaotic energy to appear in this world.

Unless the OAA can break the world fetal membrane and let the primordial chaotic energy of the Chaotic Realm Sea outside the fetal membrane pour in.

But the OAA simply can’t do that.

If only he could really do it.

Then he is a detached one.

It has long been not the supremacy of the Marvel Universe.

It has long been swimming with the Heavenly Sea.

Therefore, this simple wisp of primordial chaotic energy really made them recognize the gap between themselves and Ye Yan.


Ye Yan is a true detached person!

Even OAA is completely incomparable.


is the reason for their silence.

It is also the reason why they began to become in awe.

No awe.

Just because I haven’t seen anything to be awe-inspiring.

Once seen.

There is no way not to be in awe.

I didn’t have the heart to pay attention to the Silver Glider, those dimensional demon gods, and the things of the universe powerhouses.

A group of supreme in the Marvel universe.

All eyes turned to the list.

I looked at the name of the Silver Glider further above.

They all want to know.

A stronger presence than the Silver Glider.

And what kind of rewards will be obtained.

Listed by: Cosmic Celestial God Group

Ranking: Eleven

Strength Rating: Single Universe, Medium

Listed rewards: 10 million sentient beings’ power, 10 ray of primordial chaotic energy

Challenge reward: 20 million sentient beings’ power, two wisps of primordial chaotic energy

It doesn’t look like a reward for the Silver Glider.

But everyone, including OAA, changed their faces slightly.

This reward!

It’s actually much richer than the Silver Glider.

The Silver Glider is just one person.

And the Cosmic Celestial God Group is a lot of people.

The power of 10 million sentient beings may not be nothing.

But each person has a wisp of primordial chaotic energy, which is very rich.

A group of people can predict.

The Cosmic Celestial God Group is about to take off.

The Marvel world will have a group of multiverse-level powerhouses.

“Just giving some rewards casually raises the power level of the entire Marvel to a notch, is this a great existence above the heavens?”

The hearts of a group of people were slightly shocked.

But what they want to know more is what level this improvement will reach.

It is a low-end Marvel power limited to the Silver Glider and Cosmic God group.

Still is!

will reach their level.

Come to think of it.

Even if it is the Nemesis, even if it is the Otherworldly Infinite, even if it is the Court of Life, the Primordial Transcendent, even if it is the God of Creation, even if it is the Void Master, he can’t help but breathe slightly.

Hurriedly looked further up.

Listed by: Iceman

Ranking: ten

Strength Rating: Single Universe, Strong

List reward: 100 million sentient beings’ power, one bundle of primordial chaotic energy

Challenge rewards: 200 million sentient beings’ power, two beams of primordial chaos energy (one beam is about 100 wisps)

The expressions of a group of bigwigs did not change much.

However, they all moved slightly in their hearts.

In less than one, there will be a strong man of the five creation gods in the Marvel world.

Death, eternity, infinity, annihilation, all look at each other and see the solemnity in each other’s eyes.

At the very least, the great beings above the heavens could affect them at this level.

Even, this beam of primordial chaotic energy made even their eyes hungry.

If any of them could get it, they would definitely be able to go one step further in strength and become the strongest among the five creation gods.

If the Planet Eater gets it, it will be even more terrifying, after all, no one has ever seen a Planet Eater who has eaten up, he is an energy master.

Hurriedly continued to look up.

Next level.

But that’s all five of them.

Just when the powerhouses of the entire Marvel universe are boiling over the rewards of the list.

Heavens and worlds.

All the world is also boiling.

Because the list does not appear in just one world.

Rather, like other lists, it is spread all over the heavens and realms.

In the world of mutated heavenly paths.

“Ah, ah, this Marvel world is also too happy, Uncle Long is so envious, they are famous in the heavens and all worlds!”

The riffraff dragon looked at the new golden list in the sky, and his eyes lit up for a while.


