Picture changes.

The text disappears.

The monkey who wore a purple gold crown with phoenix wings, wore chain gold armor, and stepped on the clouds, and was majestic and domineering, appeared on the screen again.

However, it is completely different from the previous majestic and domineering.

He at this time.

The phoenix-winged purple-gold crown on the head is gone.

The chain gold armor on his body is gone.

Even the silky steps on his feet turned into a pair of ordinary tiger boots.

All over her body, she was wrapped in a tiger skin skirt that covered her shame.

Live like a wild monkey.

But the biggest change is that his momentum is different.

The original majesty and domineering are long gone.

All that remained was a confused look that appeared from time to time.

He seemed to have forgotten something and was trying to think.

But thinking about it, he forgot what he was thinking.

Right at this moment.

A commanding voice rang out.

“Goku, I’m hungry, find me something to eat.”

A bald monk appears in the picture, sitting on a rock.

A look of command and impatience.

Goku argues with him, refuses to find food, and says that he wants to see the sunset.

On the other side, a pig demon with a protruding stomach became dissatisfied, saying that the monk was dead, and the curse on their bodies could not be solved.

Sun Wukong argued with him again, and another bald monk on the side, with a string of skultons around his neck, became dissatisfied again.

The three quarreled.


The monk who shouted for Sun Wukong to find food instead stood up and asked to find food himself.

But before he took a few steps, he fell on his head, causing the three of Sun Wukong to laugh again.

Look at this absurd scene.

Heavens and worlds.

Everyone was stunned.

“Groove, what happened? How could that majestic and domineering monkey become like this??? “-Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“yes, I was blinded, what did he go through? Didn’t he hit the Heavenly Court and set foot on the Southern Heaven Shattering Sky? “-Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

Countless people wondered.

And travel west to the world.

The westbound party fell silent.

Others don’t know what’s going on.

But they already have a vague guess.

The master brother Sun Wukong, who has always jumped away, fell into a death-like silence.

How can it be forgotten.

Five hundred years under the Five Finger Mountain.

That monkey who is more domineering and more majestic than him, I am afraid that he will also not be able to escape this fate, right?


With his temperament, how could he become what he is now.

However, Sun Wukong was a little curious.

If that Monkey King was exactly like him, how could he be qualified to be on the miserable list of the ten thousand worlds?

That Monkey King’s body.

What exactly happened?

Sun Wukong set his gaze on the picture.

The screen continues.

The Monkey King of that world met a dryad.

The dryad lets the Buddha know the Monkey King as well.

But Sun Wukong didn’t know her at all.

He even wanted to beat her to death with a stick in exchange for the merit promised by the Heavenly Court.

The dryad was very sad, and his face was full of miserable laughter.

He said that he had waited for five hundred years, but he did not expect that what he was waiting for would die in his hands.

That laughter.

Let Sun Wukong’s muddy brain seem to be touched by something.

The whole person stood in place, gradually frozen.

A moment later.

He let the Buddha wake up all of a sudden.

Striding towards Tang Monk and the others.

And then without saying a word.

A stick shattered the Tang monk’s head.


Heavens and worlds.

There was a dead silence.

And then.

Frying pan up.

“Lying groove, lying groove, lying groove, what the hell is going on, why did you burst that monk’s head without saying a word? Isn’t that monk his master? “-Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“Hey, the master of the yarn, look at the monk’s appearance before, if anyone dares to shout like Uncle Long, Uncle Long will have to burst his dog’s head all of a sudden, but it’s really confused, what happened, it’s just curious to die!” – Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“Lying groove, no matter what happened, it can only be said that it is a ruthless monkey, and it directly bursts his head, cowhide!” – Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“Dead life, Tang Sanzang was killed by his apprentice’s stick, Buddha come and take a look, the westward journey to get the scriptures is lost!” – Journey to the West, Golden-winged Roc.

“…”-Journey to the West Tang Sanzang.

“…”-Journey to the West is like Buddha.

Journey to the West.

The group of people in the westbound team were also stunned.

And then.

Zhu Bajie, Tang Monk, and Little White Dragon all looked at Sun Wukong with strange eyes.

The Tang monk looked terrified and said, “Wukong, you won’t kill the master, right?” ”

Monkey King: “…”

And next.

As the picture keeps changing.

Everyone finally knew what was going on.


Five hundred years ago, after Sun Wukong fought with the Heavenly Court twice, he directly fought the Heavenly Court.

This is the scene that everyone saw at the beginning.

And in that battle.

Sun Wukong’s words became a rumor, and he really never returned.

Although at the beginning, countless Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Soldiers would be beaten by him and fled, and even killed by him into the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, frightening the Jade Emperor to flee in a hurry.

But in the end, the Jade Emperor invited Buddha Rulai.

As a result, Sun Wukong was pierced with a pipa bone and tied to the demon beheading platform.

Five thunders hit the top.

Cramps pickpockets.

Heavenly Court tried his best, but failed to kill Sun Wukong.

Until Guanyin brought a fairy.

Her name is Zixia.

In his previous life, he was a squirrel on Huaguo Mountain, who accompanied the unborn Monkey King day and night, standing on his stone tire to watch the sunset.

This life is the first woman that Sun Wukong fell in love with.

Guanyin said.

Sun Wukong is a natural stone monkey, as long as the heart does not die, he will never die.

She asked Zixia to say something that would make Goku die.

Zixia agreed.

Because her love for Goku is far less deep than Goku’s love for her.

It was impossible for her to rebel against the Heavenly Court for the sake of Sun Wukong, and she didn’t have that kind of courage.

He also saw that Goku did not die and would always be tortured.

He said ruthlessly to let Goku die.

And Goku really died because of Zixia’s desperate love, and when his heart died, he really died.

It was only at this time that Goku’s hand was released, and the handkerchief belonging to Zixia fell from his hand, and Zixia was greatly touched and truly fell in love with him.

But Goku is dead.


Taishang Laojun shouted and threw Sun Wukong into the gossip furnace, saying that he was a heaven and earth spirit object, and he wanted to use his body to practice a furnace of great medicine.

But no one expected it.

By mistake, Sun Wukong was resurrected.

However, the resurrection is the beginning of greater misfortune for Sun Wukong.

They threw Sun Wukong into the most terrifying Five Prisons Mountain, causing Sun Wukong to be tortured inhumanly.

Then, while he was tormented, Guanyin Bodhisattva and the Golden Cicada put a tight curse on him.

This is a magic weapon specially refined for him in order to make him an obedient pawn.

After bringing it, he will forget all the people in the past.

I don’t remember that I was the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain.

I don’t remember that I was a majestic Qi Tian Great Sage.

I don’t remember that I once beat the gods and Buddhas.

I don’t remember that I used to make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace.

He will only remember that his name is Monkey King.

He will only remember himself as a sinner.

He will only remember that he needs to kill demons to atone for his sins.

He will only remember that he can be free if he only does three things for the Heavenly Court.

Throughout his life, he will work hard to accomplish these three things.

These three things.

The first is to protect the Tang monk Xitian from the scriptures.

The second thing is to kill the four demon kings who are extremely evil, and these four demon kings are the Pingtian Great Saint Bull Demon King of Xihe Niuzhou, the Great Saint Peng Demon King of Beiju Luzhou, the Tongtian Great Saint Macaque King of Nanzhan Buzhou, and the Qitian Great Saint Monkey King of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

When he killed the Qi Heaven Great Saint Monkey King of the Dongsheng Divine Continent, he could go to the heavens, and then those people would tell him what the third thing was.

He was about to be free.


See here.

Heavens and worlds.

It’s already dead silence.

Everyone was shocked by the shamelessness and cruelty of the Heavenly Court and Xitian.

I was also shocked by the tragic fate of this domineering monkey.

This moment.

They finally knew why this monkey could be on the miserable list of ten thousand worlds.