Chen Futian and Dragon Baby ignored the riffraff dragon, and both of them stared at the golden list.

Especially staring at the rewards of those on the list.

“Hiss, primordial chaotic energy, it sounds very awesome, a wisp can destroy countless parallel worlds, if I get it, maybe I can hang and fight the Heavenly Dao, right?” Even if you can’t, it’s easy to advance to the Heavenly Rank, and even, you may suddenly reach the Heaven-defying Level! ”

Chenfutian’s face was full of envy.

“Yes, yes, it’s so cool, I really hope that the big guys above the heavens can give our world an inventory, if only I could keep up with the list, hehe, hehe.”

The YY of the dragon baby’s face, as he spoke, couldn’t help but drool, with a silly smile on his face.

And the entire Mutated Heavenly Dao World.

It’s not just that a few of them are shocked, envious, and drooling.

Among the kamikaze academy.

I don’t know how many students can’t take care of the class.

Even the teacher ran out.


“Kneel down, kneel to the big guy above the heavens, please let me be on the list!”

“Are you thinking about fart eating, and you deserve to be on the list? To be on! That’s me too! ”

“Please the big guy, come to a list of beautiful women in the heavens, I think my little Yuer has hope to be on the list, woo-woo, please the big guy, warm the bed for the big guy !!!”

The entire Kamikaze Academy has become a mess.

The same.

The chaos is not just a kamikaze academy.

Journey to the West.

The Heavenly Court was already in chaos.

A group of immortals didn’t care about the Jade Emperor’s face.

All of them rushed out of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Rushed to the list outside the sky.

A group of immortals were disheveled and stared at the list with fanatical faces.

Especially the rewards on the list.

“Hiss, primordial chaotic energy, if I can get a wisp, my cultivation will definitely advance!”

“Of course, weren’t those Chaos Demon Gods in ancient times so powerful by relying on these primordial chaos energy? Even the Pangu Great God had cultivated this primordial chaotic energy to open up the heavens and the earth! ”

“Hongmeng purple qi, this is the Hongmeng purple qi I am waiting for, although it cannot be sanctified, but there is hope to achieve Da Luo, at least, it can also become a golden immortal!”

A group of Heavenly Court Immortals were all excited.

Especially the ordinary immortals.

After all, not everyone in the Heavenly Court is Golden Immortal and Da Luo’s.

There were not even a few Da Luo in the entire Heavenly Court.

In the past, in addition to the Jade Emperor, there were only a few people such as Lao Jun and Doumu Yuanjun.

Even if it is a golden immortal, there are not many.

The vast majority of immortals are still just true immortals, heavenly immortals.

This is the case in the Heavenly Court.

Not to mention those mortal demons.

The eyes of the demons were red.

Compared to the unreachable Cosmic Heart, this primordial chaotic energy was undoubtedly closer to them.

All the demons are crazy.

“On the list, the old cow is going to be on the list!”

“Please the big guys above the heavens to rank the demons who travel west to the world, don’t count the immortals of the Heavenly Court and the bald donkeys of the Great Thunder Temple, then they can’t fight them, ask the big guys to only line up the demons!”

“Woo hoo, people want to be on the list, people also want primordial chaos energy, ask for the big guy’s gift, the slave family is willing to serve the big guy for 10,000 years!”

“Rolling, where is the hooves, you call this unfair competition, do you know? What do you want us male demons to do? ”

“That is, you can’t engage in unfair competition, Qiyu big guy, the slave family is a golden-nosed white-haired mouse essence, this is our body, big guy look at us cute, right?” Moe not? We want to be a pet for the big guy? Also, this is our human form taking pictures, which has been privately sent, please review the big guy, and the slave family is waiting for the big guy to be our master. ”

“Aaaaah! The old pig can’t bear it, what are you all this, saying that you don’t engage in unfair competition, but all you can engage in unfair competition, it’s too rolled!!! ”

Compared to the immortals.

Demons are more savvy, or more realistic.

All the youkai figured out one thing.

That is the primordial chaotic energy, which is definitely more or less for Ye Yan, who is beyond the heavens.

The difference is only in whether this great being is willing to give them or not.

That’s why all the monsters are so crazy.


More people figured it out.


The entire heavens and realms were in chaos.

“Woo hoo, the big guy is packed, will warm the bed, beg the big guy to take it in, and ask the big guy to give the original chaos energy.” —Chu Yu, the little prince of the Mutant Heavenly Dao World.

“O great being, your humble little disciple Shimura Danzo asks for your blessing, I would like to offer you all my loyalty, just a wisp, no, half a wisp of primordial chaotic energy.” —Hokage World Shimura Danzo.

“Do anything, as long as you give a wisp of primordial chaotic energy.” —Hokage World Konan.

“The Wei family has sent an indescribable selfie to the big guy privately, the big guy has read it and remembers to evaluate Oh, the Wei family is waiting for the big guy’s reply, what a da.” – Pirate World Emperor Boyahan Cook.

“Suck it, big guy, please give me a wisp of primordial chaotic energy, you can let me do anything.” —The Demon Boy Who Who’s the World.


In the Heavenly Towers.

Ye Yan’s private message also exploded at once.

Tap on two casually.


Boyahan Cook’s.

The scale is quite large.

There are quite a few poses.

Wait a minute.

This one is.


No way!

Boss Bai, I can’t imagine that you are also this kind of person.

But think that Boss Bai is really miserable, that shit lighthouse should have been demolished a long time ago, and those monsters, it’s also quite disgusting.

Otherwise, for the sake of Boss Bai working so hard and taking hundreds of indescribable selfies.


Forget it!

He Ye Yan is not this kind of person.

Moreover, it is too out of line.

Forget it.

Let’s make a list for Boss Bai when you have time.




Not because of the photo of Boss Bai!

He Ye Yan!

It’s really not that kind of person.


The female emperor also make one.

There is also Chu Yu, the little prince of the Mutant Heavenly Dao World.

Warming the bed or something, I definitely didn’t think about it.

Just feeling.

Don’t do waste.

After all, the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms Beauty List or something, it must still be very attractive.

But these things will be discussed later.

Right now.

Ye Yan’s gaze set on the Marvel world.

This group of supremes of Marvel has been completely shocked.


It’s also time for them to enter the Heavenly Towers.

Fengshen World.

Pirate World.

Mutant Heavenly Dao World.

Marvel Universe.

Four worlds come together.


It’s something even more interesting.

Ye Yan’s gaze.

Fell on the video of the Ten Thousand Worlds that Ye Hei had just released.

The entire heavens and worlds are shocked by the magic of the Marvel world, and the incredible of the powerhouses of the Marvel world.

But there is one world exception.

That is the dark turbulent world.

“Hehe, it’s really so daring, so you dare to kill the ruthless emperor, really I don’t exist above the heavens?”

The corner of Ye Yan’s mouth revealed a sneer.

In his video, his tendency towards the ruthless emperor is clearly revealed.

He returned his brother and changed his name.

Doesn’t that tell the story yet?

What’s more, there was also the upcoming video released by Hongjun and others.

But even so.

Those supremes still went to kill the ruthless emperor.

They, this is thinking that his Ye Yan’s knife is unfavorable.

Or rather.

For the heavens and realms, he is above the heavens, and his status is high.

But he never used any cruel means.

So much so that some people thought he was some kind of moderate.

That’s why I dare to touch his bottom line.


Let these people know what it means to be above the heavens.

By the way, a warning to the restless people of the entire heavens and realms.

Come to think of it.

Ye Yan waved his hand gently.

The gates of the heavens of the Marvel world suddenly opened.


His voice, with endless majesty, sounded in the Marvel world.

“Entrants, get started.”

A fluttering word.

But it made the entire Marvel world boil.

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