“Lying groove, lying groove, lying groove, it’s simply miserable, isn’t it? Uncle Long, I vomited, what kind of shit Heavenly Court and Xitian are too ruthless, right? I can’t afford to mess with it! “-Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“What shit immortal, this is also worthy of being called a fairy? Is it really not necessary to have any virtue, who is stronger? And that Taishang Laojun, I vomited, look at the body of Sun Wukong to give him pleasure, there is no other meaning, just think that this is simply the one who smears the god! “-Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“It’s miserable, it’s just too miserable, it’s just enough to protect the Tang monk Xitian to learn the scriptures, but he can kill the four demon kings, the bull demon king, the peng demon king, and the macaque king, these are all the brothers of the monkey, fight with him against the heavenly court, let the monkey kill them with his own hands, ruthless!” – Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

“The most ruthless thing is to kill the Dongsheng Shenzhou Qi Tian Great Saint Beautiful Monkey King, isn’t this just letting the monkey kill himself? I have never seen such a ruthless, really playing monkeys as monkeys! Feel sorry for me monkey! – Immortal Sword World Li Xiaoyao.

“Originally, I thought that the clown was the worst existence in this world, but now it seems that the clown is simply kind and cute.” – DC World Batman.

“There is Yang Jian in the front, there is the Great Sage in the back, this Heavenly Court, this Western Heaven, this Immortal, Xiaoye hehe.” – Demon Boy Which Whoops the World.

And Journey to the West.

Sun Wukong was already trembling with anger.


Zhu Bajie and the sand monk are both silent.

The Tang monk kept chanting Amitabha Buddha, looking at Sun Wukong’s gaze dodging with fear in his eyes.


That Monkey King is not this Monkey King.

Many things don’t happen in this world.


Sun Wukong was also pressed by the Buddha under the mountain for five hundred years.

Sun Wukong was also reincarnated by him, the golden cicada, and tricked into bringing a tight curse.

“Lao Sun, or Lao Sun? Tell me, is this tightening curse on your head the same as the tightening curse? ”

Sun Wukong grabbed the Tang monk’s neck collar, and his face already showed a fierce look.

Although many things in this world do not happen.

But from that Monkey King’s experience, he also saw a lot of things.

Although the means are not so cruel and cold.


The Buddha Gate was also plotting against him for a long time!

Five hundred years ago.

Just plotting against him!

The same treat him as a pawn!

The pawns of Buddhism.

The chess pieces of the Western Heavenly Scriptures.


It may not be that you will not unload the mill and kill the donkey.

More critically.

Think about yourself five hundred years ago, think about who you are now.

How much stronger is he than that monkey?

In the past, he was Sun Dashen.

Right now.

Which immortal did you see not to accompany the smiling face? Servile?

Is he Sun Wukong, or Sun Wukong?

“He is the Monkey King, he is the Great Sage of Qi Heaven, he is the monkey who jumped out of the stone and dared to swing his stick to the sky, but he is not the Monkey King, please call him the Great Sage!”

Sun Wukong muttered Ye Yan’s comments on that Sun Wukong, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

“Senior brother, don’t be impulsive, you can’t afford to provoke them.”

Zhu Bajie, finally said the truth.

In fact, as a marshal of the canopy, how could he really be an idiot?

How could water reach that level?

But even if you see through it, you don’t say it thoroughly.

However, looking at the experience of Sun Wukong in the video, especially the experience of the eight precepts, it is similar to him not to say it, they are all pawns of the Heavenly Court, and they are all pawns of the Buddha Gate.

In order for him to put this pawn in place.

He found a random reason and turned him from a canopy marshal into a lowly pig demon.

In his heart, how can he not have hatred?

“It turns out that Lao Sha and I are also a pawn.”

The sand monk also showed a bitter smile.

As a roller curtain general, the Jade Emperor’s personal bodyguard, inexplicably because of a little thing, he was demoted to the mortal world and became a monster.

He couldn’t figure it out all the time.

Now, he finally understood.

He is no different from Sun Wukong.

In his heart, a wave of resentment rose.

Involuntarily clenched his fists.


Journey to the West.

In the Heavenly Court.

The Jade Emperor was expressionless.

But all the immortal gods did not dare to breathe.

Everyone can see the anger in His Majesty’s eyes.

This anger naturally did not go towards Ye Yan, and he did not dare to go towards Ye Yan.


“If you come to the Buddha, aren’t these things all forced by the Buddha to do?”

“When the monkey demon was born, clairvoyance had already discovered it, but Xu He once took it to heart, and at that time Xu said, just a demon monkey, let him go.”

“What is he going to do with the Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain again, what is Guan Xuan? There are many demon kings in this world, and each of them has a mountain to claim the king’s hegemony, and the one who is in charge is coming? ”

“It wasn’t that the Buddha took a fancy to his origin and ability, and he only forced him to fight several times.”

“At that time, Xu was just a newcomer to the Daluo Golden Immortal, but the demon monkey didn’t know where to learn a skill, and even Xu had to be jealous, how could he be willing to provoke him?”

“And that marshal of the canopy and the general of the roller curtain, they are both the confidants of my heavenly court, and the general of the curtain has been guarding Xun’s side day and night for millions of years, how can Xu be demoted to the mortal world to become a monster for the slightest little thing?” Xu is not so wolf-hearted and dog-lung. ”

“But I have to do it, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Monk, they are all handpicked by the Buddha Gate, the western heavens are powerful, and the Buddha has entered the quasi-holy realm with half a foot, what can I do?”

“But if the Heavenly Court can compete with the Buddha Gate, how can Xu be willing to be his puppet?”

“At the beginning, I shouted that I would go to the Western Heaven to invite Buddha, I am afraid that after hundreds of millions of years, I will be laughed at.”

The more the Jade Emperor spoke, the more he held back.

The more you talk about it, the more angry you get.

The coercion of a quasi-saint has been involuntarily released.

The Heavenly Court Immortals were breathless.

And this His Majesty’s gaze is looking far to the west, his eyes are cold.

Perhaps, it’s time to make a break.

The most critical is.

He was a little prodded.

Sun Wukong is on the list.

Although not their Monkey King.

But who can guarantee that there is any connection between these Monkey Kings?

Moreover, the seniors let him be on the list, but I was afraid that Sun Wukong also entered the eyes of the seniors.

So words.

He had to give an explanation to Sun Wukong.

Just when the Jade Emperor was pondering how to give Sun Wukong an explanation.

on video.

The play is not over yet.

It turned out that it was only Goku’s past body that came to his senses.

And the current body with the tightening curse is still just muddled.

Even in order to save the Tang monks, he went to heaven and earth.

I’ll go to the Dragon Palace for help.

One will go to the prefecture for help.

Just to complete the task given to him by the Heavenly Court and protect the Tang monk Xitian from the scriptures, he also had to complete this task, and then go to kill the Qi Tian Great Sage.

Just when Wukong, who was wearing a tight curse, was busy saving the Tang monk.

The past body once again hit the heavenly court.

Just like five hundred years ago.

None of the gods and Buddhas in the sky are their opponents.

They were all beaten to the head, and blood stained the air.

Even in the end, he waved the golden hoop rod and directly stabbed a hole in the sky.

Then burst out laughing.

“I want to hear the weeping of heaven.”

“I want to hear God’s cry.”

“I know God will be angry.”

“But did you know that the sky trembles too?”

“When the firmament shakes, I laugh out loud.”

“Wave the Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod and hit it upside down.”

“Ten thousand years from now, you will remember my name.”

“Qi Tian Great Saint !!!”

The four words of Qi Tian Great Sage continued to echo throughout the Heavenly Court.

All the immortal Buddhas trembled.

Between heaven and earth.

There is only one monkey who stands proudly!

Just like five hundred years ago.

That majestic and domineering monkey!

“Lying groove, groove, great saint is awesome !!!” – Vindictive Continent Xiao Huo.

“Ahhhhh – Immortal Sword World Li Xiaoyao.

“Xiao Ye has never admired anyone in his life, but today, Xiao Ye, I admire you, Great Sage! Qi Tian Great Sage! “-The Demon Boy Who is the world.

“Ten thousand years from now, you will all remember my name, Qi Tian Great Sage! That’s awesome! Uncle Long, my blood is boiling! Great Saint Bull! “-Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“Blood is stirring! Fierce and intense! I serve you Ye Hei! “-Dark turbulent world Ye Hei.

“Hahahaha, it really deserves to be the strong man of my Fighting God Ape clan, and the ancestor is awesome!” – Holy Prince of the Dark Turbulent World.

“Lying groove, what is the situation upstairs, boasting that the world recognizes the ancestors? Cow B Cow B! “-Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

The whole heavens and realms.

All set on fire.

Countless people were chanting the name of Qi Tian Great Sage.

But then.

All the excitement turned into deep regret.

Monkey King, who wears a tight curse, is tricked into donning the golden chain mail of yesteryear, and is then told that the time has come for him to complete his second mission.


It was the demon king called Qi Tian Great Sage.

Just kill him.

That is, merit is immeasurable, and freedom can be expected.


He carried the golden hoop rod, rushed out, and fought with the majestic and domineering monkey in the sneers and ridicule of those immortals.

Sun Wukong vs. Qi Tian Great Sage.


Such as the arrival of the Buddha.

The majestic and domineering monkey that suppressed again.

“Goku, kill him!”

Buddha smiled.


Goku kills the Great Saint.

Right at this moment.

The fairy who made Goku’s eyes familiar walked out, she looked at Goku, and then at the dead Great Saint on the ground.

Goku thought she had come looking for herself.

But she ignored his outstretched hand.

Walked to the dead Great Sage, picked up the body of the Great Sage, and jumped into the fire.

Goku looked stunned.

And then.

It was as if his head had exploded.

Countless memories suddenly flooded into his mind.

He understood everything.

And then.

He stepped on the clouds and soared into the sky.

“Great Sage, what do you want to do here?”

“Step into the southern sky, break Lingxiao.”

“If you don’t go back…”

“I’ll never go back!”

This time.

He really didn’t come back.

After a long time.

In the raging fire.

The ugly dryad appears, searching for Goku’s body in the middle of the battlefield.


She found only one stone.

In the mind.

Her first meeting with him emerged.


She is a fairy who picks peaches.

And he is the great saint who steals peaches.

He stole peaches.

She cried.

After knowing that he was the vicious Qi Tian Great Sage, she fled in panic.

Goodbye, it’s already the Peach Conference.

The Queen Mother wants to beat her into the mortal world.

He stepped up and protected her.

Later, he was thrown into Lao Jun’s alchemy furnace.

She was relegated to the mortal world, stripped of her face, and became an ugly dryad.

Thinking about that.

She wept silently.

Holding the stone that still had a residual temperature, he returned to Huaguo Mountain.

She placed the stone on the top of the mountain.

Just like a thousand years ago, when he was not yet born.

The picture goes dark.

Leave only one line of text.

[Sixth place among the top ten tragic figures in the heavens and realms – Great Saint, World, Wukong]

Heavens and worlds.

There was silence.

Countless people had already blurred their eyes with tears.

All the heavens and all worlds, tears for it.

“Isn’t the Great Sage too miserable? Strongly request seniors to change their lives for the Great Saint!!! “-The Demon Boy Who is the world.

“Support upstairs, my Uncle Long is willing to contribute to the Great Sage!” – Mutant Heavenly Dao World Dragon Master.

“With support, I feel that the Great Saint is worse than Yang Jian!” – Vindictive boss Xiao Huo.

“It’s miserable, it’s really miserable, lying in the groove, my Bai Xiaochun is really insightful, the Heavenly Court, the West Heaven, it’s really dark!” – Eternal World Bai Xiaochun.

Countless people talked about it.

Countless people sighed.

Whether it was Yang Jian or the Great Sage, it was beyond the imagination of many people.

Journey to the West.

Sun Wukong had already grabbed the golden hoop rod in his hand, trembling all over.

He in another world.

The one that actually fell.

Especially when I saw the dryad named A Yao, holding his stone, and placing it on the top of Huaguo Mountain.

He felt like his whole body was about to explode.

The depression exploded.

Think again about your own experience.

Finally couldn’t hold back any longer.

Let out a roar.


His whole body soared into the sky.

Go straight to Jiuxiao.


The voices of Zhu Bajie and Sha Monk came.

“Great Sage, what do you want to do here?”

“Step into the southern sky, break Lingxiao!”

“If you don’t go back…”

“I’ll never go back!”

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